ellauri045.html on line 726: Saarella asuneet ihmiset rakensivat kammion Temppelin alle, jossa savuhirviö oleskeli. Kammiossa olevista hieroglypheistä päätellen he uskoivat hirviön olleen saaren vartija. Kun Black Rock -laiva saapuu saarelle vuonna 1867, savuhirviö tappaa laivan miehistön lukuun ottamatta Richardia. Mies yrittää huijata Richardin tappamaan Jacobin, mutta Jacob vakuuttaa Richardin liittymään neuvonantajakseen.
ellauri046.html on line 464: Coma Berenices is not a large constellation, yet it contains a number of famous deep sky objects, among them the Black Eye Galaxy (Messier 64), Messier 98, Messier 99, Messier 100, the globular cluster Messier 53, the Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565) and the Coma Cluster of galaxies. It also contains the northern part of the Virgo cluster of galaxies.
ellauri048.html on line 702: Saul Bellowin alter ego Gene Henderson tiesi että monet Lähi-Idän prinssit oli saaneet amerikkalaisen koulusivistyxen. Se ei tajunnut miten niistä oli tullut niin verenhimoisia, vaikka niille oli opetettu The Village Blacksmith ja "sweet Alice and laughing Allegra". Häh? Osoittautuu et nää on Longfellowia. Longfellow oli seppoilun armoitettu runoseppo, nää runot opetetaan jenkkikakaroille vieläkin.
ellauri048.html on line 760: The Village Blacksmith
ellauri048.html on line 820: Tämän runon ja muita pitkän häiskän runoja käänsi espanjaksi kolombialainen poeetta Rafael Pombo. Useissa haastatteluissa baseballinpelaaja ja manageri Billy Southworth on maininnut että sen isä luki tätä runoa sille niin usein pienenä, niin että Billy oppi sen ulkoa, ja se on usein inspiroinut sitä aikuisena. Useita lainauxia runosta esiintyy väliruuduissa Buster Keatonin 1922 mykkäelokuvassa The Blacksmith (1922). Vuonna 1938 Tommie Connor, Jimmy Kennedy, and Hamilton Kennedy tekivät siitä koomisen laulu-ja tanssinumeron, jota Glenn Miller lauloi 1990 filmissä Memphis Belle. Repe Sorsa siteeraa siitä pätkän 1953 piirretyssä Duck Amuck. Notta ei se ihan hukkiin mennyt.
ellauri051.html on line 798: 219 Blacksmiths with grimed and hairy chests environ the anvil, 219 seppiä tahraisilla ja karvaisilla arkuilla alasin ympärillä,
ellauri051.html on line 1542: 939 Black and impassive guns, litter of powder-parcels, strong scent, 939 Mustat ja välinpitämättömät aseet, roskajauhepaketti, voimakas tuoksu,
ellauri054.html on line 525: Roopen isä oli pankkivirkailija. Sen isoisä oli orjanomistaja Saint Kittsillä Länsi-Intiassa, ja isoäiti, Margaret Tittle, oli kreoli. Sixköhän se oli Browning? Ei sentään Blacking. Sixe varmasti oli kuten isänsä abolitionistikin.
ellauri061.html on line 705: Se oli mm. Freudin ja Marxin lemppari. Oikea nimi oli Dekker. 2 kättä ja Black & Dekker. Phil Dekker, Jerry Cottonin kartturi.
ellauri063.html on line 440: Luin Volvoa ohjaavalle muusalle Hamletin spoilerin Wikipediasta just ton Yorickin takia. Yorick esiintyi, muistettaneen, myös huonojen tilanteiden miehen apulaisena Black Adder-skezissä. Näytätpä huonovointiselta Jori, loputtoman läpän mies, sanoo Hamlet jaxossa 5 sen pääkopalle.
ellauri067.html on line 386: Hop Harrigan (also known as The Guardian Angel and Black Lamp) is a fictional character published by All-American Publications. He appeared in American comic books, radio serials and film serials. He was created by Jon Blummer, andwas a popular hero originally through the 1940s, during the events of World War II.
ellauri067.html on line 389: Shortly after the war, the character appears for a while under the alias the Black Lamp.
ellauri069.html on line 224: Fisk, Jubilee Jim (1834-1872) 285; Known popularly as the "Barnum of Wall Street" and "Jubilee Jim," Fisk was one of the most outrageous figures of the Gilded Age. The most notorious plot of Fisk's short career was the attempt to corner the gold market during 1868 and 1869. Fisk's and Jay Gould's effort collapsed when President U.S. Grant intervened to halt the Black Friday scandal. Fisk brazenly refused to honor his contracts, leaving thousands ruined.
ellauri070.html on line 426: Stephen Collins Foster (4. heinäkuuta 1826 – 13. tammikuuta 1864) oli yhdysvaltalainen lauluntekijä, joka tunnetaan ”amerikkalaisen musiikin isinä”. Monet hänen kappaleistaan ovat kansanlaulunomaisia ja niissä on vaikutteita Yhdysvaltojen etelävaltioiden musiikista, vaikka Foster ei itse asunut koskaan etelävaltioissa. Hänen laulunsa, kuten ”Oh! Susanna”, ”Camptown Races”, ”My Old Kentucky Home”, ”Old Black Joe”, ”Beautiful Dreamer” ja ”Old Folks at Home” (”Swanee River”), ovat suosittuja vielä nykyäänkin. Tää on jo ainaskin toinen Amer. musan isi. Vanhempi vielä kun se jutku joka teki Dog bless American.
ellauri071.html on line 127: Had the Germans invaded Britain, Coward was scheduled to be arrested and killed, as he was in The Black Book along with other figures such as Virginia Woolf, Paul Robeson, Bertrand Russell, C. P. Snow and H. G. Wells.
ellauri071.html on line 226: Connecticutin sepänsälli Jerry Cotton oli tollanen G-mies, ja sen urbaanimpi kakkosmies Phil Decker. Ei mikään Black and Decker toki, vaan ranskalaista sukua.
ellauri073.html on line 275: Quickly on your attacks on Wallace's writing style, I will mention that -- contrary to your rather baffling notions -- people did enjoy Infinite Jest and other works of his. They will continue to do so for decades. Listen Fartey: his work will live on. People recognize great writing wherever it materializes. Forget your distaste of footnotes, or your struggle in understanding the themes and ideals his work encompasses. His audience is clearly beyond you, so try to see that not everyone feels the same as you. You don't have to like his writing, but when you detract from it it makes it even more apparent that you are the lesser man. Your comments on Foster's writing ability led me to some of your other articles, and to be completely honest, it wasn't all bad. I genuinely enjoyed your "Fucking vs. Making Love" poetry bit, although it did seem like a cheap knockoff of Black Coffee Blues. Regardless, I can still acknowledge that the piece had its moments. However (and this is where I want you to pay attention you tub of lard), the piece can also be slammed in several areas. This is highly important, as we can see the parallels between this aspect of "Fucking vs. Making Love" and anything David Foster Wallace wrote. When it comes down to it, your writing can be criticized stylistically and formatically just like his can; the only difference is that there are few that actually give a shit about your writing, whereas Wallace's work is meaningful to the point where people have legitimate incentive to think critically about it. So defile it with your petty blog posts all you want, but at the end of the day you're the one who's only making yourself look bad, and as a heavily obese man based in Europe you are surely having few problems achieving this in the status quo, since Europeans are notably fatist.
ellauri074.html on line 229: Black wealthy gorilla
ellauri088.html on line 569: Blackmailing.—The proper course to pursue.—Selfish boorishness of river-side landowner.—“Notice” boards.—Unchristianlike feelings of Harris.—How Harris sings a comic song.—A high-class party.—Shameful conduct of two abandoned young men.—Some useless information.—George buys a banjo.
ellauri096.html on line 751: Eli elämä ja teoxet -menetelmään paluu ei käy päinsä, Juotikas! Uskottavuuden rajoja koettelee myös kirjan toteamus siitä, että Anu edellisenä syxynä (siis alle 12-vuotiaana) oli "tullut lukaiseexi" Frantz Fanonin teoxen Black skin, white masks, joka on yxi uraauurtavista tutkielmista koskien psykopatologian kolonialistisia vaikutuxia. (Lähde: Wikipedia)
ellauri098.html on line 353: Koskaan ei käydä paskalla -klishee särkyy Black is new orange sarjassa. Kirjallisuudessa sitä oli särkemässä mm. koprofiili Joyce, joka kuvaa aika tarkkaan käteenvetoa Ulyssexessa.
ellauri098.html on line 444:
Alexanteri Suuri, Rowan Atkinson, Sirius Black, Bugs Bunny, Borat, Samuel Butler, Julia Child, John Cleese, Wile E. Coyote, Celine Dion, Thomas A. Edison, Stephen Fry, Frederico Fellini, Richard Feynman, Ben Franklin, Garfield (president), Garfield (cat), Hugh Grant, Annie Hall, Tom Hanks, Werner Heisenberg, Alfred Hitchcock, David Hume, Katariina Suuri, Henry Kissinger, Karl Lagerfeld, Tyrion Lannister, N.Macchiavelli, J.S. Mill, Karl Popper, Murray Rothbard (laissez-faire), Bertrand Russell, Babe Ruth, R2-D2, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Frank Zappa
ellauri101.html on line 676: Grunge oli sen Kurt Cobain vainajan juttuja joka lässähti kun Kurre teki seppukun. Seattlen vaihtoehtorokkia. Grunge sai paljon vaikutteista hardcore punkista, heavy metalista ja indie rockista. Grungen tunnusmerkeiksi mainitaan usein kitaran ”likainen” soundi, raskas rummutus ja masennusta ilmentävät sanoitukset, jotka heijastelivat yhdysvaltalaisen ”X-sukupolven” tuntemuksia. Grungen musiikillisina edelläkävijöinä ja esikuvina on pidetty muun muassa Black Sabbathia ja Neil Youngia.
ellauri102.html on line 479: The Problem: During the time the advert was released, there were many protests and riots taking place in America over the #BlackLivesMatter campaign. The ad took a lot of “inspiration” from these protests and fundamentally undermined the whole point of the protests. In addition to this, the ad also received a lot of criticism for how Pepsi was responsible for “saving the day.”
ellauri106.html on line 60: Alexandra on tietysti izekin New York Jew. Sen vanhemmat asuu Upper West Sidella, takuulla varakkaita demokraatteja. Ehkä sellasia kuin Orange Is New Blackin vankilamirrin tanakka poikaystävä. Santra kirjoitti mainoxen myös Shtiselin 3. tuotantokaudesta, jota se varovasti kiitteli. Ei se sitten voi olla kokonaan pahakaan. Ehkä se on vaan tyhmä.
ellauri106.html on line 351: That Dylan line was also the title of a position paper distributed at an SDS convention in Chicago on June 18, 1969. This founding document called for a "White fighting force" to be allied with the "Black Liberation Movement" and other radical movements to achieve "the destruction of U.S. imperialism and form a classless communist world".
ellauri106.html on line 359: Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (born Hubert Gerold Brown; October 4, 1943), formerly known as H. Rap Brown, is a civil rights activist who was the fifth chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s. During a short-lived (six months) alliance between SNCC and the Black Panther Party, he served as their minister of justice.
ellauri108.html on line 112: There is no uniform Rasta view on race. Black supremacy was a theme early in the movement, with the belief in the existence of a distinctly black African race that is superior to other racial groups. While some still hold this belief, non-black Rastas are now widely accepted in the movement. Rastafari's history has opened the religion to accusations of racism. Cashmore noted that there was an "implicit potential" for racism in Rasta beliefs but he also noted that racism was not "intrinsic" to the religion. Some Rastas have acknowledged that there is racism in the movement, primarily against Europeans and Asians. Some Rasta sects reject the notion that a white European can ever be a legitimate Rasta. Other Rasta sects believe that an "African" identity is not inherently linked to black skin but rather is about whether an individual displays an African "attitude" or "spirit".
ellauri108.html on line 216: In the 1940s and 1950s, a more militant brand of Rastafari emerged. The vanguard of this was the House of Youth Black Faith, a group whose members were largely based in West Kingston. Backlash against the Rastas grew after a practitioner of the religion allegedly killed a woman in 1957. In March 1958, the first Rastafarian Universal Convention was held in the settlement of Back-o-Wall, Kingston. Following the event, militant Rastas unsuccessfully tried to capture the city in the name of Haile Selassie. Later that year they tried again in Spanish Town. The increasing militancy of some Rastas resulted in growing alarm about the religion in Jamaica. According to Cashmore, the Rastas became "folk devils" in Jamaican society. In 1959, the self-declared prophet and founder of the African Reform Church, Claudius Henry, sold thousands of tickets to Afro-Jamaicans, including many Rastas, for passage on a ship that he claimed would take them to Africa. The ship never arrived and Henry was charged with fraud. In 1960 he was sentenced to six years imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the government. Henry's son was accused of being part of a paramilitary cell and executed, confirming public fears about Rasta violence. One of the most prominent clashes between Rastas and law enforcement was the Coral Gardens incident of 1963, in which an initial skirmish between police and Rastas resulted in several deaths and led to a larger roundup of practitioners. Clamping down on the Rasta movement, in 1964 the island's government implemented tougher laws surrounding cannabis use.
ellauri108.html on line 220: Whereas its membership had previously derived predominantly from poorer sectors of society, in the 1960s Rastafari began attracting support from more privileged groups like students and professional musicians. The foremost group emphasising this approach was the Twelve Tribes of Israel, whose members came to be known as "Uptown Rastas". Among those attracted to Rastafari in this decade were middle-class intellectuals like Leahcim Semaj, who called for the religious community to place greater emphasis on scholarly social theory as a method of achieving change. Although some Jamaican Rastas were critical of him, many came under the influence of the Guyanese black nationalist academic Walter Rodney, who lectured to their community in 1968 before publishing his thoughts as the pamphlet Groundings. Like Rodney, many Jamaican Rastas were influenced by the U.S.-based Black Power movement. After Black Power declined following the deaths of prominent exponents such as Malcolm X, Michael X, and George Jackson, Rastafari filled the vacuum it left for many black youth.
ellauri108.html on line 239: The Bobo Ashanti sect was founded in Jamaica by Emanuel Charles Edwards through the establishment of his Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress (EABIC) in 1958. The group established a commune in Bull Bay, where they were led by Edwards until his 1994 death. The group hold to a highly rigid ethos. Edwards advocated the idea of a new trinity, with Haile Selassie as the living God, himself as the Christ, and Garvey as the prophet. Male members are divided into two categories: the "priests" who conduct religious services and the "prophets" who take part in reasoning sessions. It places greater restrictions on women than most other forms of Rastafari; women are regarded as impure because of menstruation and childbirth and so are not permitted to cook for men. The group teaches that black Africans are God's chosen people and are superior to white Europeans, with members often refusing to associate with white people. Bobo Ashanti Rastas are recognisable by their long, flowing robes and turbans.
ellauri108.html on line 299: As a survivor of genocide in Zimbabwe who went on to build a career as a human rights activist and lawyer on three continents, Moyo was seen not only as an impeccable hire to carry on the museum’s vision but also as a bearer of racial progress for the Jewish community as many of its institutions attempt to increase their diversity. She pledged to use her position to fight racism, especially in the wake of last year’s Black Lives Matter protests.
ellauri108.html on line 453: Because of what they regard as the corruption of the Bible, Rastas also turn to other sources that they believe shed light on black African history. Common texts used for this purpose include Leonard Howell's 1935 work The Promised Key, Robert Athlyi Rogers' 1924 book Holy Piby, and Fitz Balintine Pettersburg's 1920s work, the Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy. Many Rastas also treat the Kebra Nagast, a 14th-century Ethiopian text, as a source through which to interpret the Bible.
ellauri131.html on line 366: the Coople's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Country Soul, the Country Soul Music, the College Soul, Jack Canafield, the Canadian Soul, the Chiropractic Soul, the Christian Family Soul, Jack Canafield, and Nancy Autio (2000), Chicken Coop for the Christian Teenage Soul, Jack Canafield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kirberger, Patty Aubery and Nancy Mitchell-Autio, the Christian Sole, the Christian Sole 2, the Christian Woman's Hole, Christmas Sole, Christmas in Canada, Christmas Magic, Christmas Treasury, Christmas Treasury for Kids, Healthy Living Series: Weight Loss, where Jack combines inspirational stories with medical advice. The Cat-and-Dog Lovers, Count Your Blessings, Create Your Second Best Future, The Mating Game, the Dental Bowl, The Rental Hole, Dieter's Soul, Divorce and Recovery Soul, where Jack combines inspirational stories with legal advice. The Dog Did What? Same as The Cat? The Dog Lovers' Dreams and Premonitions, Chicken Coop for the Entrepreneur's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, for the Empty Hesters, for Every Mom's Horny Son, for the Expectant Mother, Family Matters, Father's Cock, Father and Daughter videos, Father and Son's Holey Camp, Find Your Happiness, Find Your Inner Strength, Find your Arse with both hands, Finding My Faith, Fisherman's Friend, Jack Canafield,
ellauri131.html on line 367: Food and Love, the Gardeners, Jack Canafield and Carol Spurgulewski, The Gift of Christmas, the Girlfriend's Hole, the Girl's Hole, Hole in One, The Golf Book, the Golfer's Hole, Golfer's Pole – The 2nd Round, Jack Canafield, Grand and Great Grandma's Hole: Stories to Honor and Celebrate the Ageless Hole of Grandmothers, into Grandma with Love, the Grandparent's Black Soul, the Grieving Soul, Grieving and Recovery, Happily Ever After, Now Comes the Bride, Hole Sweet Hole, Hole and Miracles, Horse Lovers and Horse Lovers II, the Soul of Hawaii, Jack Canafield, Hooked on Hockey, I Can't Believe My Cat Did That I Can't Believe My Dog Did That Can't Believe my Pole Fit That Indian Teenage Hole, Inspiration for the Young at Heart, Inspect the Body Hole, Jack Canafield, To Inspect a Woman's Hole, Inspection of Nurses, It's Christmas, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Son, Jack Canafield, Rabbi Dov Gabbay (2001), The Joy of Adoption, The Joy of Less Adoption, Just Use Girls, Doing Kids in the Kitchen, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Hole, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Other Hole 2, Jack Canafield, the Latino Soup, the Latter-day Saint, The Laughing Soul (Audio only), Lemons to Lemonade, the Little Holes, Like Mother, Like Daughter, like Granny, Living With Alzheimers and Other Dements, Love Stories: Stories of First Dates, First Figs, Soul Mates, and Everlasting Love, Loving Our Dogs, The Manic Loving of Mothers and Daughters, Making Love in Menopause, Married 3 wives, Merry Christmas, Messages From Heaven, the Military Wife's Hole, Jack Canafield, Miraculous Messages from Heaven, More Miracles Happen in Moms and Sons videos, Into Mom with Love, Mothers and Preschoolers videos, Mother's Hole, Mother's Hole #2, Jack Canafield, the Mother and Daughter Holes, Mother and Son again, The Multitasking Mom's Survival Guide, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog, My Very Good, Very Bad Son, Chicken Coop for the NASCAR jerk, [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing on pohjoisamerikkalainen autourheilujärjestö. Kotimaassaan Yhdysvalloissa sarja on kasvanut suosituimmaksi penkkiurheilulajiksi heti amerikkalaisen jalkapallon jälkeen.] Chicken Soup from the Nature Lover's Bones, from New Mom's Hole, New Mom Chicken Soup for the Networkers, Marketer's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse: Second Dose, Oh Canada The Wonders of Winter, Ocean Lovers, Older and Wiser, the Parents, Mamas and Papas, Planned parenthood, the Preteen Hole, Jack Canafield, The Preteen Hole #2, Power of Gratitude, 1wPower Moms, Power Pet Lovers, The Power of Forgiveness, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Power of The Eye of Sarnath, The Power of The Dark side of The Force, Chicken Coops for Prisoners, Reboot Your Wife, Raising Great Kids, Reader's Digest, Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, Recovering from Reboot, the Romantic Tits, the Scrapbooker's Brain, The Shopkeeper's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Single's Pole, the Single Parent's Hole, the Sister's Hole, the Sister's Hole #2, the Sports Fan's Brain, Stories for a Better Price, The Story Behind the Lyrics, The Surfing Teen-Lover's Soul, Teacher Sales, Teacher's Pole in the Teen's Hole, Teens Taking Pole on Faith, In the Teenage Hole In the Teenage Hole II, Jack Canafield, In the Teenage Hole III (2000),
ellauri135.html on line 227: Leaving in 1853 service at the Bank, Berg turns into a tourist. The ensuing hostilities led him to the southern army, then in Crimea, in Sevastopol, where he served first in the 4th Department of the Treasury, he is in charge of awards, and then was a translator at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, participated in the battle on the Black river, alive and on the bastions during the siege. All this Berg described in "Notes on the siege of Sevastopol", in his "Sevastopol album", which appeared in 1858.
ellauri140.html on line 197: In July 1580, Spenser went to Ireland in service of the newly appointed Lord Deputy, Arthur Grey, 14th Baron Grey de Wilton. Spenser served under Lord Grey with Walter Raleigh at the Siege of Smerwick massacre. When Lord Grey was recalled to England, Spenser stayed on in Ireland, having acquired other official posts and lands in the Munster Plantation. Raleigh acquired other nearby Munster estates confiscated in the Second Desmond Rebellion. Sometime between 1587 and 1589, Spenser acquired his main estate at Kilcolman, near Doneraile in North Cork. He later bought a second holding to the south, at Rennie, on a rock overlooking the river Blackwater in North Cork. Its ruins are still visible today. A short distance away grew a tree, locally known as "Spenser's Oak" until it was destroyed in a lightning strike in the 1960s. Local legend claims that he penned some of The Faerie Queene under this tree.
ellauri146.html on line 739: Blackbirds and the sun of October vislaavia mustarastaita ja lokakuun aurinko
ellauri156.html on line 149: Now somewhere in the Black Mountain Hills of Dakota
ellauri156.html on line 279: Uriah Heep on brittiläinen progressiivinen hard rock -yhtye, joka perustettiin Lontoossa vuonna 1970 ja on edelleen aktiivinen. Nimensä yhtye otti Charles Dickensin romaanissa David Copperfield esiintyvästä samannimisestä viekkaasta ja vastenmielisestä kirjanpitäjästä. Yhtyeen tunnetuimpiin kappaleisiin kuuluvat muun muassa "Easy Livin'", "Lady in Black", "Gypsy", "July Morning" ja "Look at Yourself". Suurinta suosiota se nautti 1970-luvun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla.
ellauri162.html on line 766: Number 2 Wrath James White (born c. 1970), a former world-class heavyweight kickboxer. White is Black. He is saddened by Black Christians.
ellauri162.html on line 770: Number 4 Freudin Square, Iraq war veteran is Black. In his rap songs, he boasts about desecrating Brigham Young’s grave and urinating in a synagogue. Be there or be Square!
ellauri164.html on line 252: Black & Veatch is an employee-owned global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company with a more than 100-year track record of innovation in sustainable infrastructure.
ellauri172.html on line 962: Série de 17 romans (1985-2008) de Andrew Greeley, avec le personnage du père John Blackwood, surnommé Blackie Ryan.
ellauri183.html on line 61: Norman, Richard (2015). "Life Without Meaning?". In A. C. Grayling (ed.). The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. Andrew Copson. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 325–246. ISBN 978-1-119-97717-9.
ellauri190.html on line 103: Many eventually settled to the west of the Black Sea, influencing the politics of Kievan Rus', the Galicia–Volhynia Principality, the Golden Horde Khanate, the Second Bulgarian Empire, the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Hungary, Moldavia, the Kingdom of Georgia, the Byzantine Empire, the Empire of Nicaea, the Latin Empire and Wallachia, with Cuman immigrants becoming integrated into each country's elite. The Cumans also played a prominent role in the Fourth Crusade and in the creation of the Second Bulgarian Empire. Cuman and Kipchak tribes joined politically to create the Cuman–Kipchak confederation.
ellauri190.html on line 239: During the 9th century, “Varangians” (Vikings) began to serve as a kind of Praetorian Guard to the East Roman emperors. Tästä kertoo jännittävästi Mika Waltarin historiallinen romaani Mikael Karvajalka, joka taitaa olla meillä jossakin. To reach the city of Constantinople, they sailed from what today is called the Gulf of Finland up the Neva river to the lakes Ladoga and Ilmen and then to the Western Dvina and the Dnipro, going all the way down to the Black Sea. By the mid-9th century, they settled around and in Kyiv and founded their own dynasty of the descendants of Rurik. A grandson of Rurik, Svyatoslav (Sfendosleif) greatly expanded his realm to the east and south, while his mother Olga (Helga) traveled to Constantinople and was baptized Christian. Svyatoslav’s son, Volodymyr (Waldemar) married a daughter of the Eastern Roman emperor, was baptized, and baptized all his subjects in the year 988. (Back then, the city of Moscow, or the country now known as Russia – Россия – did not even exist, so there!) Over the next centuries, the “Rurikids” gradually lost their Scandinavian identity, marrying women of the Slavic, Hungarian, Greek, and Turkic ethnicities.
ellauri190.html on line 243: By the 11th century, Kyivan Rus was a huge European power. Kyiv was bigger than London or Paris. The city had numerous buildings made of brick, including churches. It also had many private and public bathhouses, like Constantinople (and unlike Western European cities of the time). The realm, stretching from the White Sea to the north to the Black Sea to the south and from the steppes of the Don to the east to what is now eastern Poland to the west, was divided into many feudal fiefs, but the authority of the monarch in Kyiv was nonetheless absolute.
ellauri190.html on line 271: Also, during the 16th century, many thousands of random men, mostly young, robust, and adventure-seeking guys from all over Ukraine (compare today's immigrants), traveled to the lower Dnipro river, where the enormous rapids prevented the movement of battleships up from the Black Sea, and decided to call themselves, say, Kozaks. These Kozaks warriors wanted to defend the Orthodox Christian Ukrainian lands from the attacks of the Ottoman Turks. They founded their own city and fortress, called Sich, on the island of Khortytsya in the middle of the Dnipro river. There, they gathered in summertime, trained, and raided the steppes, fighting the Turkish and the Tatar troops from the Crimea. They also built ships and made sea raids on Istanbul and on Crimean seaports, freeing Christian captives whom the Turks and the Tatars enslaved. In winter, the Kozaks dispersed and lived close to the Dnipro banks as independent owners of their hamlets. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Kozaks became a formidable military force and a kind of a self-governing state with their own elected leaders and laws.
ellauri190.html on line 303: Novorossiya (Russian: Новороссия, tr. Novorossija, IPA: [nəvɐˈrosːʲɪjə] (audio speaker iconlisten); Ukrainian: Новоросія, romanized: Novorosija; Romanian: Noua Rusie, Polish: Noworosja), literally New Russia, is a historical term of the Russian Empire denoting a region north of the Black Sea. In Ukraine the territory was better known as Stepovyna (Steppeland) or Nyz (Lower land). It was formed as a new imperial province of Russia (Novorossiya Governorate) in 1764 from military frontier regions along with parts of the southern Hetmanate in preparation for war with the Ottomans. Bessarabit kazoivat sivusta ja soittelivat Klezmeriä.
ellauri192.html on line 657: "There were several monuments of Czech poetry, but he is (or was) the only surviving one," said Vera Blackwell, who has translated Czech literature, including the plays of Vaclav Havel, into English. "His work is not known world-wide," she said, "but it is known and deeply admired in his own country." Mrs. Blackwell added that Seifert's poetry is difficult to translate "because the sound of the language is intimately connected with the meaning."
ellauri192.html on line 698: The Dnieper River is the fourth longest river in Europe. It runs a total length of 1,368 miles extending from the uplands of Russia’s Valdai Hills where it flows in a southerly direction through western Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine before emptying into the Black Sea. The River is usually divided into three parts; the upper portion reaches as far as Kiev, the middle portion generally refers to the area between Kiev and the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhya, and the lower portion is comprised of the area between Zaporizhzha and the river’s mouth at the Black Sea. Approximately 300 miles of the waterway is located in Russia, 430 miles are in Belarus, and 680 miles within Ukraine. The Dnieper River is significant not only due to its dams which provide hydro power but also for facilitating trade and providing a waterway in which to transport goods to and from various European nations.
ellauri192.html on line 702: The source of the Dnieper River can be traced back to Russia’s Valdai Hills which rise to an elevation of 720 feet. The river originates from a diminutive peat bog located on the hill’s southern slope. This northwestern region of central Russia is located near the city of Smolensk and some 150 miles west of Russia’s capital city, Moscow. The Valdai Hills are located at the intersection of several of the countries key rivers including not only the Dnieper but also the Volga, Lovat, and Daugava. This area also includes the drainage basins of the Black, Caspian, and Baltic Seas.
ellauri194.html on line 333: Orange is the New Black, Bull, Mindhunter, How to Get Away with Murder and Criminal Minds are the only shows with 50% or more female writers.
ellauri194.html on line 337: Many film professionals today still believe that there is no truly equal "Black Hollywood," as evidenced by the "Oscars So White" scandal in 2015 that caused uproar when no black actors were nominated for "Best Actor" Oscar Awards. Prior to the 2016 Oscars, Academy membership was roughly comprised of 92% white voters and 75% male members. We see a direct impact on how the #OscarsSoWhite has created change in this composition. Following the outcry, the Academy instated 41% voters of color and 46% female voters.
ellauri220.html on line 223: Acey Acey is the African American artist working on a project about the Black Panthers. Klara Sax befriends Acey in the summer of 1974.
ellauri220.html on line 336: (US & UK) originally used by Europeans/white people as a pejorative term for a black person. Possibly from Portuguese barracos, a building constructed to hold slaves for sale (1837). The term (though still also used in its original sense) is commonly used today by African or Black Americans towards members of the same race who are perceived to pander/kowtow to white people; to be a 'sellout'; to hate themselves; or to "collud[e] with racism for personal gain." It is often used against black conservatives or Republicans (similar to Uncle Tom and coconut).
ellauri220.html on line 643: Tizzone. Italian word for black person. Literal meaning is burnt. " So lets get this straight, your'e ditsoon, charcoal briquette. Get the ditsoon mug. ditsoon (rude & offensive) Black-skinned person. Etim. "tizzone" in Italian. Literally meaning "ember". " Yo, you! Yeah you! The ditsoon in the white jacket !"
ellauri226.html on line 222: Black residents in The Bronx nearly doubled in 10 years,
ellauri236.html on line 370: Chase wrote No Orchids For Miss Blandish over a period of six weekends in 1938. The novel was influenced by the American crime writer James M. Cain and the stories featured in the Pulp magazine Black Breathing Mask. Although he had never visited America, Chase reportedly wrote the book as a bet to pen a story about American gangsters that would out-do The Postman Always Rings Twice in terms of obscenity and daring.
ellauri262.html on line 63: Kalju nokikepitär on Sandra Dubose, josta tuli mahtavasti motivoiva puhuja huolimatta pälvikaljusta, jolle se ei voinut mitään, se on autoimmuunisairaus nimeltä alopeekia eli pussihukka. Eipäs vaan punahukka. Tai ehkä juuri sixi! Vuonna 2008, laman painaessa, Sandra heitti tupeen rodeen ja ryhtyi Kaljuxi Kauneuskuningattarexi. V 2011 siitä tuli Miss Kalju North Carolina. Eivaan Miss Black North Carolina.
ellauri262.html on line 411: Sayers's first book was poetry and was published in 1916 as OP. by Blackwell Publishing in Oxford. Her second book of poems, "Catholic Tales and Christian Songs", was published in 1918, also by Blackwell.
ellauri264.html on line 415: Norm was seen rambling about Black Lives Matter and making homophobic and racist remarks, using the "n" word with his pants around his ankles (he was wearing soiled shorts underneath). A Black woman sitting in the front row stares at Pattis throughout the nearly eight-minute set, clearly unimpressed. This past year he infuriated the New Haven National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a former ally, by posting a racially charged meme on his Facebook page. The post depicted three hooded white beer cans arrayed around a brown bottle hanging from a string. Its caption: “Ku Klux Coors.” Civil rights activists called it disgusting and racist. Pattis called it funny and free speech.
ellauri264.html on line 452: Black as the pit from pole to pole, Pimeää kuin säkissä navasta varpaaseen,
ellauri266.html on line 81: Black-Spot-1957-1024x764.jpeg" width="50%" />
ellauri269.html on line 351: The Wagner Group reportedly recruited a unit known as the Black Russians from imprisoned UPC rebels in the Central African Republic to fight in Ukraine and Mali. They may end up fighting equally black American mercenaries on the Ukrainian side. Mali voted with Russia, Central Africa abstained.
ellauri269.html on line 414: Blackmoore (tää kynäilijä tykkää moorenimistä) haisee aamullakin viinalta ja sen isä oli ilkeä whistleblower, varmaan siis poikakin. Ja sillä on veltto katamiitti kaveri, ihan vaistomaisesti eklottava limaska. Taretha Foxton näyttää kyllä quite a dishiltä. Arttu on 17v, ei sakkolihaa enää.
ellauri272.html on line 39: 50 shades of Zane
ellauri275.html on line 430: Porukat huusi Tiflisissä miekkarissa "Sukhumi, Sukhumi". Gruusialaiset eivät pidä siitä, että abhaasisepartistit ottaa aurinkoa pyyhkeillä mustanmeren rannaklla venäläisten tuella. Sukhumi or Sukhum (Russian: Суху́м(и), Sukhum(i) [sʊˈxum(ʲɪ)]), also known by its Georgian name Sokhumi (Georgian: სოხუმი, [sɔχumi] (listen)) or Abkhaz name Aqwa (Abkhaz: Аҟәа, Aqwa), is a city in a wide bay on the Black Sea's eastern coast. It is both the capital and largest city of the Republic of Abkhazia, which has controlled it since the Abkhazia war in 1992–93. However, "internationally" Abkhazia is considered part of Georgia. The city, which has an airport, is a port, major rail junction and a holiday resort because of its beaches, sanatoriums, mineral-water spas and semitropical climate. It is also a member of the International Black Sea Club.
ellauri284.html on line 216:
ellauri284.html on line 220: Blackadder Goes Forth on Richard Curtiksen ja Ben Eltonin kirjoittaman BBC:n tilannesarjan Blackadder neljäs sarja, joka esitettiin 28.9.-2.11.1989 BBC1 :llä. Sarja sijoitti toistuvat hahmot Blackadderin, Baldrickin ja Georgen haudoihin Flanderissa ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana ja seurasi heidän erilaisia tuhoon tuomittuja yrityksiään paeta juoksuhaudoista välttääkseen kuoleman kenraali Melchettin harhaanjohtaman komennon alaisena. Sarja viittaa aikansa kuuluisiin henkilöihin ja arvostelee Britannian armeijajohtoa kampanjan aikana, joka huipentui sen viimeisen jakson päättymiseen, jossa sotilaat käsketään suorittamaan vihollislinjojen tappava hyökkäys.
ellauri284.html on line 224: Blackadder Goes Forth tapahtuu vuonna 1917 länsirintamalle ensimmäisen maailmansodan juoksuhaudoissa. Kapteeni Edmund Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) on brittiarmeijan ammattisotilas, joka on suuren sodan puhkeamiseen asti nauttinut suhteellisen vaarattomista tilanteista olemassaolostaan taistelevia alkuperäiskansoja vastaan, jotka olivat yleensä "kaksi jalkaa pitkiä ja aseistettuja kuivatulla ruoholla". Joutuessaan loukkuun juoksuhaudoissa suunnitellun toisen "ison työnnön" aikana, hänen huolensa on välttää hänen lähettämisensä "yli huipulle" varmaan kuolemaan. Sarja kertoo siis Blackadderin yrityksistä paeta juoksuhaudoista erilaisten suunnitelmien kautta, joista suurin osa epäonnistuu huonon onnen, väärinkäsitysten ja tovereiden yleisen epäpätevyyden vuoksi. Yllämainitut toverit ovat hänen toissijainen, idealistinen edvardiaaninen ylemmäs- luutnantti George St Barleigh (Hugh Laurie) ja heidän syvästi tyhmä mutta sitkeä sotamies S. Baldrick (Tony Robinson).
ellauri284.html on line 228: Enemmän kuin saksalaiset, jotka ovat yleensä näkymättömiä, Blackadderin vihollisia ovat hänen esimiehensä, eksentrinen kenraali Melchett (Stephen Fry), joka kokoaa joukkonsa ranskalaisesta linnasta 35 mailin (56 km) päässä edestä, ja Melchettin byrokraattisesta avustajasta, kapteeni Kevin Darling (Tim McInnerny). Vaikka nämä kaksi ovat samanarvoisia, Blackadder kohtelee Darlingia halveksivasti – kun edellinen on etulinjassa, jälkimmäinen "taittaa kenraalin pyjamaa". Heidän vihamielisyytensä on molemminpuolista, mikä johtuu suurelta osin siitä, että Blackadder hyödyntää Darlingin sukuelimen koomista potentiaalia aina kun mahdollista. Vaikka Blackadder ja Darling ovat molemmat kapteeneja, Darlingilla on virka, koska hän on esikunnan upseeri. Tämä on osoitus hänen univormunsa kauluksessa olevista punaisista kielekkeistä ja palvelulakin punaisesta nauhasta.
ellauri284.html on line 230: Blackadder Goes Forth on sävyltään tummempi kuin kolme edellistä Blackadder- sarjaa ja useimmat tilannesarjat, ja se esittää sodanvastaisen viestin. Dialogia leimaa kauttaaltaan satiiriset pohdiskelut sodan luonteesta, sen alkuperästä ja vaikutuksista sodan aikana kärsineisiin sotilaisiin. Ajatus siitä, että sotilaat kärsivät, kun heidän komentajansa pysyivät turvallisen etäällä toimista, viitattiin myös useaan otteeseen, esimerkiksi kun Melchett sanoo Baldrickille: "Älä huolehdi, poikani, jos sinun pitäisi horjua, muista, että kapteeni Darling ja minä ovat takanasi!", johon Blackadder vastaa: "Noin 35 mailia takanasi." Jaksossa "Ruumiillinen rangaistus" kirjekyyhkynen (joka osoittautuu Melchettin lemmikiksi, Speckled Jim) sanomalla: "Kun 50 000 miestä tapetaan viikossa, kuka jää kaipaamaan kyyhkystä?" Tässä jaksossa Blackadder tuomitaan kuolemaan ampumalla teosta, mikä viittaa siihen aikaan voimassa olevien sotalakien mukaan langetettuihin kuolemantuomioihin.
ellauri284.html on line 232: "Private Plane" -sarjassa saatuaan tiedon siitä, että Blackadder ja Baldrick on saatettu kuolla, kun heidät ammuttiin alas saksalaisten linjojen yli, Melchett yrittää piristää Georgea näyttämällä hänelle luonnollisen kokoista mallia (17 neliöjalkaa), jonka britit valtasivat takaisin., kommentti korkeista inhimillisistä kustannuksista ja pienistä fyysisistä hyödyistä, joita sodan keskivuosien hyökkäykset saavuttivat. Myöhemmin samassa jaksossa Blackadder kuvailee suurta sotaa "sodaksi, joka olisi pirun yksinkertaisempi näky, jos pysyisimme Englannissa ja ampuisimme 50 000 omaa miestämme viikossa".
ellauri284.html on line 241: Kenttämarsalkka Douglas Haigiin, jonka käskyjen väitetään johtaneen satoihin tuhansiin brittiläisiin kuolemiin Passchendaelen ja Sommen taisteluissa, viitataan jatkuvasti. Blackadder itse kuvailee Haigin etenemisyrityksiä vain "toiseksi jättimäiseksi yritykseksi siirtää juomakaappinsa kuusi tuumaa lähemmäs Berliiniä" ja Melchettiltä kysyttäessä ehdotuksia joukkojen moraalin parantamiseksi, ehdottaa nauraen Haigin eroa tai itsemurhaa. "Goodbyeee" -elokuvassa kohtaus parodioi Haigin ammatillisia kykyjä kuvaamalla marsalkkaa leikkimässä lelusotilaiden kanssa, jonka hän lakaisee välinpitämättömästi haudosta toiseen ja sitten roskakoriin kuunnellessaan Blackadderin vetoomusta päästä puhumaan suureen puhelimeen. Sommen sotilaspalvelijoista ja rivimiehistä Tolkien tiivisti Sam Gamgin, Frodon uskollisen ja kätevän kumppanin.
ellauri284.html on line 243: Sarja muistelee useita todellisia historiallisia sodan tapahtumia, kuten joulutauon vuonna 1914. Blackadder muistelee tapahtumaa: "Molemmat osapuolet etenivät yhden joulupisun aikana pidemmälle kuin kahden ja puolen seuraavan sodan vuoden aikana." Viitataan myös aikakauden populaarikulttuuriin sekä aiempaan sarjaan. Jaksossa "Private Plane" nähdään Lord Flashheartin ja Bobin hahmojen paluu toisesta sarjan "Bells" -jaksosta sekä myös saksalaisen lentävä ässä, Baron von Richthofen. Kolmannen jakson "Major Star" juonen lanka sisältää Blackadderin vastenmielisyyden mykkäelokuvatähteen Charlie Chapliniin, jota hän pitää "yhtä hauskana kuin saada nuoli kaulan läpi ja sitten huomata, että siihen on sidottu bensalasku". Totta Mooses Rowan, Charlie on täysin huumoriton kaatuilija. Toinen viittaus viitattiin Sudaniin, jonka sodan veteraani Blackadder oli. Toisin kuin brittien messinki, Blackadder näkee brittien liiallisen itseluottamuksen läpi: aikaisemmat voitot jotka tukahduttivat siirtomaakapinat olivat valmistautumista suureen siirtomaasotaan.
ellauri284.html on line 245: Viidennessä jaksossa "General Hospital" viitataan toistuvasti Saksan vastaisiin tunteisiin Britanniassa sodan aikana. Kenraali Melchett käskee Blackadderia selvittämään, mikä on huippusalaisten taistelusuunnitelmien vuodon takana, ja kiinnittää sen välittömästi, vaikkakin virheellisesti, "saksalaiseen vakoojaan" (jonka myöhemmin havaitaan olevan yksi heidän omista omistajistaan). Blackadder kuulustelee kapteeni Darlingia, joka kiihkeästi kiistää olevansa vakooja ja sanoo olevansa "yhtä britti kuin kuningatar Victoria ", johon Blackadder vastaa sarkastisesti: "Joten isäsi on saksalainen, olet puoliksi saksalainen ja menit naimisiin saksalaisen kanssa?"1
ellauri284.html on line 249: Tämän sarjan viimeinen jakso, "Goodbyeee", vaikka olikin uskollinen sarjan tavanomaiselle komediatyylille useimmissa edellisissä kohtauksissa, sisälsi ei-komedisen loppukohtauksen, jossa päähenkilöt (paitsi kenraali Melchett) lähetetään lopulta tuleen. Darling säilyttää jonkin verran toivoa sanoen, että tämä saattaa olla viimeinen taistelu ja historia kirjoitetaan nimellä "Suuri sota, 1914-1917". Huolimatta Baldrikin väitteestä, että hänellä on viimeinen ovela suunnitelma pelastaa heidät uhkaavalta tuomiolta, Blackadder toimittaa viimeisen rivin:
ellauri285.html on line 215: Knut Possen posse käytti ruutia tai taistelukaasua ryssää vastaan jo vanhan vihan alussa 1495. Usan Blackhawk helikopteri on kuin Maserati verrattuna ryssän lentävään kuorma-autoon M17. Ukraina voisi käyttää niitä vaikka 250 jos Usa antaisi.
ellauri299.html on line 173: Shelters are key components of America’s response to homelessness. The unsheltered population has grown yearly since 2015, amounting to a 35 percent increase over a seven-year span. In 2020, The number of people living in poverty in The U.S. of A. increased by approximately 3.3 million people. This trend continued into 2021 when nearly 41.4 million people, or 12.8 percent of the U.S. population, were counted in this group. Certain racial groups have even higher rates of poverty, including Black people (21.8 percent), American Indian and Alaska Native people (21.4 percent), and Hispanics/Latinos (17.5 percent). People living in poverty struggle to afford necessities such as housing, food, and medical care.
ellauri299.html on line 360: Chicagon poliisimellakassa 1968 mätkittiin jo 1500 tyyppiä. Chicagon seizikon oikeudenkäynnistä tuli puhdasta puskafarssia. Huolimatta kaatumisvaarasta Rubin poltti marihuanaa ennen oikeudenkäyntiä. "Minua kivitettiin paljon oikeudenkäynnissä, koska se oli niin täydellistä teatteria – historian eturivin istuin – ja marihuana tehostaa jokaista kokemusta." Hölmö tuomari Hoffman lisäsi vauhtia spektaakkeliin. Tuomari Hoffman määräsi muun muassa, että Black Panther -johtaja Bobby Seale sidotaan, sidotaan ja ketjutetaan tuoliinsa huomattavan osan oikeudenkäynnistä. Olihan se hauskaa aikansa, mutta pitkässä juoxussa yrittäjyys tuo parempaa katetta, tuumi Jerry viisastuttuaan ja rupesi juppiexi. Teit'isäin astumaan.
ellauri301.html on line 292: Terde spent three years in a Rooigrond prison for assaulting a petrol station attendant and for the attempted murder of a Black security guard around 1996. He was released in June 2004. On 3 April 2010, he was hacked and beaten to death on his Ventersdorp farm, allegedly by two of his employees in a dispute over unpaid wages.
ellauri309.html on line 509: Billy Graham varttui maitotilallisen poikana Pohjois-Carolinan maaseudulla. He started to read books from an early age and loved to read novels for boys, especially Tarzan. Like Tarzan, he would hang on the trees and gave the popular Tarzan yell. According to his father, that yelling led him to become a minister. Vuonna 1934 Graham osallistui evankelista Mordecai Hamin kokoukseen ja teki henkilökohtaisen uskonratkaisun. Ham had a reputation for racism and anti-Semitism. He believed and preached on various topics based on classical anti-Semitic canards such as believing Jews had special access to political power and influence and that they represent a subversive social force. The targets for his preaching were often "nebulous rings of Jewish, Catholic or Black conspirators plotting to destroy white protestant America."
ellauri310.html on line 787: Panssarin kuolinsoiton raakkujista huolimatta (Ukrainan sodan vuoksi) säiliövaunujen laituri ei ole läheskään kuollut. Panssarivaunut ovat merkityksellisiä myös tulevaisuudessa keinona lyödä nopeasti vihollislinjojen läpi samalla kun ne käyttävät suuria määriä tulivoimaa esteiden poistamiseksi, olivatpa ne sitten ajoneuvoja, jalkaväkeä, siviilejä tai lasten- korjaan panssarivaunuja. Tästä syystä armeijan tulisi valita teollisuuden peukuttama Abrams X. Sen pitäisi hylätä muut suunnitelmat, ohjata niiden tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen tarkoitetut varat Abramsin tuotantoon ja pyytää sen sijaan teollisuutta valmistamaan jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvo vaikkapa General Dynamic Land Systems firmalta Abrams X:n kaverixi. Armeija voitaisiin myös pakottaa tälle tielle Future Vertical Lift -ohjelmalla, jota varten kuljettajaton Blackhawk helikopteri on nyt ulottuvilla verrattuna täysin uuden alustan jatkuvaan usean miljardin dollarin kehittämiseen.
ellauri315.html on line 373: Mustan sotnian liikkeen elpyminen havaittiin Perestroikan lopussa ja sen jälkeen. Niinpä vuonna 1992 " Muisti" -seuran jäsen Alexander Shtilmark alkoi julkaista "Mustasataa" -sanomalehteä, samalla kun hänen ryhmänsä "Mustasata" erosi "Memory" -seurasta. Vuodesta 2003 lähtien "Orthodox Alarm" on ollut Shtilmarkin johtaman Black Hundred -liikkeen pääjulkaisu. Mustasatoihin kuuluvat vuonna 2005 uudelleen perustettu ”Venäjän kansan liitto”, sanomalehti ”Ortodoksinen Venäjä”, Mihail Nazarovin johtamat organisaatiot, jotka perustettiin Liisa- ryhmän ”Red-Black Hundred” fanien keskuudessa, sekä monet muut pienet organisaatiot.
ellauri322.html on line 248: The publisher of Mary Wollstonecraft's " Thoughts on the Education of Daughters " was the same Joseph Johnson who in 1785 was the publisher of Oowper's " Task." With her little story written and a little money saved, the resolve to live by her pen could now be carried out. Mary Vollstonecraft, therefore, parted from her friends at Bristol, went to London, saw her publisher, and frankly told him her determination. He met her with fatherly kindness, and received her as a guest in his house while she was making her arrangements. At Michaelmas, 1787, she settled in a house in George Street, on the Surrey side of Blackfriars Bridge. There she produced a little book for children, of " Original Stories from Real Life," and earned by drudgery for Joseph Johnson. She translated, she abridged, she made a volume of Selections, and she wrote for an " Analytical Review," which Mr. Johnson founded in the middle of the year 1788. Among the books translated by her was Necker " On the Importance of Religious Opinions." Among the books abridged by her was S:dzmann's " Elements of Morality."
ellauri328.html on line 129: Suum cuique toimii Mustan Kotkan ritarikunnan (saksa: Hoher Orden vom Schwarzen Adler; perustettu vuonna 1701), Preussin kuningaskunnan korkeimman ritarikunnan tunnuslauseena. Motto on edelleen käytössä nazeilla Saksassa – sotilaspoliisin (Feldjäger) tunnuksella ja yhdessä Berliinissä toimivan vapaamuurarien Black Eagle Lodgen (saksaksi: Johannisloge Zum schwarzen Adler) kanssa. Ilmauksen yleinen saksankielinen käännös – Jedem das Seine – kirjoitettiin kyynisesti natsien Buchenwaldin keskitysleirin pääportille, mikä johti siihen, että lause on suosittu taas nyky-Saksassa.
ellauri332.html on line 158: Kirjailija Maxim Gorkyn mieli on ihastuttavan synkkä! Ajattele "Requiem for a Dream" ja "Black Swan". Aronofskyn elokuva "Äiti!" julkaistiin vuonna 2017 polarisoituneiden yleisöjen toimesta. Jotkut ylistivät psykologista kauhua sen monimutkaisesta kerronnasta ja korkeasta tuotantoarvostaan, kun taas toiset pitivät sitä liian vaatimattomana ja groteskina. Edes Hollywood-rakas Jennifer Lawrence pääroolissa ei voinut tukahduttaa kiistaa.
ellauri332.html on line 263: Black Swan seuraa ammattibalerina Ninaa (Natalie Portman), joka yrittää olla paras mahdollinen, kun hän on valittu balettiryhmän Joutsenkuningattareksi. Koko elokuvan ajan Nina kamppailee roolinsa kanssa ja taistelee paitsi itseään myös Lilyä (Mila Kunis) vastaan - lahjakasta balerinaa näyttelevänä Mustana joutsenena. Natalie voitti esityksestään jopa Oscarin. No, siinä se kiista piilee! Monet ovat arvostelleet hänen voittoaan, koska suurimman osan hänen hahmonsa näyttöajasta on esittänyt todellinen balerina, mikä saa monet kyseenalaistamaan, kuinka suuri osa esityksestä voidaan antaa Natalille.
ellauri333.html on line 362: Kastittomien kohtaamaan syrjintään Ambedkar törmäsi jo koulussa. Hän joutui istumaan ulkona jauhosäkillä, joka hänen piti itse tuoda kouluun mukanaan joka päivä, päällä sen sijaan, että olisi saanut istua luokassa. Vettä kastittomille jaettiin siten, että joku ylempään kastiin kuuluva kaatoi sen kuppiin niin korkealta, etteivät kastittomat ja kastiin kuuluvat vahingossakaan koskisi toisiaan tai että kastiton koskisi astiaa, josta vettä kaadettiin. Vettä kaatoi yleensä joku alhaiseen kastiin kuuluva maanviljelijä, josta juontuu Ambedkarin kuuluisa ilmaus "no peon, no water" (ei peonia, ei vettä). Peon (English /ˈpiːɒn/, from the Spanish peón Spanish pronunciation: [peˈon]) usually refers to a person subject to peonage: any form of wage labor, financial exploitation, coercive economic practice, or policy in which the victim or a laborer (peon) has little control over employment or economic conditions. Peon and peonage can refer to both the colonial period and post-colonial period of Latin America, as well as the period after the end of slavery in the United States, when "Black Codes" were passed to retain African-American freedmen as labor through other means.
ellauri335.html on line 305: Black Jack
ellauri335.html on line 307: Black Jack – Musta sileäpintainen kondomi mällisäiliöllä – Valmistusmaa: Japani
ellauri335.html on line 318: värin takia peniksen ulkonäkö Black jackillä huputettuna
ellauri341.html on line 350: Heute wird das Haʿavara-Abkommen von Investigativjournalisten wie Edwin Black und Zionismuskritikern wie Lenni Brenner herangezogen, um eine Interessengemeinschaft von Zionismus und Nationalsozialismus zu belegen. Eine Gegenposition hierzu vertrat Alexander Schölch in seiner Studie Das Dritte Reich, die zionistische Bewegung und der Palästina-Konflikt.
ellauri348.html on line 115: Hindulaiset liittävät toivon usein käsitteisiin halu ja toive. Panohalu on toive päästä hilloviivalle. Jos ei pääse yhtymään naisenpilluun, voi odotella karman pyörän pyörähdystä kunnes pääsee mokshaan eli maailmansieluun yhtymään. Hindujen Afroditella Lakshmilla on neljä kättä ja Black & Decker (tai ehkä 2): dharma, artha, kama, ja moksha, eli vanhurskaus, varallisuus, mielihyvä ja vapautuminen. Tämän kun saan ja vielä toisen, niin enää 3 viidestä puuttuu. Ize asiassa nykytilanteessa kaikki on jo täydellistä, eli mixi rehkiä. No ei tästä tämän enempää, ei tää oikein nazaa länsimaiseen toiveikkuuteen, jossa karman pyörän korvaa tombola. Kaunis jumalatar istuu vaunuissa, leikkisät norsut ilahduttavat häntä kärsillään. Lehmien ja hevosten valtiatar nääs.
ellauri351.html on line 293: Taleb on kirjoittanut Incerton, viisiosaisen epävarmuutta käsittelevän filosofisen esseen, joka julkaistiin vuosina 2001–2018 (erityisesti The Black Swan ja Antifragile). Hän on toiminut professorina useissa yliopistoissa ja työskennellyt riskitekniikan ansioituneena professorina New Yorkin yliopiston Tandon School of Engineeringissä syyskuusta 2008 lähtien. Hän on ollut mukana Risk and Decision Analysis -lehden päätoimittajana syyskuusta 2014 lähtien. Hän on myös toiminut matemaattisen rahoituksen harjoittajana, hedge-rahastojen hoitajana ja johdannaiskauppiaana, ja hän on tällä hetkellä Universal Investmentsin tieteellisenä neuvonantajana. The Sunday Times kutsui hänen vuonna 2007 julkaistua kirjaansa The Black Swan yhdeksi 12 vaikutusvaltaisimmasta kirjasta toisen maailmansodan jälkeen.
ellauri351.html on line 299: Aaron Brown, kirjailija, kvantitatiivinen psykoanalyytikko ja jokapaikan dosentti Yeshivan ja Fordhamin yliopistoissa, sanoi The Black Swan -kirjasta, että "kirja on ikään kuin Taleb ei olisi koskaan kuullut ei-parametrisista menetelmistä, data-analyysistä, visualisointityökaluista tai vankoista arvioista." Siitä huolimatta hän kutsuu kirjaa "olennaiseksi luettavaksi" ja kehottaa tilastotieteilijöitä jättämään huomiotta loukkaukset saadakseen "tärkeitä filosofisia ja matemaattisia totuuksia". Taleb vastasi The Black Swanin toisessa painoksessa, että "Yksi yleisimmistä (mutta hyödyttömistä) kommenteista, joita kuulen, on, että jotkin ratkaisut voivat tulla "vankoista tilastoista". Ihmettelen, kuinka näiden tekniikoiden avulla voidaan luoda tietoa siellä, missä sitä ei ole."
ellauri351.html on line 303: Taleb väittää, että tilastotieteilijät voivat olla pseudotieteilijöitä harvinaisten tapahtumien ja räjähdysten riskeissä ja peittää epäpätevyytensä monimutkaisilla yhtälöillä. Tämä asenne on herättänyt arvostelua: American Statistical Association omisti The American Statistician -lehden elokuussa 2007 ilmestyneen numeron The Black Swanille. Lehti tarjosi sekoituksen ylistystä ja kritiikkiä Talebin pääkohdista, keskittyen Talebin kirjoitustyyliin ja hänen esitykseensä tilastokirjallisuudesta. Clemsonin yliopiston matematiikan professori Robert Lund kirjoittaa, että Black Swan -kirjassa Taleb on "ajoittain holtiton ja joutuu suurenmoisille liioittelemille; ammatillinen tilastotieteilijä pitää kirjaa kaikkialla naiivina". Lund kuitenkin myöntää, että "on monia kohtia, joissa olen samaa mieltä Talebin kanssa", ja kirjoittaa, että "kirja on pakollinen" kaikille "rahoituksesta ja/tai filosofisista todennäköisyyksistä etänä kiinnostuneille".
ellauri351.html on line 305: Taleb ja Nobel-palkittu Myron Scholes ovat vaihtaneet henkilökohtaisiin hyökkäyksiin, erityisesti sen jälkeen, kun Talebin artikkeli Espen Gaarder Haugin kanssa siitä, miksi kukaan ei käyttänyt Black–Scholes–Merton-kaavaa. Taleb sanoi, että Scholes oli vastuussa vuoden 2008 talouskriiseistä, ja ehdotti, että "tämän kaverin pitäisi olla vanhainkodissa tekemässä sudokua. Hänen varat ovat räjähtäneet kahdesti. Hänen ei pitäisi päästää Washingtoniin luennoimaan kellekään riskeistä." Scholes vastasi, että Taleb yksinkertaisesti "populalisoi ideoita ja ansaitsee rahaa myymällä kirjoja". Scholes väitti, että Taleb ei lainaa aikaisempaa kirjallisuutta, ja tästä syystä Talebia ei oteta vakavasti akateemisessa maailmassa. Haug ja Taleb (2011) listasivat satoja tutkimusdokumentteja, jotka osoittavat, että Black–Scholes-kaava ei ollut ollenkaan Scholesin kaava, ja väittivät, että taloustiede jätti huomiotta toimijoiden ja matemaatikoiden (kuten Ed Thorpin) kirjallisuuden, jotka olivat kehittäneet kehittyneempiä versioita kaavasta.
ellauri351.html on line 307: Charlie Rosen haastattelussa Taleb sanoi, että hän näki, ettei mikään The Black Swanista saamansa kritiikki kumonnut hänen keskeistä pointtiaan, joka sai hänet suojelemaan omaisuuttaan ja asiakkaidensa omaisuutta. Talebin aggressiiviset ja selkeästi suunnatut kommentit rahoitusalan osia vastaan – esimerkiksi toteamalla Davosissa vuonna 2009 olevansa "tyytyväinen" Lehman Brothersin romahtamiseen – on johtanut raportteihin henkilökohtaisista hyökkäyksistä ja mahdollisista uhkauksista.
ellauri353.html on line 155: No ei, jatkui se sittenkin. Ihmemies Black McGyver oli saanut padon tukkeeseen. Humanismi oli voittanut. Marcon mauvais foi sanoi vielä kerran Mau.
ellauri355.html on line 51: Lokakuu on ryssissä ollut vallankumouxellinen. In September and October 1993, a constitutional crisis arose in the Russian Federation from a conflict between President Boris Yeltsin and Russia's parliament. President Yeltsin performed a self-coup, dissolving parliament and instituting a presidential rule by decree system. The crisis ended with Yeltsin using military force to attack Moscow's House of Soviets and arrest the lawmakers. In Russia, the events are known as the October Coup (Russian: Октябрьский путч, romanized: Oktyabr'skiy putch) or Black October (Russian: Чëрный октябрь, romanized: Chyorniy Oktyabr').
ellauri378.html on line 641: Black Ops
ellauri378.html on line 643: Ryssät ja vähävenäläiset eivät ole ainoita joiden sodankäynnissä on hyödynnetty rikollisia. Helleeneillä oli kokonaisia homopataljoonia. Brittien huippusalainen taisteluyksikkö, joka koostui kirjavasta roistoista ja maverikoista, lähtee rohkealle tehtävälle natseja vastaan käyttämällä täysin epätavanomaisia ja täysin "epäherrasmiesmäisiä" taistelutekniikoita. Lopulta heidän rohkea lähestymistapansa muutti sodan kulkua ja loi perustan brittiläiselle SAS:lle ja nykyaikaiselle Black Ops -sodankäynnille. Herrasmiesmäisyys on so last season.
ellauri378.html on line 647: Black Ops takes place between 1961 and 1968 during both the Cold War and the Vietnam War, 16 years to 23 years after the events of World War 3. It portrays a secret history of black operations carried out behind enemy lines by the CIA. Missions take place in various countries around the globe, including Cuba, the Soviet Union, the United States, South Vietnam, China, British Hong Kong, Canada, and Laos. The single-player campaign revolves around the CIA's attempts to stop Soviet sleeper agents embedded in the US, to be activated via broadcasts from a numbers station, deploying an experimental nerve agent and chemical weapon known as "Nova 6".
ellauri378.html on line 649: Opposing the CIA are the leaders of Project Nova: Soviet Army Major General Nikita Dragovich (Eamon Hunt), Colonel Lev Kravchenko (Andrew Divoff), and ex-Nazi scientist Friedrich Steiner (Mark Bramhall). Black Ops also features several historical figures; during the story, Mason meets Fidel Castro, Robert McNamara, and John F. Kennedy.
ellauri378.html on line 657: The Daily Telegraph praised Black Ops as its "meaty kick of the guns, the blistering pace of the action and the sterling soundtrack of explosions, gunshots and whistling bullets all serve to quicken the player's pulse and tighten their grip on the controller", and how the game is "compensated for by the nail-shredding tension and creepy atmosphere".
ellauri378.html on line 658: At the 14th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards (now known as the D.I.C.E. Awards), Call of Duty: Black Ops was nominated for "Game of the Year", "Action Game of the Year", "Outstanding Achievement in Animation", "Outstanding Achievement in Online Gameplay", and "Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering".
ellauri381.html on line 587: In David Remnick’s profile of the writer in The New Yorker, Solzhenitsyn is quoted as saying, “Purely for my work, the 18 years in Vermont have been the happiest of my life.” His other son, Yermolai Solzhenitsyn, adds, “You should know that it wasn’t like my father was some kind of anti-Western ogre at home.” The younger Solzhenitsyns’ recollections of their American childhoods reveal a father who sent his sons to local schools, encouraged them to learn English, let them listen to music he detested – like Black Sabbath – and generally allowed them the freedom to assimilate with their peers.
ellauri383.html on line 244: The National News Agency of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Українське національне інформаційне агентство), or Ukrinform (Ukrainian: Укрінформ), is a state information and news agency, and international broadcaster of Ukraine. It was founded in 1918 during the Ukrainian War of Independence as the Bureau of Ukrainian Press (BUP). The first director of the agency was Dmytro Dontsov, when the agency name was The Ukrainian Telegraph Agency. Ukrinform is Ukraine's representative of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) and the Black Sea Association of National News Agencies (BSANNA).
ellauri383.html on line 276: Orion näkyi Trininadiin, jossa V.S. Naipaul poikasena kazoi sitä pederastirunoilija Black Worsdworthin alla. Siihen kuuluvat scifistä tutut tähdet Sirius, Betelgeuze, Aldebaran ja Rigel.
ellauri384.html on line 391: Weissmans were well-to-do professionals from Upper East side, Meisels filthy rich garment industrialists from Lower West. The 2010's Mrs. Maisel battles misogyny but takes little interest in other societal evils — including still-rampant antisemitism. Some critics have noted that she is oblivious to segregated facilities when she tours with Black singer Shy Baldwin, then nearly outs him as gay during her set. 'Mrs. Maisel’ takes place in a supersaturated fantasy 1958 New York, one where antisemitism, racism, homophobia and even sexism are daily bread,” writer Rokhl Kafrissen said in 2018.
ellauri405.html on line 230: Langston Hughes (n.h.) näyttää iloiselta mutakuonolta. Jep, Black people like himself, uncommon subject matter at a time when legal segregation reigned. Hughes’ poems made him a leading voice of the Harlem Renaissance and remain influential today. Se muka olis maailman 5. kuuluisin runoilija, haha. In 1967, the well-traveled writer died of cancer in his mid-60s. Homo Wilt oli sen poetic influence. "Dreams" (1922) Yksi useista Hughesin uneliaista runoista ja sopivasti otsikoitu, tämä vuoden 1922 runo ilmestyi World Tomorrow -lehdessä. "Dreams", kahdeksan rivin runo, on edelleen suosittu motivoivien puhujien inspiroiva lainaus. Osittain se kuuluu: ”Pijäs kiinni unista / Jos unelmat kuolevat / Elämä on murtunut lintu / Se ei voi lentää.” Aivan säälittävä esitys.
ellauri411.html on line 52: A virgin marriage, chaste, in the friend zone. And now, suddenly, an affidavit stating that they most certainly had sex, quite a lot of sex actually, in fact too much sex for poor, exhausted Bowden. Mick Jagger sang in “Some Girls”, when the Stones were at their sleaziest, “Black girls just want to get fucked all night but I don’t have that much jam”; this was Bowden, begging off his conjugal duties, spent, drained, a little man unable to satisfy his woman. (As a singing teacher in California he was described by a student: “He wore spats and carried a cane, had pink cheeks, and was rather short.”)
ellauri412.html on line 208: There are some people out there that believe that Christmas trees are modern day Asherah poles but their argument is weak. You have a better chance of making an argument that Christmas trees are neo-pagan earth worship rather than Asherah poles. Ron Garret at Ron Big Black Garrett blog makes a strong case for stripper poles being Asherah poles, and I have to agree with him. Satan doesn't have to think up new tricks when the old ones work just fine.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 1762: eläkkeelle ostamillaan Black & Decker työkaluilla Pirkolle
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 493: Shirley Temple Black (April 23, 1928 - February 10, 2014) was an American actress, singer, dancer, businesswoman, and diplomat who was Hollywood's number one box-office draw as a child actress from 1934 to 1938. As an adult, she was named United States ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia, and also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 774: Black_people" title="Black people">Black
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 790: Black_people" title="Black people">Black
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 200: We wouldn’t have Maria McCann’s erotic masterpiece, As Meat Loves Salt – in which a straight woman writes about gay men in the English Civil War. Though the book is nonfiction, it’s worth noting that we also wouldn’t have 1961’s Black Like Me, for which John Howard Griffin committed the now unpardonable sin of “blackface.” Having his skin darkened – Michael Jackson in reverse – Griffin found out what it was like to live as a black man in the segregated American South. He’d be excoriated today, yet that book made a powerful social impact at the time.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 239: We’re now going through the same fashionable exercise in relation to the transgender characters in series like Transparent and Orange is the New Black.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1228: Seppo Heinola: Raamatun käännöksen ja fundament. tulkinnan mukaan mies oli ensin, mutta biologinen fakta on se, että ihmisen perusmuoto on nainen. Kaikki sikiöt ovat ensin tyttöjä, kunnes jotkut alkavat y-kromosomin SRI geenin vaikutuksesta miehistyä. Jäänteenä tästä alkunaisellisuudesta ovat mm. miehen nisät. En tiedä mixi miehellä on nisät se on mysteeri mutta pidän mysteereistä, sanoo vaaleenpunanen katolinen ämmä Black is new Orangessa transuneekerille eikä anna sille hormonilääkettä. Vitun izekäs kusipää.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 56: None of this is really a contradiction between general relativity and quantum mechanics. For instance, string theory is a quantum mechanical theory that includes general relativity as a low-energy limit. What it does mean is that quantum field theory, the framework we use to understand all non-gravitational forces, is not sufficient for understanding gravity. Black holes lead to subtle issues that are still not fully understood. But not contradictions, just lacunae.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 934: Natelyn huora kuvataan erittäin väsyneenä prostituoituna, joka ei ole kiinnostunut seksistä ja haluaa mieluummin nukkua. Nuorempi sisarensa vainoaa häntä jatkuvasti. Siksi luutnantti Nately, joka on hullun rakastunut häneen, ei voi suostutella häntä ryhtymään merkitykselliseen suhteeseen hänen kanssaan. Hän kihlautuu naiseen seksuaalisesti, mutta se on kylmää ja mekaanista, sillä hän kieltäytyy viettämästä aikaa Natelyn kanssa ilman palkkaa. Kapteeni Black nukkui usein hänen kanssaan ärsyttääkseen Natelya. Kun hiän kuitenkin vihdoin lepää, hiän rakastuu Natelyyn yhtä hullusti kuin hänkin häneen. Pian sen jälkeen Nately kuolee taistelutehtävässä. Kun Yossarian saapuu Roomaan kertomaan hänelle huonoja uutisia, Natelyn huora syyttää Yossariania Natelyn kuolemasta. Myöhemmin hiän omistautuu Yossarianin takaa-ajoon ja väijyttää häntä useita kertoja romaanin loppuosan aikana yrittääkseen kostaa Natelyn kuolemasta puukottamalla häntä. Hiän onnistuu lopulta puukottamaan häntä kylkeen ja lähettämään hänet sairaalaan. Toinen hiänen hyökkäyksistään on kirjan viimeinen, vaikkakin vähäinen, koominen tapahtuma.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 655: Dwayne Douglas Johnson (s. 2. toukokuuta 1972 Hayward, Kalifornia), paremmin tunnettu nimellä The Rock, on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä ja showpainija. Johnson laulaa Disney-animaatiossa Vaiana kappaleen "You're Welcome". Johnson on kolmannen sukupolven painija, sillä hänen isänsä ja isoisänsäkin olivat painijoita. Painiuransa aikana ja sen jälkeen hän on esiintynyt monissa elokuvissa, kuten Muumin paalu, Skorpionikuningas, Pako viidakkoon, Walking Tall, Gridiron Gang, Be Cool, Doom, The Game Plan sekä Fast & Furious 5, 6, 7 ja 8. Vuonna 2016 Johnson oli Forbes-lehden mukaan maailman parhaiten palkattu näyttelijä 64,5 miljoonan dollarin vuosituloillaan ja samoin vuonna 2018 89 miljoonan dollarin tuloillaan. Isänsä (Rocky Johnson) puolelta hän on tummaihoinen kanadalainen (engl. Black Canadian) ja äitinsä (Ata Johnson o.s. Maivia) puolelta samoalainen. Sekä isä Rocky että äidin adoptioisä Peter Maivia kuuluvat showpainin WWE Hall of Fame -kunniagalleriaan. Myös isoäiti Lia Malvia toimi lajin parissa johtaen Polynesian Pro Wrestling -promootiota Havaijilla. (Mummu Ruokamo.) Miamin yliopistosta hänellä on tutkinto kriminologiasta. Hävittyään Intercontinental Championship -tittelin Owen Hartille 28. huhtikuuta 1997 ja toivuttuaan loukkaantumisesta Johnson liittyi Nation of Domination talliin loppuvuodesta 1997. Samalla Johnson muutti painihahmoaan. Hyvänä hahmona tunnettu Rocky Maivia oli nyt karismaattinen kiusaaja The Rock, joka puhui itsestään kolmannessa persoonassa. Lopulta maaliskuussa 1998 hän syrjäytti Faarooqin Nation of Domination tallin johtajan asemasta. The Rock ryhtyi samalla myös pilkkaamaan WWF:n televisiojuontajia, erityisesti David Attenboroughia.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 311: Elsewhere, the raised-fist call of the Black Panther Party, one of the most potent symbols of black power, is employed as a cheap metaphor for sexual penetration.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 525: He earned his living from writing, particularly popular historical novels such as I, Claudius; King Jesus; The Golden Fleece; and Count Belisarius. He also was a prominent translator of Classical Latin and Ancient Greek texts; his versions of The Twelve Caesars and The Golden Ass remain popular for their clarity and entertaining style. Graves was awarded the 1934 James Tait Black Memorial Prize for both I, Claudius and Claudius the God.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 42: Philip Rothin koko tuotanto on hillitön ylettömän selväsanainen vääryyttä kärsineen miehen blues. Peppy oli laiha ruipelo mutta sillä oli omasta mielestään sekä voimaa että karismaa. Ei se omasta mielestään vaikuttanut happamelta soopelilta. Peppy muka treenas Blackwellin Namikassa päärynäpalloa ja hiekkasäkkiä. Hiekkasäkki se oli ize, ja pää muistutti päärynäpalloa.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 520: Rockwell denied the Holocaust and believed that Martin Luther King Jr. was a tool for Jewish Communists wanting to rule the white community. He blamed the civil rights movement on the Jews. He regarded Hitler as the White savior of the twentieth century. He viewed black people as a primitive, lethargic race who desired only simple pleasures and a life of irresponsibility and supported the resettlement of all African Americans in a new African state to be funded by the U.S. government. As a supporter of racial segregation, he agreed with and quoted many leaders of the Black nationalism movement such as Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. In later years, Rockwell became increasingly aligned with other Neo-Nazi groups, leading the World Union of National Socialists.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 308: Only a few months later she was unemployed again and moved to London in the autumn of 1777. She started to work for the Budd family in Chatham Place, Blackfriars, London, and began acting at the Drury Lane theatre in Covent Garden. She also worked as a maid for actresses, among them Mary Robinson. Emma next worked as a model and dancer at the "Goddess of Health" for James Graham, a Scottish "quack" doctor.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 312: Greville took her in as his mistress, on condition that the child was fostered out. Once the child (Emma Carew) was born, she was removed to be raised by her great-grandmother at Hawarden for her first three years, and subsequently (after a short spell in London with her mother) deposited with Mr John Blackburn, schoolmaster, and his wife in Manchester. As a young woman, Emma's daughter saw her mother frequently, but later when Emma fell into debt, her daughter worked abroad as a companion or governess.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 392: The 1980s sitcom Blackadder the Third, the show's antihero, Edmund Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson), repeatedly mocks both Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 135: Black cat bone R
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 136: Black Crochan Fictional robots (12 C, 122 P)
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 902: Black-Soft-Japanese-Real-Life-Size.jpg" height="300px" />
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 621: Another bit of imaginative projection upon James’ life can be found in Ernest Hemingway’s letters. This novelist, on learning that Brooks had written that James was “prevented by an accident from taking part in the Civil War,” immediately incorporated this into his nearly finished novel, The Sun Also Rises. In Chapter 12, Jake Barnes refers to his World War I accident, and Gorton says, “That’s the sort of thing that can’t be spoken of. That’s what you ought to work up into a mystery. Like Henry’s bicycle.” Barnes replies it wasn’t a bicycle; “he was riding horseback.” (In his memoirs, James spoke of having had a “horrid” but “obscure hurt.” He had strained his back during a stable fire while serving as a volunteer fireman.) Hemingway had originally inserted James’ name in the novel, but Scribner’s editor, Maxwell Perkins, vetoed this. Hemingway insisted. They finally compromised on the “Henry” alone. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote to Brooks, “Why didn’t you touch more on James’ impotence (physical) and its influence?” The castration theme was picked up by R.P. Blackmur, Glenway Wescott, Lionel Trilling, and F.O. Matthiessen in their critical writings.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 124: The Population Registration Act, 1950 classified all South Africans into one of four racial groups based on appearance, known ancestry, socioeconomic status, and cultural lifestyle: "Black", "White", "Coloured", and "Indian", the last two of which included several sub-classifications. Just like in India in fact, except all castes are Indians in India, however Aryan they may think they are. Brahmin Gandhi got really pissed when he was thrown out of train in Pretoria like a pariah. Got him started on his career as Indian nationalist. Until then he had been a supporter of The Brits in The Boer war.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 432: Mervin Aubespin of Louisville is a former reporter and associate editor of The Courier-Journal who retired in 2002 after a 35-year career. He is a member of the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame and former president of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). He was an unpaid consultant to the United Nations Development Prøgram. He is still waiting to get paid.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 468: Mr Fox called both Mr Blake and the former RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant, whose real name is Colin Munro Seymour, “paedophiles”, in an exchange about Sainsbury’s decision to celebrate Black History Month.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 661: The Believer is published by the Beverly Rogers, Carol C. Harter Black Mountain Institute. Daniel Handler (s. 28. helmikuuta 1970 San Francisco, Kalifornia) on läskiponzo yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten Surkeiden sattumusten sarja -kirjoistaan, jotka hän on kirjoittanut käyttäen salanimeä Lemony Snicket. Surkeiden sattumusten sarja on mustaa huumoria sisältävä 13-osainen sarja, joka keskittyy Charles Baudelairen orpojen sisarusten elämään ja salaperäiseen järjestöön nimeltä Retuperän VPK. Kirjoittamalla eri nimellä Handler lisäsi itsensä tarinaan. Eli teki tollaset Nobel-lautakunnan temput, oman hännän nostaja. Surkeiden sattumusten sarja on erityisen suosittu Yhdysvalloissa ja siitä on tehty myös Brad Silberlingin ohjaama elokuva Lemony Snicketin surkeiden sattumusten sarja vuonna 2004. Elokuva sai Oscar-palkinnon parhaasta maskeerauksesta.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 818: Sivulla 142 Nadine siteeraa Brochin Schlafwandler nidettä jossa tuumitaan että aina vallan keikauxissa tulee svoboda, kagda vsjakij delajet tshto hotshit. Niin varmaan onkin. Tilaisuus tekee varkaan, murhaajasta puhumattakaan. Niin kävi kansainvaellusten Roomassa, Pärttylinyönä 1542, Pariisissa 1789, Pietarissa ja Helsingissä 1918, Saxassa 1938, hulluina vuosina 1848 ja 1968, South Africa 1991, Black lives matter päivänä, Capitolin valtauxessa. Mikäs siinä, looting is fun. Se on vähän kuin karnevaalia. Kaikki mukaan! Apinat tekevät mitä pystyvät, ellei toiset estä.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 430: A race riot took place in Harlem, New York City, on August 1 and 2 of 1943, after a white police officer, James Collins, shot and wounded Robert Bandy, an African American soldier; and rumors circulated that the soldier had been killed. The riot was chiefly directed by Black residents against white-owned property in Harlem. It was one of five riots in the nation that year related to Black and white tensions during World War II. The others took place in Detroit; Beaumont, Texas; Mobile, Alabama; and Los Angeles.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 467: On Feb. 1, two African-American sanitation workers, Echol Cole and Robert Walker, had been crushed to death in one of the city’s outdated trucks. Memphis had no facilities for Black workers to wash up, change clothes or get out of the rain. Cole and Walker were sheltering from the rain inside the truck’s barrel when the compacting mechanism malfunctioned. The truck hadn’t been repaired because the city wouldn’t spend money for safety for these workers.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 232: He was twice a New York Times bestselling author, first with his book on his personal philosophy of positive force and the psychology of self-improvement based on personal anecdotes called The Secret of Inner Strength: My Story (1988). His second New York Times Best Seller, Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America (2008), was about his critique on current issues in the USA. Norris also appeared in several commercials endorsing several products most notably being one of the main spokespersons for the Total Gym infomercials. In 2005, Norris found new fame on the Internet when Chuck Norris facts became an Internet meme documenting humorous, fictional and often absurd feats of strength and endurance. To list just a few of them:
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 404: In Paris in February 1929, Harry Crosby, who with his wife Caresse Crosby owned the fine arts press Black Sun Press, offered Crane the use of their country retreat, Le Moulin du Soleil in Ermenonville. They hoped he could use the time to concentrate on completing The Bridge. Crane spent several weeks at their estate where he roughed out a draft of the "Cape Hatteras" section, a key part of his epic poem. In late June that year, Crane returned from the south of France to Paris. Crosby noted in his journal, "Hart C. back from Marseilles where he slept with his thirty sailors and he began again to drink Cutty Sark." Crane got drunk at the Cafe Select and fought with waiters over his tab. When the Paris police were called, he fought with them and was beaten. They arrested and jailed him, fining him 800 francs. After Hart had spent six days in prison at La Santé, Crosby paid Crane´s fine and advanced him money for the passage back to the United States, where he finally finished The Bridge. The work received poor reviews, and Crane´s sense of failure became crushing. He had completely and irrevocably FAILED!
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 370: Australialais-amerikkalainen James Clavell perusti bestseller-romaaninsa Shōgun (1975) Adamsin elämään ja muutti päähenkilönsä nimeksi " John Blackthorne ". Mixi vitussa? Että sai valehdella mielin määrin ja puleerata henkilöstä jonkun länkkärisankarin. Tämä muokattiin suosituksi TV-minisarjaksi, Shōgun (1980). Se muokattiin myös Broadway-tuotannoksi Shōgun: The Musical (1990) ja videopeliksi James Clavell's Shōgun (1989).
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 377: Missä kohen Jamesin Blackthornen seikkailut poikkeavat esikuvastansa Adamsista? No mietitään - tää on romaani, eikä pelkkä rags to riches tositarina. Ei siis riitä pelkkä (E), pitää olla paxulti myös (K) ja (F). Näyttää siinä olevan kaikenlaista nujakointia, ja aika pian on jonkin verran myös japsunaisten nussintaa (sitähän oli Aatamilla kyllä izellään). "As they spend more time together, Blackthorne comes to deeply admire both Toranaga and (specifically) Mariko, and all three secretly become lovers." Samainen Mariko (joka on sentään vaan japsulainen nainen) silputaan smithereeneixi. "However, she and Blackthorne and the other ladies of Toranaga's "court", escape into a locked room. As the ninja prepare to blow the door open Mariko stands against the door and is killed by the explosion." No jäähän Toranagalle vielä "Lady Anjin". Entäs moraali? "Blackthorne is torn between his growing affection for Mariko (who is married to a powerful, abusive, and dangerous samurai, Buntaro), his increasing loyalty to Toranaga, his household and consort, a "Willow world" courtesan named Kikuli, and his desire to return to the open seas aboard Erasmus so he can intercept the Black Ship fleet before it reaches Japan." Onpa hienoa: (E,F,K) konfliktoituvat! "There are other recurring themes of Eastern values, as opposed to Western values, masculine (patriarchal) values as opposed to human values, etc."
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 576: In 1969, Bukowski accepted an offer from Black Sparrow Press publisher John Martin and quit his post office job to dedicate himself to full-time writing. He was then 49 years old. As he explained in a letter at the time, "I have one of two choices – stay in the post office and go crazy ... or stay out here and play at writer and starve. I have decided to starve. Hah, he made a lot of bucks! By the late 1970s, Bukowski's income was sufficient to give up his lucrative live readings.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 578: Bukowski published almost all of his subsequent major works with Black Sparrow Press, which became a highly successful enterprise. Charlie became a sort of honorary hippie. Bukowski live readings were legendary, with the drunk raucous crowd fighting with the drunk raucous poet. The crowd and Bukowski were very very drunk for the event. To top it all, a heckler was near the stage and can be heard clearly. Great publicity!
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1510: Black flowers and white, that perish; and the noon
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 567: The Marshall Attack is an aggressive line in the Ruy Lopez, where Black sacrifices a pawn by playing d5 to gain initiative and a kingside attack. Frank Marshall famously debuted it in his game against José Raúl Capablanca in 1918. Marshall lost the game. White wins in well over half the plays.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 143: But there were also Italians, there were Serbs, there were Greeks and then the French, who came into Odessa and into the Black Sea region. But this actually proved to be a disaster, because so many of their troops were politicised and were much more sympathetic towards the Bolsheviks than they were towards their own officers. Haha!
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 548: Floyd Patterson otti turpaan Tulholmassa Ingemar Johanssonilta ja kääntäen. Se nyrkkeili kukkuluuruu tyylillä kuten lyhyenläntä Mike Tyson. Mike raiskasi 18-vuotiaan Miss Black American sopumazissa. Kääntyi vankilassa muslimixi kuten Clayn Cassius muttei muuttanut nimeä.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 89: John Boynton Priestley's first major success came with a novel, The Good Companions (1929), which earned him the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction and made him a national figure. His next novel, Angel Pavement (1930), further established him as a successful novelist. However some critics were less than complimentary about his work and Priestley threatened legal action against Graham Greene for what he took to be a defamatory portrait of him in the novel Stamboul Train (1932). In 1940 he broadcast a series of short propaganda radio talks, which were credited with strengthening civilian morale during the Battle of Britain. In the following years his left-wing beliefs brought him into conflict with the government and influenced the development of the welfare state.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 361: Just samanlaista oli vankilassa videossa Orange is New Black.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 422: Palkinto tuli pistämättömästä mutta myötätuntoisesta penetraatiosta. Gurnah has criticized the practices in both British and American publishing that want to "make the alien seem alien" by marking "foreign" terms and phrases with italics or by putting them in a glossary. Onkos se joku ylläri. Felicity Hand observes that Gurnah´s characters typically do not succeed abroad following their migration, using irony and humour to respond to their situation. Talk to the hand. The first translator of his novels into Swahili, academic Dr Ida Hadjivayanis of the School of Oriental and African Studies, has said: "I think if his work could be read in East Africa it would have such an impact. ... maybe fewer coons would try to swim over to the West." Gurnah was the first Black writer to receive the prize since 1993, when Toni Morrison won it, and the first African writer since 1991, when Nadine Gordimer was the recipient, making him the first black guy to make it.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 715: Narratiivivirhe viittaa siihen, kun ihmiset käyttävät narratiiveja yhdistääkseen satunnaisten tapahtumien välisiä pisteitä mielivaltaisen tiedon ymmärtämiseksi. Termi juontaa juurensa Nassim Talebin kirjasta The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. Kertomusvirhe voi olla ongelmallista, koska se voi johtaa siihen, että ihmiset muodostavat vääriä syy-seuraussuhteita tapahtumien välillä. Esimerkiksi startup-yritys voi saada rahoitusta, koska sijoittajia vaikuttaa uskottavalta kuulostava kertomus sen sijaan, että saatavilla olevan todisteen perustellumpi analyysi olisi.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 399: Dan Andersson (1988-1920) räknas till proletärförfattarna, men hans diktning är inte begränsad till denna genre. Ibland skrev han under pseudonymen Black Jim. I synnerhet i tidningen Ny Tid, Göteborg, 1917–1918 kallade han sig så. Han översätte bland andra Rudyard Kipling och använde sig sedan ofta i sin diktning av dennes balladrytmer.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 704: ihmiset, ovat tasavertaisia osalstujia (LOL, haha), toiset tapettavina ja syötävänä, toiset tappajina ja syöjinä. Kirjassa Mythos and The Power of Myth, Campbell kertoo tarinan, jota hän kutsuu "Buffalon Carol-vaimoksi" Pohjois-Amerikan Blackfoot-heimon kertomana. Tarina kertoo ajasta, jolloin puhvelit lakkasivat tulemasta metsästystasangoille ja jättivät heimon nälkään. Päällikön tytär lupaa mennä naimisiin puhvelien päällikön kanssa vastineeksi niiden ilmestymisestä, mutta
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 407: Genre fiction, also known as popular fiction, is a term used in the book-trade for fictional works written with the intent of fitting into a specific literary genre, in order to appeal to striped-ass baboons and fans already familiar with that genre. A number of major literary figures have written genre fiction. John Banville publishes crime novels as Benjamin Black, and both Doris Lessing and Margaret Atwood have written science fiction. Georges Simenon, the creator of the Maigret detective novels, has been described by André Gide as "the most novelistic of novelists in French literature", and the one who has made most money and scored most arse with it. The main genres are crime, fantasy, romance, science fiction and horror—as well as perhaps Western, inspirational and historical fiction.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 579: Nigel Blackwell
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 881: 8. Nigel Blackwell.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 883: Nigel Blackwell on luovutettu Blackwellin henkilökunnalle. Blackwell Publishing myytiin vuonna 2006 572 miljoonalla eurolla. Toby ja hänen veljenpoikansa Nigel nettoivat suuren osan siitä.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 884: Nigel Blackwellin nettovarallisuuden arvioidaan olevan noin 292,5 miljoonaa dollaria.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 548: Blackbeard" title="Blackbeard">Edward Teach (1680–1718), West Indian pirate
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 550: Better known as Blackbeard. Died in battle against Robert Maynard
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 226: Black Pig
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 267: Eventually Notari ended up as a fascist, founding the Milanese newspaper “L’Ambrosiano” in 1922, and was appointed to the very institutional “Accademia d’Italia”: just like another firebrand-turned-reactionary, the initiator of the Italian Futuristic movement Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who, as a young, used to call for burning academies down... [signed] Enzo. The Black Pig is not a novel, as Enzo claims, but an energetic, apparently learned, vitriolic attack on the precepts and clergy of the Catholic Church.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 273: Notari’s novel sold 80,000 copies in six months and sales only increased when it was accused of offending public morality; it and its author were acquitted, with Marinetti serving as witness for the defense. “It was Notari’s good fortune,” one scholar writes, “to be accused of obscenity by a court in Parma.... Marinetti, who attended and clearly relished the trial, wrote a detailed account of it for Parisian readers... and then translated his account into Italian, appending a brief, self-congratulatory introduction” (Adamson 97). Marinetti bragged that the trial “gave an extraordinary boost to the book’s sales such that, today, one finds it in all the elegant parlors, in all the bedrooms, under the virginal bedlinens of all the convent-school girls and inside the prayer benches of all the new brides” (qtd. in Adamson 97–98). Notari quickly produced a sequel, Femmina: Scene di una grande capitale (1906), which became a best seller before it too was seized and banned. Notari proudly listed these three books’ sales figures and legal histories in the front matter of his next book, The Black Pig (1907).
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 277: He supported universal suffrage and divorce and argued strongly for expelling the Vatican from Italy. Some twenty years after the publication of The Black Pig, he retook the “woman question” with La donna “tipo tre” (The type-three woman; 1929), about the woman who is financially, socially, and otherwise independent. The year 1930 saw two more titles on the topic of women: Le ragazze allarmanti (The alarming girls) and La donna negli affari (The woman in business).
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 279: The Black Pig’s front matter also mentions two earlier publications that reveal Notari’s anticlerical bias: Carducci Intimo (1903), a biography of Giosuè Carducci (1835–1907), the Italian poet, professor, classicist, translator, freethinker, fierce opponent of the Catholic Church, and author of “Hymn to Satan,” who would be awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Literature; and Il Papa alla porta! Inchiesta e conclusioni per l’abolizione del Papato (Throw the Pope out! An inquest and conclusions for the abolition of the Papacy), aimed at the recently elected and very conservative Pope Pius X. Notari’s anticlericalism is also visible in his dedication of The Black Pig: “A due invitti innovatori di un Italia pagana e virile, dedico questo libro di demolizione di una Italia chiercuta e bazzotta” (To two indomitable revivers of a pagan and virile Italy, I dedicate this book aimed at the destruction of a tonsured and limp Italy).
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 281: Indeed, as Rinaldi claims, The Black Pig “tells you about those priests” (FTA 8). And it is easy enough to see why the priest thought it “a filthy and vile book.” But Rinaldi’s complaint, that it “shook my faith” (7), needs to be read in the context of everything else we know of this character. If Rinaldi is a real believer—which I doubt—he would disdain Notari’s book, which, although heavily documented, is dripping with scorn, irony, and bias. But if his faith is automatic and largely irrelevant, or if it has already been shaken, he might have read on, attracted by Notari’s wide reading, his witty, strong prose, and his relentlessly rationalist logic, sometimes reminiscent of MarkTwain.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 507: Ädistä erillisen identiteettinsä kehittymisen erottamisprosessi tunnetaan tona abjektiona, jossa lapsen täytyy hylätä äiti ja siirtyä pois äidistä iskän sykkyyn päästäkseen jämerämpään kielen, kullin, kulttuurin, merkityksen ja sosiaaliseen maailmaan. Tätä kielen valtakuntaa kutsutaan symboliseksi ja se erotetaan semiotiikasta siinä mielessä, että se liittyy maskuliiniseen, lakiin ja rakenteeseen. Mutta typyillä jatkuva samaistuminen äitiin voi johtaa siihen, mihkä Kristeva viittaa Black Sunissa (1989) melankoliaksi (masennus), koska naispuoliset lapset samanaikaisesti hylkäävät äitihahmon ja samastuvat siihen.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 109:
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 59: Elokuvan Kurtzin mallina uskotaan laajalti olleen Tony Poe, joka oli mitalein erittäin koristeltu ja erittäin epätavallinen Vietnamin sodan aikakauden puolisotilaallinen upseeri CIA:n erityistoimintojen osastosta (Black Ops). Poen tiedettiin pudottavan katkaistuja päitä vihollisen hallitsemiin kyliin eräänlaisena psykologisen sodankäynnin muotona ja käyttäneen alkuperäiskansojen ihmiskorvia kirjaamaan vihollisten lukumäärän, jotka hänen joukkonsa olivat tappaneet. Hän lähetti nämä korvat takaisin esimiehilleen todisteena hänen ponnisteluistaan syvällä Laosissa.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 99: Heart of Darkness, novelli, kirjoittaja Joseph Conrad, joka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1899 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine ja sitten Conrad's Youth and Two Other Stories (1902). Heart of Darkness tutkii länsimaisen kolonialismin kauhuja ja kuvaa sitä ilmiönä, joka tahraa paitsi sen riistomaita ja kansoja, myös niitä lännessä, jotka edistävät sitä. Vaikka Conradin puoliautoelämäkerrallinen kertomus sai alun perin heikon vastaanoton, siitä on tullut yksi laajimmin analysoiduista englantilaisen kirjallisuuden teoksista. Kriitikot eivät ole aina kohdelleet Pimeyden sydäntä suotuisasti ja moittivat sen epäinhimillistä esittämistä kolonisoituneista kansoista ja sen halveksivaa kohtelua naisia kohtaan. Siitä huolimatta Heart of Darkness on kestänyt, ja nykyään se on modernistinen mestariteos, joka liittyy suoraan postkolonialistiseen todellisuuteen.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 113: Vastaanotto. Heart of Darkness julkaistiin vuonna 1902 novellina Youth: And Two Other Stories -kokoelmassa, joka sisälsi kaksi muuta Conradin tarinaa. Mutta teksti ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1899 Blackwoodin Edinburgh Magazinessa , kirjallisessa kuukausilehdessä sen tuhannessa numerossa, ja sen toimittaja kutsui Conradin osallistumaan. Conrad epäröi tehdä niin, ehkä hyvästä syystä – vaikka Pimeyden sydän sai tunnustusta omassa kirjallisuudessaan, tarina ei saavuttanut minkäänlaista suosittua menestystä. Näin oli myös silloin, kun se julkaistiin vuonna 1902; Heart of Darkness sai vähiten huomiota kolmesta mukana olleesta tarinasta, ja kokoelma nimettiin samannimisenä kokonaan toisen tarinan mukaan. Conrad ei elänyt tarpeeksi kauan nähdäkseen sen olevan suosittu menestys.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 48: Black fella Jay sarja on sallittu 12-vuotiaille jotka eivät osaa yxin käyttää tissiä. Koska siinä ei ole bylsintää, vain väkivaltaa verta ja kuolemaa. Se on a-okei kunhan ei näy tissejä, vituista ja kyrvistä puhumattakaan. Ne ovat lasten silmille liian karua nähtävää. Was Easton Ellis gay? Was he conservative? Se kiemurtelee mutta vastaus molempiin on "yes".
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 148: The Bolovian verses, nevertheless, are offensive to many. Eliot’s “Triumph of Bullshit” was one of the poems that Lewis had rejected for publication. Lois Cuddy opines that “Eliot’s pornographic verses in an ‘epic’ about ‘King Bolo and His Great Black Kween’ indicate the extent and depth of his racial/sexual stereo- types and eugenic prejudices.” They are written from his own “sense of emptiness,” “puritanical principles,” and “sexual repressions.” Furthermore, these poetic vulgarities display Eliot’s acceptance of sexual stereotypes related to black men and women (229). Yet a look at the contexts of these poems, both as “nonsense” for friends and as reflections on the complexities of culture, reveals an earnest belief in the value of the “primitive mind” and even a reversal of “sexual stereotypes related to black men and women.” The man with the prodigious bolo is not King Bolo but sephardic Cristoforo Columbo who regrettably "found" America. “Eliot is today being refashioned as a prescient and extraordinarily sensitive mediator of the major currents of twentieth century cultural and technological change” (Murphet 31).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 225: Eliot writes to Dobrèe: Your confusion of the Crocodile and Camel recalls the behaviour of the primitive inhabitants of Bolovia. A notoriously lazy race. They had two Gods, named respectively Wux and Wux [a progenitor of the Greek “wanax,” meaning divine king?]. They observed that the carving of Idols out of ebony was hard work; therefore they carved only one Idol. In the Forenoon, they worshipped it as Wux, from the front; in the Afternoon, they worshiped it from Behind as Wux. (Hence the Black Bottom.) Those who worshipped in front were called Modernists; those who worshipped from behind were called Fundamentalists. (Letters II 509) They are noted for wearing bowler hats and practicing economically a ditheistic religion, using one idol for the two gods. Eliot’s comic sketches include men wearing bowler hats, which Eliot had
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 229: The Big Black Queen of the King Bolo, Loretta Johnson décédée. I will miss her, and her terrific laugh. Loretta Johnson, a longtime Rochester schools administrator who became the first woman to lead the district during a one-year interim term in 1994-95, died Thursday at age 78.