ellauri051.html on line 381: Blow, trumpeter, free and clear--I follow thee, Soita Trump, kovaa ja korkealta -- mä seuraan sua,
ellauri051.html on line 391: Blow again, trumpeter! and for my sensuous eyes, Töräytä taas, Trump! ja näytä mun maistisilmille
ellauri051.html on line 405: Blow again, trumpeter! and for thy theme, 30 Puhalla taas, Trump! ja sun sävelmä
ellauri051.html on line 422: Blow again, trumpeter--conjure war's Wild alarums. Puhallappa taas, Trump -- näytä siirtomaasotiemme hullutuxet,
ellauri067.html on line 77: Suomalainen.com. Hullu-Jussin äiti oli kova suomalainen commari. Sillä oli pettuleivänpala vankileirimatkamuistona. Pirun työläiset nyysivät esineitä, varastivat laseja. Kuukerin Nelli teki lasikukon. Lasinpuhallus on maailman vanhimpia ammatteja. Railin oli vielä vanhempi. Huorankin on tiedettävä paikkansa. Se yx paikka nimittäin. Blow job, puhallus ja imutus. Lasiin sylkeminen on Nooan ajoilta. Historiallista triviaa, nice to know.
ellauri155.html on line 914: Blow what winds would, the ancient truth was mine, Sama puhalsiko tuuli, vanha totuus oli mulla,
ellauri243.html on line 173: All The Slang Ways To Say Blowjob
ellauri243.html on line 177: 1. Addressing the court 2. BJ 3. Bagpiping 4. Basket lunch 5. Beej 6. Blowie 7. Blowing the love whistle 8. Bobbing for apples 9. Bone-lipping 10. Buccal onanism 11. Brentwood hello 12. Charming the snake 13. Climbing the corporate ladder 14. Cock-gobbling 15. Copping a doodle 16. Courting the gay vote 17. Drinking a slurpee 18. Dropping on it 19. Earning your keep 20. Essin’ the dee 21. Face-frosting 22. Fellatio 23. Fluting 24. French abortion 25. Gator mouth 26. Getting a facial 27. Getting a lewinsky 28. Getting a throat culture 29. Getting to the cream filling 30. Giving cone 31. Giving face 32. Giving head 33. Gobbling pork 34. Going down 35. Gumming the root 36. Punching 37. Giving Big Jim and the twins a bath 38. Giving brain 39. Giving head 40. Gum-rooting 41. Gumming the green bean 42. Head job 43. Honkin’ bobo 44. Huffing bone 45. Hummer 46. Interrogating the prisoner 47. Kneeling at the altar 48. Knob job 49. Larking 50. Laying some lip 51. Licking the lollipop 52. Making mouth music 53. Making the blind see 54. Meeting with Mr. One-Eye 55. Mouth-fucking 56. Mouth-holstering the nightstick 57. Mouth-milking 58. Mouth-to-junk resuscitation 59. Opening wide for Dr. Chunky 60. Oral sodomy 61. Peeling the banana 62. Penilingus 63. Piston job 64. Playing pan’s pipes 65. Playing the pink oboe 66. Playing the skin flute 67. Pole-smoking 68. Polishing the trailer hitch 69. Pricknicking 70. Protein milkshake 71. Receiving holy communion 72. Respecting your superiors 73. Sampling the sausage 74. Scooby-snacking 75. Secretarial duties 76. Singing to the choir 77. Skull-buggery 78. Skull-fucking 79. Slobbin’ the knob 80. Smiling at Mr. Winky 81. Smoking the pink pipe 82. Smoking pole 83. Southern France 84. Speaking into the bonophone 85. Speaking low genitals 86. Spit-shining a baseball bat 87. Spraying the tonsils 88. Sucking off 89. Sucky-ducky 90. Suck-starting the Harley 91. Swallowing the baloney pony 92. Sword-wwallowing 93. Taking one’s temp with a meat thermometer 94. Talking into the mic 95. Telling it to the judge 96. Waxing the carrot 97. Worshiping at the altar 98. Wringing it dry 99. Yaffling the yogurt cannon 100. Zipper dinner
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 148: Blow: What it says - unless it is an archaic version of "bloom" as suggested in another answer. I'll let the rest of my post stay for reference.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 246: Blowing in the wind. Mary on kolmikosta silmiinpistävästi miehekkäin. Ei ihme että pedofiilit pelkäsivät sitä.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 607: Blown up between the morning and the mist,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 707: Blows and corrupts their work with barren breath.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1262: Blown, and behold no flash of swift white feet.