ellauri002.html on line 72: No ei Dowlandilla ole Wikipediassa paljon Heineä parempi kohtelu. Älä sekoita samannimiseen lentoupseeriin, äläkä Battler Brittoniin. Dowland oli paavin palvoja ja vakoili hoveissa. Sillä oli perhettä briteissä muze toimi enimmäxeen vierastyöläisenä mannermaalla. Se oli varmaan vähän niinkuin Bellman, hauska seuramies mutta yxixensä aika depis.
ellauri007.html on line 270: (Carl Michael Bellman)
ellauri008.html on line 488: Wiiksiwallu eläinmurhaaja Hemingway tietysti, tyhmä sonni Henry Miller, kaakelileukainen Knut Hamsun, valassarjamurhaaja Melville enimmäkseen (paitti se "mieluummin en" novelli). Conrad merenkävijä myös eri selvästi, en meinaa jaksaa lukea. Henry James on yllättävän ällö myös, vaikkei mikään sonni. Ite asiassa Dostojevskikin soveltuvin osin kuuluu tähän. Ja Paulo Coelho, mirabile dictu. Naismaista miesmäisyyttä on näet myös näiden harrastama nokintajärjestyksen vahtaus ja sitä palveleva pyhyyshymistely, vaikka itse ovat piipunrasseja. Mieskirjailijoita on selvästi jenkkijutkut Bellow, Malamud, Roth etenkin, Paul Auster. Amos Oz ei kuulu joukkoon, mut se ei ookkaan jenkki. Eikä Singer. Naismainen Åke-Håkan Knausgård on selvä mieskirjailija, sukuaan haukkumalla koittaa päästä julkuksi, alistamalla ylistää itseään ja lyttää naisiaan. (Mussakin voi olla sitä vikaa. Mut en sentään ole julkkis.) Bylsii lapsia, fanittaa Hamsunia, Hördeliniä ja Hitleriä, kaikki hulluja mieskirjailijakolleegoja. Hyi. Sen eka kirja enkeleistä oli aika hyvä.
ellauri015.html on line 339: Sylvialla on vaan yksi romaani, The Bell Jar.

ellauri021.html on line 203: Kauniit ja rohkeat -sarjan vastaava tuottaja Bradley Bell arvioi Iltalehden haastattelussa 1990-luvulla sarjan suosion perustuvan siihen, että roolihahmot olivat tavallisia ihmisiä, joihin katsojien oli helppo samastua. Ei mitään sankareita, keskinkertaisia paskiaisia mutta sikarikkaita.
ellauri021.html on line 205: Ihmissuhteiden lisäksi sarjassa on käsitelty erilaisia ongelmia ja kipeitäkin aiheita, kuten insestiä, raiskausta ja asunnottomuutta. Bell korosti, että sarjan ensisijainen tarkoitus oli viihdyttää ja puhutella katsojia tunnetasolla. Jatkuvajuoniset perhesarjat ovat eräänlainen ihmissuhdelaboratorio, jonka sekoituksia tarkkailemalla katsojat voivat ymmärtää paremmin omia ja läheistensä ongelmia.
ellauri022.html on line 240: Trixie arvostelee Bellen vasemmistonäkemyxiä, koska Bellellä on runsaampi tukka ja ruusuisempi iho. Senkin punikki. Sitä se ei anna anteexi.
ellauri022.html on line 869: Saul Bellow siteeraa tätä John Claren pläjäystä:

ellauri023.html on line 1158: Saul Bellow, joka on toisaalla on jo mainittu jenkkijutkukirjailijoiden listassa, on sanonut (sanoo James) että kaikki suuret modernit novelisti (Saul Bellow mukanlukien) oikeesti pyrkivät määrittelemään ihmisluontoa, oikeuttaaxeen elämän jatkamisen ja oman nysväyxensä. (Johon usein sisältyy elämän jatkaminen useamman kuin yhden hoidon kanssa.) En ymmärrä. Mix sitä nyt pitäs justifioida niin sairaasti? Eiköhän riitä vaan todeta millaista tää on. Ja jatkaa naimista kuin kanit.
ellauri025.html on line 754: Being in a band called The Disciples, taas. Nyt on jo luettava Wikipediaa. The Disciples are a dub roots reggae group that was formed in 1986 by brothers Russ D. and Lol Bell-Brown. They are said to be named by Jah Shaka after producing exclusively for Jah Shaka. They recorded 4 albums of instrumental dub for Jah Shaka's King Of The Zulu Tribe label during 1987 to 1990. Jotain neekereitä siis. Never heard.
ellauri031.html on line 339: av Carl Michael Bellman

ellauri034.html on line 228: puolikovisAristoteles, Bellow Saul">Saul Bellow, Kristina C., SchopenhauerCEC, Goethe, Kierkegaard,Musset, E.Saarinen, Wilho P., Hande Mäkelä
ellauri042.html on line 849: nimeltä Belloc.
ellauri042.html on line 891: Jane Dunn is the author of Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens; Moon in Eclipse: A Life of Mary Shelley; Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell: A Very Close Conspiracy; and Antonia White: A Life. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, is married to the linguist and writer Nicholas Ostler, and lives in Bath, England.
ellauri043.html on line 2036:

Sen sielu oli Eesaun sielu! Sillä oli Bellerofonin tauti; ja sen hajustettu äiti antoi roomalaiselle stm Pantheruxelle maissipellossa yhtenä iltana kesken elonkorjuuta.
ellauri043.html on line 2038:

Bellerophon oli Poseidonin and Eurynomen, Glaukoxen vaimon äpärä. Glaukos kasvatti Bellerofonin käenpoikana. Sama tauti vaivasi kuin Jeesusta, ja Kleistin mainizemaa Amfitryonia. Sitä on paljon liikkeellä, meidänkin esi-isällä se oli. B:n veli (ylläri). oli Pegasos, mulle tutuxi tullut razu, B. listi Kimaran razastaen velipojalla. Kuoli köyhänä ja sokeana pudottuaan taivaalta P:n selästä piikkipensaaseen, ei siis väkivaltaisesti, vammaisena muttei muuten sairaana. Eikä antiikissa ollut maissia, se tuli Amerikoista intiaanien mukana. Guffaw, hyvä Gustav!
ellauri043.html on line 5429:

Bellone, —
ellauri046.html on line 682:

Järkiavioliitto on Sörenille tätä: En forstandig lille Syepige gjør derfor ogsaa den kløgtige Bemærkning i et nyere Drama med Hensyn til de fornemme Herrers Kjærlighed: os elske de, men ægte os ikke; de fornemme Damer elske de ikke, men gifte sig med dem. Herrat tykkää blondeista mutta nai tummaverisiä. Perinteistä porvarillista säätysetäilyä sedän näkövinkkelistä. Bellowin Henderson the Rain King näkökulmaa.
ellauri047.html on line 992: Issur Danielowitsch Demsky, Robert Zimmermann, Paul Auster, Harry Heine, Solomon Bellows, ynnä monen monta muuta juutalaista on myynyt sielunsa paholaiselle ja muuttanut heprealaisen nimensä saxalais-slaavilaisexi ja siitä edelleen lännemmäxi, vielä vähän lännemmäxi.
ellauri048.html on line 702: Saul Bellowin alter ego Gene Henderson tiesi että monet Lähi-Idän prinssit oli saaneet amerikkalaisen koulusivistyxen. Se ei tajunnut miten niistä oli tullut niin verenhimoisia, vaikka niille oli opetettu The Village Blacksmith ja "sweet Alice and laughing Allegra". Häh? Osoittautuu et nää on Longfellowia. Longfellow oli seppoilun armoitettu runoseppo, nää runot opetetaan jenkkikakaroille vieläkin.
ellauri048.html on line 708: Saul Bellowin Henderson-buhlein on läpeensä perseestä. Inhottava tyyppi, rasistinen narsisti, eikä vähimmässäkään määrin hauska. Ja tää koskee sekä Hendersonia että sen kalansilmästä alter egoa. Ne on molemmat pappisvallan samppiooneja, uskontohemmoja sielupieru exyxissä. Oma "pelastus" on ihan ykkösasia, muista apinoista viis.
ellauri048.html on line 738: Bellow's characterisation of his father's background is one of the most enjoyable strands of the book and an interesting companion to Saul's fiction. His father, Abraham, is characterised by his grandson as a crook and a tyrant, who despised his youngest son's literary ambitions and pummelled him – and all his sons – until Saul grabbed his hand mid-air one day and said, "I'm a married man, Pa. You cannot hit me anymore." In adulthood, on the rare occasions Bellow tried to talk to his father about his upbringing, Saul would shake him off and say rather pointedly: "You shouldn't blame your parents for your faults." Bellow smiles. "And he said this to me, a therapist no less! His father loved him, but it was a tumultuous relationship and my grandfather was mercurial as hell."
ellauri048.html on line 740: Bellow makes a distinction between "young Saul", the Marxist and rebel, and "old Saul", the famous author and increasing reactionary. Young Saul was his son's ally and encourager; old Saul was "buried under pessimism, anger, bitterness, intolerance and preoccupations with evil and with his death".
ellauri048.html on line 741: Anita worked and, while Saul tried to write, supported the family financially, something his father conveniently overlooked, Bellow says, after they split up and she had to chase him for alimony. "I was 20 before he became famous, so I did not grow up the son of a famous father. I grew up the son of a starving artist."
ellauri048.html on line 743: There followed the years of bohemia, when the family moved to Paris and Saul started to shrug off the influence of his 19th-century literary heroes and find his own voice in The Adventures of Augie March. When he was happy and the writing was going well, their lives would be joyous; when he struggled, the apartment was mired in gloom. Meanwhile, "Saul had women stashed all over town," writes his son. The pain of these recollections is secondary to Bellow's fury at what he calls his father's "self‑justification: that his career as an artist entitled him to let people down with impunity." As an adult, when he asked his mother about it, she said, "I'm blessed with a poor memory."
ellauri048.html on line 745: The taboo of spilling the beans on Saul was "very big", he says, "because my father took the position that art is inviolate and that the artist has to be protected at all costs because he's an artist. Towards the end of his life, Saul asked his son rather charmingly, "Was I a man or a jerk?", which Bellow quotes in the book. "You know, he was asking himself a dead earnest question. And I think it was the right question. But if you were lionising him, you don't ask that question."
ellauri048.html on line 820:

Tämän runon ja muita pitkän häiskän runoja käänsi espanjaksi kolombialainen poeetta Rafael Pombo. Useissa haastatteluissa baseballinpelaaja ja manageri Billy Southworth on maininnut että sen isä luki tätä runoa sille niin usein pienenä, niin että Billy oppi sen ulkoa, ja se on usein inspiroinut sitä aikuisena. Useita lainauxia runosta esiintyy väliruuduissa Buster Keatonin 1922 mykkäelokuvassa The Blacksmith (1922). Vuonna 1938 Tommie Connor, Jimmy Kennedy, and Hamilton Kennedy tekivät siitä koomisen laulu-ja tanssinumeron, jota Glenn Miller lauloi 1990 filmissä Memphis Belle. Repe Sorsa siteeraa siitä pätkän 1953 piirretyssä Duck Amuck. Notta ei se ihan hukkiin mennyt.
ellauri048.html on line 944: From Saul Bellow: tää on hyvä runo, täst mie piän (alter ego Henderson)
ellauri051.html on line 476: 1800-luvun imperialistiromantikoista monet olivat vanhemmiten partapozoja, se näyttää olleen muotina. Ja lähes kaikki julkkiskirjailijat ja runoiljat maailman sivu on olleet aivan vitunmoisia narsisteja. Narsistin passi näyttää olevan julkkissanasepon pääsylippu. Mainiota. Näissä kaikissa on ihan identtistä Amerikan henkeä: Wilt Whatman, Saul Bellow, Henderson the Rain God, ja Donald Trump. Ne on ilkeitä Taavetteja jotka haluis olla Koljatteja, nolata naisia ja neekereitä sillä tavalla. Maailman vahvin mies kisat alkoi USA:ssa, nyt voittajat on pohjoiseurooppalaisia, Burkina Fason Biby on kova haastaja. Pullistelu on yhteistä jenkeille ja härkäsammakoille, jotka Henderson räjäytti kuoliaaxi padon mukana. Aina pitää olla huomion keskipisteenä, näyttämässä muille mistä kana kusee. Mamma, mamma, titta på mej!
ellauri051.html on line 3192: Bellow

  • ellauri052.html on line 31:

    Täysin palkein käsixi Bellowiin

    ellauri052.html on line 33: Malamud Bellow ja Roth oli am. kirjallisuuden Hart Schaffner ja Marx, chicagolainen univormutehdas ja miestenvaatehtimo joka kuoli 2009. Halvat ja mauttomat Marxin veljexet. Bellow suhtautui suopeasti 2v vanhempaan Malamudiin, ison Paulin ikätveriin. Se oli vielä maalaisempi, kotosin Oregonista. Samanlaisia kujakatteja kaikki 3, nahattomia ja karvattomia kullikissoja. PST Bellowin maneeri on laittaa rinnastuxia ilman välimerkkejä niinkuin tän kappaleen alussa. Isaac Bashevis Singer ei kuulunut tähän poppooseen, se oli 1. sukupolven maahanmuuttaja.

    ellauri052.html on line 35: Bellow Saul">Shlomo Belov (1915-2005) sai tukuittain palkintoja ja käkätti niistä mielissään kuin harakka. Oltuaan nuorempana radikaali siitä tuli menestyxen myötä varsinainen taantumusjutkujuurikas. Sillä oli 5 vaimoa ja se oli takuulla vähintään kaappihomo. Sen naiskuvauxet on kliseisiä ja verettömiä mut miestenvessassa on tunnelmaa. Lapsiaan se kohteli kuin Jörkka Suomessa.
    ellauri052.html on line 37: Belov tarkoittaa valkoista. Bellows on palkeet. Tuluxet on tinderbox. Sale oli kuopus pieni ruipelo, sillä oli 2 ruumiikkaampaa porhoveljeä joiden mielestä se oli vaan "some schmuck with a pen", ja sen isä oli ryssämamu monitoimiroisto hitlerwiixissä. Mamu Belov tuli perheineen Pietarista Kanadaan ja hipsi Chicagoon pakoon razupoliiseja Salen ollessa 9v. Sale oli äiskän hemmokki. Osas juutalaisten raamatun melkein ulkoa. Äiti kuoli kun Sale oli 17. Sale kaipas isän hyväxyntää. Isä kuoli '55, Sale oli sen silmissä epäonnistunut tyhjäntoimittaja. Tie menestyxeen aukes vasta kexi-ikäisenä isän kuoltua.
    ellauri052.html on line 58: Henderson the Rain King is a 1959 novel by Saul Bellow. The book's blend of philosophical discourse and comic adventure has helped make it one of his more popular works. It is said to be Bellow's favorite among his books. It was ranked number 21 on Modern Library's list of the 100 Best Novels in the English language.
    ellauri052.html on line 64: A week before the novel appeared in book stores, Saul Bellow published an article in the New York Times titled “The Search for Symbols, a Writer Warns, Misses All the Fun and Fact of the Story.” Here, Bellow warns readers against looking too deeply for symbols in his piece of shit. This has led to much discussion among critics as to why Bellow warned his readers against searching for symbolism just before the symbol-packed Rain King hit the shelves. Because there ain't any, its just Solomon's idea of fun and fact. The ongoing philosophical discussions and ramblings between Henderson and the natives, and inside Henderson's own head, prefigure elements of Bellow's next novel Herzog, which includes many such inquiries into life and meaning. And which is an even worse piece of narcissisim than this one.
    ellauri052.html on line 66: As in all Bellow's novels, death figures prominently in Henderson the Rain King. Also, the novel manifests a few common character types that run through Bellow's literary works. One type is the Bellovian Hero, often described as a schlemiel. Eugene Henderson, in company with most of Bellow's main characters, can be given this description, in the opinion of some people, and Bellow was another one himself for sure. Another is what Bellow calls the "Reality-Instructor"; in Henderson the Rain King, King Dahfu fills this role. In Seize the Day, the instructor is played by Dr. Tamkin, while in Humboldt's Gift, Humboldt von Fleisher takes the part.
    ellauri052.html on line 68: Scholars such as Bellow biographer James Atlas and others have shown that quite a few passages and ideas were lifted from a book titled The Cattle Complex in East Africa (1926) written by Bellow's anthropology professor Melville Herskovits who supervised his senior thesis at Northwestern University in 1937. What a schtekl, to steal from his own professor.
    ellauri052.html on line 70: Vizikästä et vaikka muissa suhteissa Hendersonilla ja Eremiitalla ei ole paljon yhteistä, niin naisten polkemisessa ne kazoo toisiaan ihan eye to eye, kirppu ja sonni saman sikolätin aidalla. Plus toi spiritual void. Noita piisaa noita hengellisiä tyhjiöitä, jos on tyhjä pää ja vääränlainen isäsuhe lapsuudesta, ja pelkää naisia. Rothin miälestä Bellow oli verrattoman hyvä kuvaamaan sensitiivistä miestä pahojen naisten kourissa. Roth oli toinen samanlainen. Amerikkalaisia schmuckeja. Philip Teir hännänhuippuna. Ne on kuin Valittujen Palojen vizi: ukko menee ripille ja sanoo olen ollut neljän nuoren naisen kaa yhtä aikaa. Milloin kävitte viimexi ripillä? En koskaan olen juutalainen. No mixi tulette kertomaan tätä sitten minulle? Höh mähän kerron tätä kaikille!
    ellauri052.html on line 74: Tää Henderson on hemmetinmoinen tylsimys. Bellowsin on täytynyt olla toinen samanmoinen. Herzogkin oli tylsimys. Citrine on tökerö. Amerikkalaisia moukkia koko roikka. Varmaan se Augiekin, ja se dekaani, joita en ole vielä lukenut.
    ellauri052.html on line 81: Hannu Mäkelällä on yhtä monta vaimoa kuin Saul Bellowilla. Kalansilmä vastaan vinosuu. Joku joka on ollut Sale-fan, huomaa lopulta ettei sen kirjoissa ole kuin yxi persoona, eli minä Sale. Sama vika Hannulla.
    ellauri052.html on line 83: In his survey of Bellow’s work, Philip Roth writes of Herzog, “In all of literature, I know of no more emotionally susceptible male, of no man who brings a greater focus or intensity to engagement with women than this Herzog,” a man “as lavish in describing the generous mistress as Renoir.” No siinä on pukki kaalimaan vartijana, Roth on mikäli mahdollista pahempi narsisti kuin Sale.
    ellauri052.html on line 89: Harold Bloom is right to dismiss Bellow’s female characters of the later novels as “third-rate pipe dreams.” When a reader, holding Humboldt’s Gift in his hands, looks back at Augie March, the journey Saul Bellow has taken in his depiction of people is a very sad one. There is no way to compare the daring, principled Mimi Villars, Augie March’s one equal in oration, to the simple Ramona (Herzog), or to the comically shallow Renata (Humboldt’s Gift). Where is a woman equal to Augie’s Thea in these later books?
    ellauri052.html on line 93: It seems that as Bellow re-focused his lens on thought, and a main character’s deliberations over it, the fictional world around that central character darkened and cheapened. As the narrator / protagonist’s internal action grows, around him warmth and depth shrinks, until, by Humboldt’s Gift, it is clear that on a mental level, Citrine is utterly alone.
    ellauri052.html on line 95: This falling away of the world then renders the interplay of thought and reflection a sterile joke, as whatever the main character finally decides, there is no outside world for his deliberations to have meaning. Bellow has little choice, in the world of raging shadows he creates, other than to step away from the quest of thought at the climactic moment, and pretend he was only kidding.
    ellauri052.html on line 97: The novels remain staggering for their invention, their comedy, their culture, and their mingling of riotous squalor with the precepts of a course in philosophy. Bellow writes with a genius that is hard to fathom. Readers may, however, feel troubled by the books’ frequent difficulty in forming a coherent whole.
    ellauri052.html on line 104: Bellow’s most merciless and eviscerating tormenter was his third wife, Susan Glassman, who defeated him in a long, acrimonious and expensive divorce suit. In 1974, after he had fraudulently misrepresented his projected income, the court, hostile to a successful Jewish intellectual, “ordered him to pay Susan $2,500 a month in alimony, backdated to 1968, plus $600 a month child support, plus lawyers’ fees.” Ignoring his own lawyer’s sound advice to settle the case, he surrendered to a self-destructive impulse, continued to appeal and deliberately prolonged his agony.
    ellauri052.html on line 108: I heard Bellow deliver the PEN speech on “American Writers and Their Public” to a packed hall in London on March 22, 1986. He had just suffered the death of his brothers and agonising break with Alexandra. Exhausted by jet-lag, stiff-gaited and parchment-skinned, he seemed terribly old and shattered. His talk ranged widely and wildly but, rambling and unfocused, he could not — like Ezra Pound in the Cantos — make it cohere.
    ellauri052.html on line 112: Leader defines Bellow’s recurrent themes as “the relative claims of life and work, the intensity of childhood experience, sexual insecurity.” He could have added Jewish life and identity, the perils of matrimony and the defects of modern civilisation.
    ellauri052.html on line 122: Bellow punctured the pretentious, unmasked the delusions and deflated the reputations of several intellectual phonies, blackballing LeRoi Jones, Edward Said and Susan Sontag for MacArthur fellowships. He was severely condemned for his provocative but hilarious challenge: “Who is the Tolstoy of the Zulus? The Proust of the Papuans?” But no one ever answered his attack on cultural relativism and he did not apologise.
    ellauri052.html on line 124: Vittu mikä kusipää. Ja tämän pyllypään bändärin miälestä Saul Bellow "was the most coruscating stylist, the most brilliant intellect, the most compassionate and great-souled writer in modern American literature." Pahinta on eze voi olla totta, tosi paha todistus Amerikan henkisestä tilasta.
    ellauri052.html on line 130: Saul Bellow on keltaisen kirjaston inhokkikirjailijoitani. Kyyninen, raskalla kädellä kirjoittava mastodontti. Hidas ja seisahtunut kuin samea sisäjärvi tuulettomana syyspäivänä. No en tunne Bellowia, tietenkään, mutta sellaiselta miehen kirjojen lukeminen nyt vain tuntuu!
    ellauri052.html on line 132: Ja sitten on tämä elitismi. Ei nappaa yhtään. Bellowin piirit ovat suppeita ja suljettuja. Niissä liikkuvat akateemiset ja älykkäät ihmiset. Heillä on runsaasti tiedon ja kulttuurin sivistystä, mutta sydämen sivistystä sitäkin vähemmän.
    ellauri052.html on line 133: Bellowin kirjan Löyhäsuinen mies ja muita kertomuksia kansi näyttää, mistä on kyse. Ärsyttävä jäärä suu teipattuna. Hän on vaimolleen, ystäville, rakastajattarilleen ja koko seurapiirilleen yksi pain in the ass.
    ellauri052.html on line 135: Bellowin kertoja on useimmiten professori tai vähintäänkin korkeasti kouluttautunut - joka tapauksessa pääkopan sisältä täyttä timanttia. Älykuninkaiden arkkityyppi on Victor Wulpy, joka Millainen päivä sivulla oli -novellissa lennättää rakastajatartaan pikadeiteille lentojen välilaskeutumispaikoille. Victor on lännen älykapteeneita: hankkii elantonsa luennoilla 10 000 dollarin tuntitaksalla. Ja ylläpitää oppineiden nokkimisjärjestystä yli-ihmismäisellä tarmolla ja energialla.
    ellauri052.html on line 141: Se on Bellowin mukaan sellaista juutalaishuumoria. No siitä minä en tiedä mitään!
    ellauri052.html on line 142: Bellowin kirjat ovat täynnä Alvar Aallon näköisiä miehiä: paksujen kulmien ja veltostuneiden yläluomien alta tuijottaa intensiivinen ja vaativa katse. Kai se on sitä karismaa. Hahmot ovat äärimmäisen itsekeskeisiä, mikä tekee kertomuksista tylsää ja synkeää itsetilitystä.
    ellauri052.html on line 144: Itseriitoisia herroja enemmän minua ärsyttävät naiset, jotka suostuvat lennähtämään lentokentälle viettääkseen muutaman tunnin maailmanluokan älyniekan seurassa. Joka tosiasiassa voi juuri ja juuri sietää naista seksipartnerina – ja sitäkin pitää analysoisa kantilta jos toiselta – ja ilmisseuralaisena ei lainkaan. Naiset tunnistavat ansionsa muilla elämän osa-alueilla, mutta eivät silti rohkene haastaa miehiään rohkeasti. Naisten kapina – sepä vasta tekisi Bellowille hyvää!
    ellauri052.html on line 146: Bellow kirjoittaa myös juutalaisuudesta, juutalaisena miehenä elämisestä ja kasvamisesta Yhdysvalloissa. Oppineen elämän odotukset olivat varmastikin korkealla – lakimies, opettaja, professori, taitaiteilija tai muuta sen suuntaista – ja suvun paineet suuret. Bellowin kattaus sisältääkin aina kukkuroilleen juutalaista perhe- ja sukurakkautta ja sen analyysiä.
    ellauri052.html on line 148: Bellowin kunniaksi täytyy sanoa, että kirjailijana hän on helposti tunnistettava. Arkiseen puheeseen sisältyy älyllistä filosofointia, melankoliaa ja komediaa, nokkeluuksia ja aforismeja. Varmaan siinä on itseironiaakin, mutta sepä jäi tällaiselta tosikkolukijalta huomaamatta.
    ellauri052.html on line 150: Bellowin novelleissa haisee ja maistuu elämän ehtoopuoli. Jos Bellow jollekin kirjoittaa niin hieman iäkkäämmille ihmisille. Voi hyvin nähdä hänet lukemassa tekstejään amerikkalaisen huippuyliopiston senioreiden alumni-illassa. Ehkä sellaisessa osaisin itsekin arvostaa Bellowia aika lailla nykyistä enemmän.
    ellauri052.html on line 162: Saul Bellowin juuri ilmestynyt uusi romaani Ravelstein kuohuttaa tunteita oikeistolaisissa piireissä Atlantin molemmin puolin. Romaanin päähenkilön Abe Ravelsteinin esikuvana on ollut Bellowin chicagolainen ystävä Allan Bloom, joka nousi maailmanmaineeseen kirjoittamalla populistisen hitin The Closing of the American Mind. Se julisti, että Woodstock-sukupolvi tuhosi kulttuurin suvaitsemalla liikaa ja unohtamalla Kreikan ja antiikin. Kirjan mainetta siivittivät muun muassa Margaret Thatcher ja Ronald Reagan. Bloom kuoli 62-vuotiaana 1992. Kuolinsyyksi ilmoitettiin maksasyöpä. Bellowin Ravelstein on kaappihomo, joka kuolee aidsiin. Tämä on suututtanut Bloomin ystävät.
    ellauri052.html on line 164: Bellow, 84, sanoo New York Timesille aliarvioineensa tunteenomaisen suhtautumisen homoseksuaalisuuten ja aidsiin. "Se taitaa olla kovin kutiava aihe, ja ihmisillä on siihen enemmänkin keskiajalle luontuvat asenteet", hän sanoo ja katuu sanankäyttönsä holtittomuutta. Bellow pesee myös kielensä, hän korjailee toiseen painokseen muun muassa Ravelsteinin sukupuolisten mielihalujen kuvauksia.
    ellauri052.html on line 171: The novel, which Bellow initially intended to be a short story, is a roman à clef about Bellow's friendship with the poet Delmore Schwartz. It explores the changing relationship of art and power in a materialist America. This theme is addressed through the contrasting careers of two writers, Von Humboldt Fleisher (to some degree a version of Schwartz) and his protégé Charlie Citrine (to some degree a version of Bellow himself).
    ellauri052.html on line 286: Horace Tadpole eiku Walpole (24 September 1717 – 2 March 1797) oli aatelinen, talousliberaali, luultavasti äpärä ja todennäkösest ainakin kaappihomo. Suhteellisen turha julkkis jo omana aikanaankin. Se sipsutteli salongeissa rokokoomaisesti puettuna ja puuteroituna lakki kainalossa varpaisillaan. Sen typeristä lausahduxista siteeraa Bellow seuraavaa: it is natural for free men think about money. Why? Because money is freedom, thats why.
    ellauri052.html on line 329: "Bellow is a deceptively handsome fellow.
    ellauri052.html on line 330: ... I think Mr Bellow is still a good-looking man. Slim but solid, with big Oriental eyes and probably a thick dick.
    ellauri052.html on line 479: Selviä narsistitouhoja koko konkkaronkka. Sale on mamu, jutku ja homo tässä järjestyxessä. Lisää aiheesta: A Room of His Own: In Search of the Feminine in the Novels of Saul Bellow. Tekijä Gloria L. Cronin.
    ellauri052.html on line 600: Bellow kertoo kaskun Kafkasta ja Steinerista. Kafka innostui Rudin jutuista, sillä oli ollut samanlaisia aivosähkökatkoja. Mut kun ne tapas Prahassa Rudilla oli paha flunssa, se pyyhki räkää hihaan ja kaivoi koko ajan nenää sormella. Kafkaa ällötti. Siihen jäi siltä antroposofia.
    ellauri052.html on line 851: Bellow on Chicagon kultahattu Humboldt Parkista.
    ellauri052.html on line 853: Bellow’s great subject is his own subjectivity. “If I had as many mouths as Siva has arms and kept them going all the time,” says Joseph, the novel’s Bellow-like protagonist, sounding a little like Walt Whitman, “I still could not do myself justice.”
    ellauri052.html on line 857: Well into his career, Bellow combined the confessional with a mid-century notion of alienation, which meant, for Bellow, man’s inability to get outside his own head. (I use the masculine advisedly; Bellow didn’t go deep enough into women’s heads to need to get out of them.)
    ellauri052.html on line 858: Leader (Salen elämäkerturi) is statesmanlike, fair-minded. He acknowledges in the introduction that great artists are not necessarily family men and that Bellow helped himself to his friends’ and relatives’ life stories even when they would have preferred their privacy.
    ellauri052.html on line 862: His friend and protege Philip Roth has said of him, "The backbone of 20th-century American literature has been provided by two novelists—William Faulkner and Saul Bellow. Together they are the Melville, Hawthorne, and Twain of the 20th century."

    LOL, runkku-Roth Melvillenä tietysti.

    ellauri052.html on line 867: Leader (se elämäkerturi) defines Bellow’s recurrent themes as “the relative claims of life and work, the intensity of childhood experience, sexual insecurity.” He could have added Jewish life and identity, the perils of matrimony and the defects of modern civilisation. The highly disciplined fellow devoted almost every morning to the sacred writing hours from nine to one. Sale ostettiin loppupeleissä Chicagosta Bostoniin. Jasu ja Sale kehu izeään varmaan kilpaa BU:n kekkereissä.
    ellauri052.html on line 871: Bellow punctured the pretentious, unmasked the delusions and deflated the reputations of several intellectual phonies, blackballing LeRoi Jones, Edward Said and Susan Sontag for MacArthur fellowships. He was severely condemned for his provocative but hilarious challenge: “Who is the Tolstoy of the Zulus? The Proust of the Papuans?” But no one ever answered his attack on cultural relativism and he did not apologise
    ellauri052.html on line 875: Vittu mikä kusipää. Ja yhen pyllypään bändärin miälestä Saul Bellow "was the most coruscating stylist, the most brilliant intellect, the most compassionate and great-souled writer in modern American literature." Pahinta on eze voi olla totta, tosi paha todistus Amerikan henkisestä tilasta.
    ellauri052.html on line 882: I heard Bellow deliver the PEN speech on “American Writers and Their Public” to a packed hall in London on March 22, 1986. He had just suffered the death of his brothers and agonising break with Alexandra. Exhausted by jet-lag, stiff-gaited and parchment-skinned, he seemed terribly old and shattered. His talk ranged widely and wildly but, rambling and unfocused, he could not — like Ezra Pound in the Cantos — make it cohere.
    ellauri052.html on line 931: Kun Salen halvexima sen vanhin poika psykiatri sanoo suorat sanat paskamaisesta isästään, pörähtään sen kimppuun äkäinen lauma Salen kirjallisia häntäkärpäsiä. The difficulty Greg Bellow has in grasping his father’s work is almost immediately apparent. His literary interpretations range from calling Humboldt’s Gift (1975) “a novel permeated by death consciousness” to writing that the protagonist of Henderson the Rain King (1959) “chooses a life path that brings him into contact with suffering and death.” (The very phrase “life path” would undoubtedly have made his father cringe.) Ehkäpä, just six että se on osuvaa.
    ellauri052.html on line 932: Oddly, Greg expresses frustration with a father “whose deepest desire was to keep his thoughts and his feelings strictly to himself,” as if Bellow did not spend nearly 70 years sharing those thoughts and feelings with millions of readers.

    ellauri052.html on line 936: Ultimately, much of the book revolves around a perceived opposition between “young Saul,” the politically radical, amorously multitasking free spirit who raised him, and “old Saul,” the reactionary, race-baiting friend of authority and Allan Bloom who occupied his father’s body for its final 40 years. Greg had a front-row seat for Bellow’s supposed conversion, after the rise of black power and the Six Day War, to the unfashionable conservatism that remains the unspoken reason his books aren’t read much in America today. He is thus well-placed to describe how that change—dramatically evident in Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970), the neo-con novel par excellence, but also in Herzog—manifested itself in private.
    ellauri052.html on line 944: It may be helpful to note here that Bellow’s fame, already growing after The Adventures of Augie March, exploded after the publication of Herzog in 1964—the same year Daniel, his youngest son, was born. By the time the newly rich writer, urged by his third wife, moved into a fancy co-op on Lake Michigan, Greg already possessed enough of what he thought were his own opinions to dislike the white plush carpets, the 11 rooms “filled with fancy furniture and modern art.” Reminding the reader he was “raised by a frugal mother and a father who had no steady income,” Greg says that he “found the trappings of wealth in their new apartment so repellent that I complained bitterly to Saul,” who replied that he didn’t care about the new shiny things so long as he could still write—which he could. “As I always had, I accepted what he said about art at face value,” Greg admits, but he stopped visiting the new place. After the marriage deteriorated and Saul moved out, 3-year-old Daniel, in the words of ex-child-therapist Greg, “took to expressing his distress” by peeing on the carpets. “I have to admit that the yellow stains on them greatly pleased me,” Greg writes—for once showing off the Bellovian touch.
    ellauri052.html on line 946: Zachary Leader’s work, though superior to Atlas’s and better than his first volume, still has some serious flaws. He swallows Keith Botsford’s absurd claim that his subject “is a direct descendant of Machiavelli”. Leader constantly tries to connect every person and event in Bellow’s life to their fictional counterparts instead of emphasising his imaginative transformation of experience. Literary agent Andrew Wylie, well named “The Jackal,” poached Bellow from his longtime agent Harriet Wasserman. Varmaan lupas Salelle pyllynamia.

    ellauri052.html on line 950: Only his last wife, Janis Freedman, who was 43 years younger, redeemed his marital failures and fulfilled his expectations. Plain and pliant, Canadian, Jewish and well-educated, she devoted her life to Bellow. She became his amanuensis, household major domo, surrogate parent, guardian of the flame and mother of his child when the biblical patriarch was 84. Hiljaiset ja halukkaat, ketterät ja kurvikkaat, sellaiset me haluaisimme. Jasu ja Jörkka yxissä kansissa.
    ellauri052.html on line 953: Oppressed and heavy-hearted, Bellow resorted to subtle concealment of competing mistresses, moved around like a man on the run and needed bursts of frenetic activity, “even if it means constant trips to Japan, London, Yugoslavia or Israel to keep one jump ahead” of his emotional entanglements.
    ellauri052.html on line 954: Bellow’s portrait of the Romantic author was self-reflective: “The artist is a spurned and misunderstood genius whose sensitivity separates him from and elevates him above the rest of philistine humanity.”
    ellauri052.html on line 958: Bellow was accused of being a “lousy” sexual performer, but was more convincingly called a passionate and virile lover. He even had a fling with his black cleaning lady, “about twice as tall as he was, and well built.” No hemmetti, kysyttiinkö siivoojalta miten mini Sale pärjäsi. Tais heiluttaa patonkia porttikonkissa.
    ellauri052.html on line 960: During an awkward sexual encounter with Harriet Wasserman, she remembered “asking him for permission, as if it were a museum objet d’art, ‘Can I touch this?’” Many of his mistresses remained in love and in touch with him. Scott Fitzgerald said that Hemingway “needed a new woman for each big book”; Bellow lost a woman with each big book. He spilled sperm as he spilled ink, and sex both interfered with and inspired his writing. Bellow created and lived on turbulence, thrived on chaos, courted conflict and was inspired by personal cataclysm. He reported that one lover (mies vai nainen?) “caused me grandes dificultades in England and in the south, but I finished Sammler just the same.” The bearers of erogenous zones (either sex) made him feel younger, “it was a way of avoiding the Angel of Death,” and he cherished their provocative bitchiness. Bellow’s emotional upheavals — his guilt and remorse, multitudinous failings and need for self-condemnation — made him beat his breast at his private Wailing Wall. Se oli kuin kunkku David jolle tuotiin neitosia pyllynlämmittimixi.
    ellauri052.html on line 966: Bellow's wives were Anita Goshkin, Alexandra (Sondra) Tsachacbasov, Susan Glassman, Alexandra Ionescu Tulcea, and Janis Freedman. In 2000, when he was 84, Bellow had his fourth child and first daughter, with Freedman. Goshkin elätti sitä tunarointivuosina. Sen se dumppas kun alko tulla rahaa. Se oli kuin se Jasun ykkönen.
    ellauri052.html on line 969: Bellow’s most merciless and eviscerating tormenter was his third wife, Susan Glassman, who defeated him in a long, acrimonious and expensive divorce suit. In 1974, after he had fraudulently misrepresented his projected income, the court, hostile to a successful Jewish intellectual, “ordered him to pay Susan $2,500 a month in alimony, backdated to 1968, plus $600 a month child support, plus lawyers’ fees.” Ignoring his own lawyer’s sound advice to settle the case, he surrendered to a self-destructive impulse, continued to appeal and deliberately prolonged his agony.
    ellauri052.html on line 971: The rap against Bellow is that he maligned four of his five wives, especially in his fiction. This is true, and Leader is savvy enough not to take Bellow’s word about them. Wife No. 1, Anita, is shown as the underappreciated mainstay she obviously was. As for wife No. 2, Sondra Tschacbasov Bellow (Bellow called her Sasha), the model for the evil Madeleine, Leader has a scoop: an unpublished memoir shared with him after Bellow’s death. By her own account, Sasha was a vulnerable child-woman lacking basic life skills. From childhood and into her teens, she says, she was the victim of incest committed by her father. When Bellow took up with her, he was 37 and she was 21, a Bennington graduate and a secretary at the Partisan Review. His friends treated her with a sniggering sexism unfortunately unremarkable in the 1950s. At a party Bellow took her to, the critic R. W. B. Lewis, her former professor, drunkenly demanded to
    ellauri052.html on line 972: know whether she was sleeping with Bellow yet; “they were all placing bets.” She started an affair with Bellow’s friend Jack Ludwig (the prototype for Gersbach in Herzog) only after she learned of her husband’s many infidelities.
    ellauri052.html on line 979: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
    ellauri052.html on line 981: The rivalry between the brothers may have been even more extreme in life than it was in art. When Bellow won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976, his brother refused to come to Stockholm for the ceremony. Maury’s grandson reconstructed his thinking as follows: “How dare Saul win the Nobel Prize when I’m really the smart one, I’m the one.”
    ellauri053.html on line 76: Hemmetti toi kuolemattomuussikiö on vahva meemi! Sale Bellowilla oli sellainen, ja Söören Luutarhalla. Jos hemmo tosiaan ei haluu ize kuolla sillä on se. Sörkkä kuzui tätä sielua nimellä Personlighed. Vähemmän persoonalliset tyytyy jättää viestikapulan jälkeläisille. Joiltakuilta se putoo kalkkiviivoilla. D'oh!
    ellauri053.html on line 785: Tampuurimajurilla on samanlaisia höpähdyxiä kuin Bellowin Salella: et kaikkeus on niinko mun sisällä, tai et mä kurkin sitä jostain oxanreijästä, ja et mä varmaan loppupeleissä pääsen johkin ihme autuuteen. Se on kyl jonkin sortin hulluutta.
    ellauri054.html on line 519: Browningin pääteos on The ring and the book (1869). Toinen huomattava teos on kokoelma Bells and pomegranates (1841−1846), johon sisältyy muun muassa dramaattinen runoelma Pippa passes. Muita ovat Balaustion’s adventure, Men and women, runokokoelma Dramatis personæ sekä näytelmä Paracelsus. 1888−1889 ilmestyneet kootut teokset sisältävät 16 nidettä.
    ellauri055.html on line 942: Sekä Panu että Taata ize sanoo ezen kirjat perustuu sen omiin kokemuxiin. Niiet elämä ja teos malli sopii Sillinpäähän like a glove, yhtä hyvin kuin vaikka Bellowiin tai Philip Rothiin.
    ellauri065.html on line 568: 29.10.2009 deus vult: (Latin: 'God wills it') is a Latin Catholic motto associated with the Crusades. It was first chanted during the First Crusade in 1096 as a rallying cry, most likely under the form Deus le volt or Deus lo vult, as reported by the Gesta Francorum (ca. 1100) and the Historia Belli Sacri (ca. 1130).. In modern times, the motto has different meanings depending on the context. The First Crusade was initiated in 1095 when Pope Urban II called on warriors to help the Byzantine Empire retake Anatolia form the Seljuq Turks.
    ellauri066.html on line 160: Varhaistuotannossa ennen vallankumousta itsetietoinen, ylpeä ja uhmakas "minä itte" on kokemuksen keskipiste, joka nousee ympäröivän maailman vastakohdaksi. 40-luvulla Aaro liukenee jonkinlaiseen panteismiin. Tää on elämässä menestyneillä narsisteilla aika tavallista, ks. esim Jööttiä tai Sale Bellowia.
    ellauri067.html on line 505: ...the women in the class were furious at the books by men. My choices were quite ordinary—Kerouac, Ellison, Roth, Bellow, and Pynchon... “This Set of Holes, Pleasantly Framed”: Pynchon the Competent Pornographer.
    ellauri069.html on line 376: Thomas Pynchonin 1973 mestaripala Painomusteen Sadeviitta on eepos, pelle-eepos, ja Suuri Amerikan Novelli, kuten Moby-Dick. Toisinkuin Melvillen lukijat, kuiteskin, Pynchonin lukijat voi mennä sivukaupalla täysin pihalla siitä mitä juonessa, tilanteessa tai tyypeissä on tapahtumassa. Kirjaa ei edes voi kunnolla lukea selaamatta samalla koko ajan esim Steven Weisenburgerin Seuraneitiä ja Michael Davitt Bellin “Some Things That ‘Happen’ (More or Less) in Gravity’s Rainbow.”
    ellauri074.html on line 425:

    Mircea Eliade ja Saul Bellow

    ellauri074.html on line 444:

    Belov vaan ei Bellow

    ellauri082.html on line 47: The Prozac book chronicles her battle with depression as a college undergraduate and her eventual treatment with the medication Prozac. Michiko Kakutani wrote in The New York Times, “Wrenching and comical, self-indulgent and self-aware, Prozac Nation possesses the raw candor of Joan Didion's essays, the irritating emotional exhibitionism of Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar, and the wry, dark humor of a Bob Dylan song.”
    ellauri083.html on line 336: For all their profusion, these paled in comparison with Sachs's newest display pieces: The Cabinet, 2014, and The Rockeths, 2017. The former was a folding case fashioned from orange-and-white striped barricades and festooned with hundreds of tools, hung in groups and inscribed with the names of individuals who have "inspired, influenced, or frightened" the artist--from Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn to the members of the Wu-Tang Clan--while the latter was less a cabinet than a kind of portable workbench and shelving unit, similarly jam-packed with the tools of the artist's trade, as well as a collection of model rockets, all again labeled to namecheck various figures of personal importance--scientists, musicians, artists; Apollo, Dionysus, Stringer Bell. The fetishistic frisson the assembled materials (pens, pliers, drill bits, tape measures) clearly provoke in Sachs was made even more explicit in McMasterbation, 2016, one of a trio of scale-model space modules arrayed on plinths. Featuring a copy of the legendarily comprehensive McMaster-Carr hardware catalogue spread open like a porn mag centerfold designed for lonely gearheads--alongside a ready supply of Vaseline and a handy tissue dispenser--it was part cathectic confession of objectophilia and part self-derogating indictment of his own work's tendencies toward sometimes masturbatory excess. Smart and stupid, funny and somehow a bit sad, it was classic Sachs: too much information, in every sense of the phrase.
    ellauri095.html on line 400: Ryhmään kuului John Everett Millais, sen taitavin maalari ja tuleva Royal Academyn presidentti; William Holman Hunt; Thomas Woolner; Frederic Stephens; ja William Michael Rossetti, joka PRB:n sihteerinä piti toimintapäiväkirjaa ja toimitti sen aikakauslehden, Germ, kuutta numeroa.(1850). Ryhmän yhteistyökumppaneita olivat vanhempi taidemaalari Ford Madox Brown, taidemaalari ja runoilija William Bell Scott, runoilija Coventry Patmore ja Christina Rossetti, joiden runoista kuusi ilmestyi Germissä.
    ellauri095.html on line 402: 1840-luvun lopulla Rossetti alkoi näyttää maalauksiaan ja tapasi vuonna 1850 Elizabeth Eleanor Siddalin, "Lizzien", joka oli silloin 16- tai 17-vuotias. Lizziestä tuli Rossettin malli ja lopulta hänen vaimonsa. Menetettyään lapsen hän teki itsemurhan vuonna 1862; jo masentunut, hänen kuolemansa työnsi Rossettin syvempään melankoliaan. Viimeisenä kunnianosoituksena Rossetti asetti runojensa käsikirjoituksen vaimonsa hautaan, päätöstä hän myöhemmin katui. Rossetti päätti vuonna 1869 julkaista runokokoelman, ja lokakuussa hän palkkasi Charles Augustus Howellin ja muut kaivamaan käsikirjoituksen vaimonsa haudasta. Rossettin tuotantovuosi ei ollut ilman varjojaan: hänen vuoden 1892 omaelämäkerraisissa muistiinpanoissaanWilliam Bell Scott kertoi, että vierailunsa aikana Skotlannissa Rossetti osoitti pelkoa pepussa, jonka hän tunsi sisältävän kuolleen vaimonsa hengen.
    ellauri095.html on line 423: Rossetti tuli hyvin juttuun nuorten miesten, enimmäkseen maalareiden, kanssa, jotka jakavat kiinnostuksen nykyrunouteen ja vastustivat tiettyjä vanhentuneita nykyaikaisen akatemiataiteen käytäntöjä. Yleisesti ottaen Prerafaeliittien veljeskunta pyrki tuomaan uusia teemavakavuuden, korkean värin ja yksityiskohtien huomion muotoja silloiseen brittiläiseen nykytaiteeseen. Ryhmään kuului John Everett Millais, sen taitavin maalari ja tuleva Royal Academyn presidentti; William Holman Hunt; Thomas Woolner; Frederic Stephens; ja William Michael Rossetti, joka PRB:n sihteerinä piti toimintapäiväkirjaa ja toimitti sen aikakauslehden, Germ, kuutta numeroa (1850). Ryhmän yhteistyökumppaneita olivat vanhempi taidemaalari Ford Madox Brown, taidemaalari ja runoilija William Bell Scott, runoilija Coventry Patmore ja Christina Rossetti, joiden runoista kuusi ilmestyi Germissä.
    ellauri095.html on line 455: Their rivalry began with Hopkins’s response to her poem “The Convent Threshold.” Geoffrey Hartman was clearly on the right track when he suggested in the introduction to Hopkins: A Collection of Critical Essays (1966) that “Hopkins seems to develop his lyric structures out of the Pre-Raphaelite dream vision. In his early ‘A Vision of the Mermaids’; and ‘St. Dorothea’; he may be struggling with such poems as Christina Rossetti’s ‘Convent Threshold’; and Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘The Blessed Damozel,’ poems in which the poet stands at a lower level than the vision, or is irrevocably, pathetically distanced.” Such poems were the essence of medievalism in poetry according to William Morris, who felt that Keats’s “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” was the germ from which all Pre-Raphaelite poetry sprang. Standing beyond Keats, however, the primary source was Dante. Christina Rossetti clearly alludes to Beatrice’s appeal to Dante in “The Convent Threshold”:
    ellauri097.html on line 341: DisjunctivMies jolla on helliä tunteita miehiin vaikka bylsii naisia ("Homoromantic heterosexual")Sale Bellow, Joseph Conrad, T.S. Eliot, Bernard Shaw, Robert Frost, Thomas Mann
    ellauri097.html on line 814: Tää juttu on pitkä kuin nälkävuosi eikä kovin kummonen. Niinkuin Frostin proosarunotkin. Ei noi muutkaan perheaiheiset pöpötyxet paljon hetkauta. Jääköön Frost nyt rauhaan homoepäilyxiltä. Vaik epäilemättä homo sekin oli, vaikka sitten kaapissa. Kyllä se niin söpö oli pienenä. Bella figura kuten Philip Roth. Mutta lieventävänä asianhaarana voi mainita, eze kävi ahkerasti masis vaimon luukulla. Sen voi siitä todeta, että vaikka runoilijan hommissa ei tarvi välttämättä olla hullu, on siitä paljon apua.
    ellauri098.html on line 483:
    H.C. Andersen, Frodo Baggins, William Blake, Marlon Brando, Charley Brown, Albert Camus, Johnny Depp, Jane Eyre, Mia Farrow, V.van Gogh, Homeros, P.Johannes, Franz Kafka (taas), Helen Keller, Kermit the Frog, Sören Kierkegaard, Hugh Laurie, John Lennon, Luna Lovegood, P.Luukas, C.S. Lewis (taas), Neizyt Maria, Bob Marley, A.A. Milne, John Milton, Jim Morrison, Edgar Allan Poe, Fred Rogers, Romeo&Juliet, J-J.Rousseau, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Carlos Santana, William Shakespeare, Bella Swan (Twilight), Luke Skywalker, Amy Tan, Daenerys Targaryen, JRR Tolkien, Vergilius, Andy Warhol, Bill Waterson (Calvin&Hobbes), Virginia Woolf

    ellauri098.html on line 536:
    LM Alcott, Alice (Carroll), Captain America, Marcus Aurelius, Belle (Beauty of Beast), Beyonce, Barbara Bush, Jimmy Carter, prinssi Charles, Agatha Christie, Cinderella, Aretha Franklin, Francesco Franco, Forrest Gump, Heinrich Himmler, Kim Kardashian, Robert E.Lee, George Marshall, kuningatar Mary I, Ophelia (Hamlet), Mike Pence, Barbra Streisand, W.H.Taft, Alfred Lord Tennyson, St.Teresa of Avila, Äiti Teresa, Dr.Watson (Holmes), Bruce Willis, Tiger Woods

    ellauri102.html on line 244: Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tribune described the film as "a big disappointment when compared with the studio's other recent films about a female hero searching for independence." He was further critical of Mulan's characterization in comparison to Ariel and Belle, jotka molemmat on aivan lällyjä. Mä en ole nähnyt Titanicia (enkä todellakaan aio nähdäkään) mutta näkemättäkin oon vakuuttunut eze on yhtä syvältä kuin se paattikin.
    ellauri106.html on line 97: In 2000 Saul Bellow proposed Philip Roth to the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize for Literature. The accusation that the academy deliberately overlooks Roth's achievements in selecting the Nobel Prize winner each year has been one of the truisms of international feuilletons since the 2000s. According to some critics, the accusation turned out to be justified in 2008, when the chairman of the jury responsible for the Nobel Prize for Literature made public general reservations about North American literature and denied it deserving of an award. Ulrich Greiner summed up Roth's rejection by the Nobel Prize Committee as follows: “The Swedes, however, love authors who help to improve the world. Philip Roth only adds something to their knowledge about what needs work."
    ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
    ellauri106.html on line 175: Word has come that Philip Roth died on Tuesday in New York City at the age of 85. He was widely considered the last of the Great American Novelists of the late 20th Century the peer of heavy hitters John Updike and Saul Bellow. Roth himself believed that the novel, which had ruled for a century as the supreme and exalted American literary form, is doomed to becoming a cult niche in the Age of the Internet for a diminishing educated elite, “I think always people will be reading them but it will be a small group of people. Maybe more people than now read Latin poetry, but somewhere in that range…” Ever a realist, Roth was sanguine with the prospect.
    ellauri106.html on line 617: Kuten mainittiin jo albumissa 55, Amerikan 45. presidentti Donald Trump pyrki ikuistamaan punakeltaisen naamansa lakota-intiaanien pyhän vuoren kylkeen. Parempi loppusijoituspaikka olis ollut 20. vuosisadan toxisen maskuliinisuuden Mount Rushmore: Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, John Updike ja Philip Roth.
    ellauri106.html on line 621: Mailer was hugely popular at his peak, but now he’s probably best known for that whole stabbing-his-second-wife awkwardness; Updike is regularly derided as “a misogynist”; and Bellow’s female characters are often, at best, thinly drawn, or full-on bitches and shrews. Now, inevitably, it’s Roth’s turn. Roth’s women were either “vicious and alluring” or “virtuous and boring”.
    ellauri107.html on line 429: Groucho Malamud, Chico Bellow ja Harpo Roth olivat kuin Sam Gamgee, Frodo ja Bilbo Baggins, karvavarpaisia babitteja, alamittaisia homunculuxia. Keskiluokan hirviöitä. "Missä kirjoituskone on?" Hupaisaa että Tolkien-leffoissa poroporvarillisista hobiteista on tullut kansalaiskuntoisia rotariveljiä.
    ellauri108.html on line 38: Käsitteiden "ikävä mulkero", "kusitolppa" ja "paskiainen" extensioiden objektiivisesta yhtäpitävyydestä todistaa mm. se, että paskiaiset puolustelee ikäviä mulkeroita ja kusitolppia sekä kääntäen. Esim. pikku piipunrassi Grels Teir osoittaa "ymmärtämystä" Ruozin Mengelelle Anders Tegnellille. Sale Bellow kiittelee Philip Rothia ja kääntäen. Öykkärimäinen Trump ja luihu Boris ovat samixia frisyyriä myöten. Etc. etc.
    ellauri109.html on line 483: Romaanikirjailijan tehtävään kuuluu tehdä yxityisestä julkista. Onko niin? Linssiludekirjailijat kuten Phillu Wallu Miller Bellow Updike (ilmeisesti, en ole lukenut) ja Knasu ajattelee niin. Oikeammin kirjailija antaa toisen yxityisen kokea mitä se on ize kokenut tai kuvitellut jonkun kokeneen. Koko vitun "yleisö" on siinä ihan sivuasia. Hyvät romskut ovat kahdenkeskisiä. Mut tätähän ei kustantaja ole valmis nielemään. Se tarvii ostavan yleisön ja kohua. Jengiä joka keskustelee viimeisestä bestselleristä ja sen koukuttavasta lukuelämyxestä.
    ellauri109.html on line 539: Roth mined his life for his characters from the beginning. He also found himself liberated, as the fifties wore on, by the example of two older Jewish-American writers. Saul Bellow’s “The Adventures of Augie March” helped “close the gap between Thomas Mann and Damon Runyon,” Roth recalled. Bernard Malamud’s “The Assistant” showed him that “you can write about the Jewish poor, you can write about the Jewish inarticulate, you can describe things near at hand.”
    ellauri109.html on line 559: He told Bellow of his early work, “I kept being virtuous, and virtuous was destroying me. When I let the repellent in, I found that I was alive on my own terms.”
    ellauri109.html on line 581: in 2000, James Atlas’s biography of Bellow appeared. It was a book that Roth had urged Atlas to write, but Bellow hated it, and so, in the end, did Roth. An acidic trickle of disenchantment, especially regarding Bellow’s inconstancy with women and family, runs through it. Oma vika pikku sika.
    ellauri115.html on line 227: Thérèse Le Vasseur tuli arvostetusta perheestä, joka oli kaatunut vaikeisiin aikoihin; hiänen isänsä oli paikallinen virkamies Orléansissa, ja hiänen äitinsä oli kauppias. Thérèse ja hiänen äitinsä muuttivat Pariisiin etsimään työtä, ja myöhemmin hiänen isänsä liittyi heihin. Le Vasseur tapasi Rousseaun Pariisissa vuonna 1745. Le Vasseur työskenteli itsepalvelupesulana ja huonetarnaisena (!?) Hotel Saint-Quentinissä Rue des Cordiers -kadulla, jossa Rousseau otti ateriansa. Hiän oli tuolloin 23-vuotias, hän 33-vuotias. Rousseaun mukaan Thérèse synnytti hänelle (?) viisi lasta, jotka kaikki annettiin Enfants-Trouvésin löytökodille, ensimmäinen vuonna 1746 ja muut 1747, 1748, 1751, ja 1752. Thérèseä kuvataan Rousseaun tunnustuksissa heikosti älykkääksi naiseksi, jota hiänen perheensä ja miesystävänsä hyväksikäyttää. (Siis kuvataan kuten tavallista heikosti, mutta älykkääxi.) He kävivät läpi laillisesti kelpaamattoman avioliittoseremonian Bourgoinissa 29. elokuuta 1768. Therese tarjosi Rousseaulle tukea ja hoitoa, ja kun hän kuoli, hiän oli hänen omaisuutensa, mukaan lukien käsikirjoitukset ja rojaltit, ainoa perijä. Rousseaun kuoleman jälkeen vuonna 1778 hiän meni naimisiin René de Girardinin palvelija Jean-Henri Ballyn kanssa marraskuussa 1779. He asuivat yhdessä Le Plessis-Bellevillessä kuolemaansa asti vuonna 1801. (Siis hiänen, hän Bally peri sitten koko roskan.)
    ellauri117.html on line 597: Locken isä, myös nimeltään John Locke, oli maalaislakimies, joka oli toiminut kapteenina parlamentin joukkojen ratsuväessä Englannin sisällissodan alkupuolella. Hänen äitinsä Agnes Keene oli nahkurin tytär. Kummatkin vanhemmista olivat ilmeisesti kalvinisteja. Locke syntyi pienessä olkikattoisessa mökissä Wringtonin kirkolla Somersetissa noin 18 kilometrin päässä Bristolista. Hänet kastettiin samana päivänä. (Eli oli heiveröinen kuin 101 dalmatialaiskoiran Lucky.) Pian Locken syntymän jälkeen perhe muutti Pensfordin kauppalaan lähemmäksi Bristolia. Locke kasvoi siellä Bellutonissa Tudor-tyylisessä talossa.
    ellauri118.html on line 575: Maija kirjottaa kiemuraisesti kuin Aku Ankan valssikuningas. Mut taas on kyse siitä kuka kertoo, minä vaiko se. Luultavimmin aina minä, silloinkin kun sankari on se. Eli romskut on tollasia Caesarin Dr Bello Gallico, heppu kertoo izestään 3 persoonassa. Tuli näki ja voitti. Siinä näkijä missä tekijä.
    ellauri140.html on line 74: Acrasia F-, seductress of knights. Guyon destroys her Bower of Bliss at the end of Book 2. Similar characters in other epics: Circe (Homer's Odyssey), Alcina (Ariosto), Armida (Tasso), or the fairy woman from Keats' poem "La Belle Dame sans Merci". Akrasia on pidätyskyvyn puutetta.
    ellauri140.html on line 86: Bellphone F+-, the beautiful sister of Amoret who spends her time in the woods hunting and avoiding the numerous amorous men who chase her. Timias, the squire of Arthur, eventually wins her love after she tends to the injuries he sustained in battle; however, Timias must endure much suffering to prove his love when Belphoebe sees him tending to a wounded woman and, misinterpreting his actions, flies off hastily. She is only drawn back to him after seeing how he has wasted away without her. Tää on niinkö Artemis eli Diana. Osuvasti kolmikulmapuistossa.
    ellauri140.html on line 201: In 1591, Spenser published a translation in verse of Joachim Du Bellay's sonnets, Les Antiquités de Rome, which had been published in 1558. Spenser's version, Ruines of Rome: by Bellay, may also have been influenced by Latin poems on the same subject, written by Jean or Janis Vitalis and published in 1576. Vitalis oli pahanhajuista naamavoidetta jota laitettiin lasten naamaan pakkasella. Vitut sanoi Vatanen, ja Vatanen oli viisas mies.
    ellauri141.html on line 444: Bellerophontem, Emman selästä.
    ellauri142.html on line 270: Humboldtin lahja oli Sale Bellowin suht laaduton romaani. Wilhelm sanoo kirjansa johdannossa: "The expansion of the intellectual life is the sole possession that the individual, to the extent that she participates at all, may regard as indestructible." Minnes Wilho sielu jäi? Aika pakanallista. No voi vaan toivoa että Bhagavadgita on lähempänä jumalaa. Translators note: von Humboldt is groping here to express the idea that language is a sociopsychological vehicle of communication. Sanaa "sosiopsykologinen" ei ollut vielä edes kexitty (onnexi, tekee mieli sanoa).
    ellauri144.html on line 566: Iowassa kustantajaa vaihtanut ja muutenkin pullistunut Phillu alkaa tylsistyä Maggiin, toiset naiset on alkaneet kiinnostaa enemmän. Dylan Thomas oli distinguished guest Iowassa 60-luvun alussa. Phillu shtuppii nyt oppilastaan Karen Oakesia, Maggie järkyttyy, ottaa nappeja ja viskiä ja kertoo vessanpytyn ääressä neekerinpissajäynästä. Kurt Vonnegut, Norman Mailer ja Saul Bellow otti Phillun tapaan uudet hanit alle joka lukuvuosi. Se pitää kirjailijan pirteänä. Phillu groomas samaan aikaan ahkerasti Maggien 10-vuotiasta Holly-tyttöä. Maggie oli niin mustasukkainen että Phillu piilotti keittiöveizet auton vararenkaaseen.
    ellauri144.html on line 750: Herkkää kautta seurasi älyllinen kausi vuosina 1916–1936. Himénezin tämän kauden teoksista merkittävimpiä ovat: Diario de un poeta recién casado (1916), Primera antolojía poética, (1917), Eternidades (1918), Piedra y cielo (1919), Poesía (1917–1923) ja Belleza (1917–1923). Merkittävin teos on Platero y yo 1917 (Harmo ja minä – andalusialainen elegia, suom. Tyyni Tuulio, 1957).lähde?
    ellauri145.html on line 1126: Alphonse Allais, né le 20 octobre 1854 à Honfleur et mort le 28 octobre 1905 à Paris, est un journaliste, écrivain et humoriste français. Célèbre à la Belle Époque, reconnu pour sa plume acerbe et son humour absurde, il est notamment renommé pour ses calembours et ses vers holorimes. Il est parfois mais pas souvent considéré comme l´un des plus grands conteurs de langue française.
    ellauri146.html on line 118: Wie er sich selbst zu dieser seichten Belletristik stellt, darüber läßt er uns nicht im Unklaren. Herr Mollfels, eine der Hauptpersonen des Stückes giebt einem Schriftsteller Rattengift gute Lehren. »Sie müssen beileibe alles hinlänglich weich kneten, denn das Weiche gefällt und wenn es auch nur nasser Dreck wäre. Vorzüglich aber müssen Sie stets den Geschmack der Damen im Auge behalten, denn diese, welche noch niemals von einem wahren Dichter als berufene Richterinnen anerkannt sind, gelten jetzt im Reiche der Kunst als oberste Appellationsinstanz; ob man sie wegen ihrer kränklichen Nerven oder wegen ihrer Geschicklichkeit im Charpiezupfen dazu erwählt hat, ist eine unentschiedene Frage. Desto entschiedener ist es, Herr Rattengift, daß man Sie, wenn Sie Gewalt genug besitzen, eine dieser Regeln zu verachten, als einen blindlaufenden, verrückten, rohen Phantasten verschreit, der Schönheiten und Erbärmlichkeiten mild nebeneinanderkleckst. Ständen Homer oder Shakespeare erst jetzt mit ihren Werken auf, so wären Beurteilungen zu erwarten, in denen die Iliade ein unsinniges Gemengsel und der Lear [ganz berechtigt, vgl. Album 198] ein bombastischer Saustall genannt würde; ja manche Recensenten geben vielleicht dem Homer einen wohlgemeinten Fingerzeig, sich nach »der bezauberten Rose« emporzubilden, oder gebieten dem Shakespeare, fleißig in den Romanen der Helmine von Chezy und der Fanny Tarnow zu studieren, um daraus Menschenkenntnis zu lernen.«
    ellauri151.html on line 1065: Rokan hahmo korostaa Tuntemattoman toista syväteemaa: kuria. Rokkaa siedetään, mutta vaientajansa hänkin kohtaa. Herra se on herrallakin. Kuri-Suomen kasvattama Vanhala on lopulta selviytyjä ja kansanvaltaisuutta edustava joukkuepelaaja. "Talis est bellum." Vitun tolvana. Bellum on neutri.
    ellauri155.html on line 1010: Asquith was a great friend of hers; also Lytton Streachy and Clive Bell and
    ellauri160.html on line 138: He was dismissed after a few months. Smoking was forbidden, but he would smoke cigarillos in his room in the same corridor as the president's office. He was asked to leave the college in January 1908 when his landladies, Ida and Belle Hall, found a woman in his room. Shocked at having been fired, he left for Europe soon after, sailing from New York in March on the RMS Slavonia.
    ellauri163.html on line 697: With an 11-year-old hero, Philip Pullman´s new book is a delightful nod to Edmund Spenser´s 'The Faerie Queene'. If Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials trilogy was an obvious nod to John Milton’s Paradise Lost, his new Book Of Dust trilogy takes inspiration from Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene. Though thematically different, both fall within the same literary genre—they are epic poems, long narrative pieces recounting heroic deeds, and if the term could loosely be used to describe works of prose, then La Belle Sauvage, the first in the Book Of Dust trilogy, is one such novel. Spenser’s late-16th century poem, though incomplete, follows the adventures of medieval knights. Our knight is 11-year-old Malcolm Polstead, curious, intelligent, good-natured and clueless, when we first meet him, of the trials that await him. La Belle Sauvage, then, is a companion, or "equel" (a new story that stands alongside his previous trilogy), to His Dark Materials trilogy. Better strike while the iron is hot, as J.K. Rowling did.
    ellauri171.html on line 1031: Why would parents name their child Jezebel? Because it’s a pretty name. Just because someone has the same name as someone in the Bible does not mean this is where the inspiration for their name came from. Reality check: not every person is religious. Spanjuunat koittivat kiemurrella että Isabella ei muka ole Iisebel vaan Elishaveta, Aaronin vaimo, Johannes Yökastelijan ja Hyvinkään Kultahatun äiti Iisa taivutustyyppiä kala. Jumala muka vaan putosi pois alusta. Paskanmarjat, samat iisev ja el vaan toisin päin. Jumala on voimasana. Liisa, Betty, Elsa, Iisa, Bella ym.
    ellauri171.html on line 1036: The name Jezebel is a girl's name of Hebrew origin meaning "not exalted". Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab in the Hebrew Book of Kings, has long had a bad girl reputation. But in the modern secular world, this is somewhat mitigated by the feminist perspective of her as a strong woman, the power behind the throne. Previously avoided as a baby name, Jezebel is now, along with the also previously avoided Delilah and Desiree, coming into use, helped by its relation to other 'bel' names such as Isabel and Bella. The popular feminist celebrity blog Jezebel upped the name's cool factor. Jezebel is the title of one of Bette Davis's best known early films.
    ellauri180.html on line 55: Elena has received mainly positive reviews. Steve West of the Cinema Blend compared the story of The Young Adult Vampire Diaries and the character of Elena to the 10 years older popular vampire franchise, Twilight, and its protagonist Bella Swan. West said "Clearly Elena is way hotter than Bella, she has two immortal young adult vampires fighting over her". (Täähän on jo moneen kertaan nähty: chick litissä tytöllä pitää ollä väh. 2 kosijaa, ei se muuten ole mistään kotoisin.) After the vampire episodes, Elena established her own medical practice, specialising in blood diseases.
    ellauri180.html on line 59:
    Bella ja Elena poikaystävineen. Jotenkin mä pidän Bellasta silti ehkä enemmän. Sen vampyyrikin näyttää kiltimmältä.

    ellauri183.html on line 72: Saul Bellow: "Let me add on my own behalf that the accent of hard-won and individual emotional truth is always heard in Malamud's words. He is a rich original of the first rank."
    ellauri183.html on line 88: Roth contrasted Malamud’s protagonisz to the exuberant Jewish characters created by Saul Bellow, especially the picaresque Augie March, and his own hypersexual Alexander Portnoy. In effect, Roth said, Malamud had created Jews who were stereotypes, not fully realized human beings like him and Sal.
    ellauri183.html on line 481: Venäjänjuutalainen Saul Bellow on kylmiö samaa kaliiperia. Vaan eipä ihme kun seuraa sen luovan kirjoittamisen kerhoa.
    ellauri184.html on line 60: Morales moved in with Mailer during 1951 into an apartment on First Avenue near Second Street in the East Village, and they married in 1954. They had two daughters, Danielle and Elizabeth. After attending a party on Saturday, November 19, 1960, Mailer stabbed Adele twice with a two-and-a-half inch blade that he used to clean his nails, nearly killing her by puncturing her pericardium. He stabbed her once in the chest and once in the back. Adele required emergency surgery but made a quick recovery. Mailer claimed he had stabbed Adele "to relieve her of cancer". He was involuntarily committed to Bellevue Hospital for 17 days. While Adele did not press charges, saying she wanted to protect their daughters, Mailer later pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of assault saying, "I feel I did a lousy, dirty, cowardly thing", and received a suspended sentence of three years' probation. In 1962, the two divorced. In 1997, Adele published a memoir of their marriage entitled The Last Party, which recounted her husband stabbing her at a party and the aftermath. This incident has been a focal point for feminist critics of Mailer, who point to themes of sexual violence in his work.
    ellauri185.html on line 44: Saul Bellowin Einhorn on vielä 1 maailmankirjallisuuden saita luihu koukkunokka juutalainen. Ei savua ilman tulta, sanon hitlerwiixet wäpättäen.
    ellauri185.html on line 50: Sale Bellow mainizee Horatio Alger-kirjansa "Augie Marchin seikkailut"1 alussa onnettomat äidit Eevan ja Hannan. Eevan onnettomuudet tiedetään (ne ize ansaitut), mut kuka hiivatti oli Hanna? Mulla on iso aukko raamattutiedossa deuteronomisten kirjojen kohdalla. Vaikka niissä on kosolti mehukkaita juttuja. (1"Kiemurat", kuinka typerää.)
    ellauri185.html on line 256: 10.3.2022 klo 9.17 - Oma Profiili: Okei! Saul Bellowin isoäiti luki Anna Kareninan kerran vuodessa.
    ellauri185.html on line 373: Everyone ought to regard everyone with respect, that's all. Rispektiä kehiin kuten Saul Bellowin isoäitl Lauschilla. Rakastamisesta ei mitään puhetta. Oliko Parfit juutalainen? Ei vaan pikemminkin Olavi Pylkkänen. He was born in Chengdu, western China, where his parents, Jessie (nee Browne) and Norman Parfit practised preventive medicine in Christian missionary hospitals. Life partner Janet Richards believes Parfit had Asperger syndrome. He pledged to donate at least 10% of his income to effective charities. No brittejä ei verot paljon paina. Ehkä se säästi charityrahat parturimenoista.
    ellauri185.html on line 683: Jo näistä lausunnoista, joita eri suuntiin täydennetään ja laajennetaan m.m. kirjoituksessa "Voivatko sotilaatkin tulla autuaiksi" (kyllä hyvinkin!), missä esitetään sotaan nähden sama myönteinen kanta, edelleen lähestyskirjeessä kristilliselle aatelille (jota nuori Saul Bellow luki Einhornin tuhopoltossa kärzänneestä Harvard Classics niteestä) ynnä muissa kirjoituksissa, selvinnee Lutherin periaatteellinen kanta väkivallan käyttöön ja siihen nojautuvaan valtiojärjestykseen. Lutherin asenne meitä askarruttavaan kysymykseen on, kuten näkyy, jyrkästi Tolstoin asenteen vastainen. Lutherin mielestä ei vuorisaarna, niin kuin kristinoppi yleensäkään, kiellä meitä suojelemasta tarpeen tullen väkivoimin ihmiselämän pyhimpiä arvoja. Päinvastoin: kristittykin on sellaiseen suojelupalvelukseen velvoitettu.
    ellauri185.html on line 855: In Leader's Bellow biography Vol 2, “Love and Strife,” the novel “Herzog” is published on the very first page and reaches No. 1 on the best-seller list, supplanting John le Carré’s ‘The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.’ Never again would Bellow, about to turn 50 years old, lack for wealth, power, awards or flunkies to stand by him, ready to take his coat and do his bidding. The temptation for someone in his position was to become an insufferable, spoiled monster. And Bellow quickly gave in to temptation.
    ellauri185.html on line 857: Bellow’s bad temper in the late ’60s was by no means directed exclusively at would-be biographers, radical students and aggrieved wives. Bellow had so many targets to attack, whether insulting them face to face or in blistering letters or put-downs circulated through intermediaries. One of his favorite one-liners ran: “Let’s you and him fight.” The most salient recipients of Bellow’s bad temper in this biography were his three sons, each from a different mother — the oldest 21 when this volume starts, the youngest just 1 year old and about to be abandoned after yet another divorce.
    ellauri185.html on line 861: Bellow didn’t just model some main characters on famous friends, but all characters were taken from life. He was in many ways a very thoughtful and kind person, but I think his need to be the top dog, the best, was very deep.
    ellauri185.html on line 863: The irony in Bellow’s soul was that he craved love and experience, and learned to view people coldly and clinically. The writer Amos Oz recalled most vividly from his friendship with Bellow an exchange that they shared privately about death. “I said I was hoping to die in my sleep, but Saul responded by saying that, on the contrary, he would like to die wide awake and fully conscious, because his death is such a crucial experience he wouldn’t want to miss it.”
    ellauri185.html on line 865: As previous biographers have discovered, it’s difficult to write an endearing biography of Bellow. “Was I a man or was I a jerk?” Bellow inquired on his deathbed. The answer should be obvious.
    ellauri191.html on line 1342: Bellow_(Herzog_portrait).jpg" class="image">Saul <span style=Bellow (Herzog portrait).jpg" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Saul_Bellow_%28Herzog_portrait%29.jpg/75px-Saul_Bellow_%28Herzog_portrait%29.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="59" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Saul_Bellow_%28Herzog_portrait%29.jpg/113px-Saul_Bellow_%28Herzog_portrait%29.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Saul_Bellow_%28Herzog_portrait%29.jpg/150px-Saul_Bellow_%28Herzog_portrait%29.jpg 2x" data-file-width="898" data-file-height="707" />
    ellauri191.html on line 1344: Bellow" title="Saul Bellow">Saul Bellow
    ellauri192.html on line 351: The last American winner was Toni Morrison in 1993. No writer from South America has won since Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1982. The previous North American winner was Canadian Saul Bellow, who won in 1976 and was a resident of the United States for much of his life. What the fuck he was a Chicago crook, as American as apple pie.
    ellauri192.html on line 663: The other Seifert book is "The Casting of Bells," a 64-page collection translated by Tom O'Grady and Paul Jagasich, and published in August 1983 by The Spirit That Moves Us Press in Iowa City, Iowa. Morty Sklar, who described himself yesterday as "publisher, editor, typesetter and stamp licker" of the press, said his is a small, independent press that publishes two books a year. He published 1,000 copies of the Seifert book, but yesterday, upon hearing the news from Sweden, he reordered 2,500 more. It is available in paperback for $6.
    ellauri196.html on line 861: Du Bellayn värsy jota Montale siteeraa loppuviimexi on aika mitätön.
    ellauri198.html on line 58: Näin siis nobelisti Bellow. Vapaus, löytämisen ja näkymisen ilo, toivo kaiken toivottomaksi tekevän uhalla ja keskellä, elämän äkkikäänteisyys, moninaisuus, varakkuus, rikkaus! Saul Bellowin Augie Marchin sikailut ei ole vain hauska veijariromaani. Se on myös paxu ja nenäviisas kirja velmusta juutalaisesta ajassamme.
    ellauri206.html on line 67: Tschekhov ei varmaan kazonut telkkaria, tokko kävi edes leffassa. Talutti vaan pikkurouvan koiraa Jaltalla. Anglosaxittuja esimerkkejä Wikipediassa tästä tekniikasta ovat Mark Swan (n.h.), Percy Lubbock (n.h.), Ernest Hemingway (yecch), Chuck Palahniuk (n.h.), James Scott Bell (n.h.), Orson Scott Card (n.h.) Yves Lavandier (n.h.) Olipas omituinen luettelo!
    ellauri206.html on line 249: Jean Lorrain, pseudonyme de Paul Alexandre Martin Duval, est un écrivain français à très forte tendance parnassienne, né le 9 août 1855 à Fécamp, en Haute-Normandie, et mort le 30 juin 1906 dans le 17e arrondissement de Paris. Dandy sybarite, ouvertement homosexuel, amateur de drogues, Jean Lorrain est l'un des écrivains scandaleux de la Belle Époque, au même titre que d'autres auteurs « fin de siècle » comme Rachilde, Hugues Rebell et Fabrice Delphi. Ses œuvres peuvent être rapprochées de la littérature dite « décadente ».
    ellauri210.html on line 361: Arthur Cravan, the Dadaist poet-boxer, was neither a good poet nor a good boxer, but he was a legendary provocateur. Hemingway, Mailer, and Scorsese: much great American art has been inspired by boxing. How bout Irving? No he was a wrestler. Between 1907 and 1909, Saul Bellow created three paintings—Club Night, Stag at Sharkey’s, Both Members of This Club—that captured boxing’s glories and indignities. The sport provided a powerfully visceral metaphor for the American experience of the twentieth century. Amerikan nyrkki on sittemmin kumauttanut päähän useampia kansoja kuin kehtaa muistella.
    ellauri210.html on line 1380: In 1954, Joyce Mansour became involved with the surrealist movement after Jean-Louise Bédouin wrote a review praising Cris in Médium: Communication surréaliste that May. Joyce Mansour actively participated in the second wave of surrealism in Paris. Her apartment was a popular meeting place for members of the surrealist group. L'exécution du testament du Marquis de Sade, the performance piece by Jean Benoît took place in Mansour’s apartment, where she "collaborated" with obscure minor representatives such as Pierre Alechinsky, Enrico Baj, Hans Bellmer, Gerardo Chávez, Jorge Camacho, Ted Joans, Pierre Molinier, Reinhoud d'Haese and Max Walter Svanberg.
    ellauri211.html on line 48: Reader's Digest sai alkunsa New Yorkin Greenwich Villagessa 1920-luvun alussa, kun William Roy DeWitt Wallace (1889–1981) ja hänen vaimonsa Lila Bell Wallace alkoivat julkaista muista lehdistä valikoimiaan juttuja yksissä kansissa. Pian he perustivat Reader's Digest Association -nimisen yrityksen New Yorkin lähellä sijaitsevaan Pleasantvilleen.
    ellauri211.html on line 299: Katri Helena ja Panu Rajala olivat naimisissa vuodesta 1997 vuoteen 2004. Toissavuotisessa Katri Helena -musikaalissa Panu Rajala tuotiin kirjailijan mukaan esiin varsin kyseenalaisessa valossa. Panu Rajalaa ei musikaalissa kutsuttu hänen oikealla sukunimellään, vaan miehestä käytettiin leikkisää nimitystä Proffa. Musikaalissa Proffa liehitteli muita naisia eikä ollut vaimonsa tukena, mikä teki laulajan surulliseksi. Rakkaus rakoili nopeasti. Musikaalista kiukustuneena kirjoittamassaan paljastuskirjassa Rajala sanoo tuovansa kostoxi Katri Helenasta esiin arkisemman puolen. - Tässä tulee ehkä hieman inhimillisiä kosketuksia ja yksityiskohtia, jotka liittyvät tarinan kulkuun ja tähän draaman kaareen. Halusin tuoda joitakin inhimillisiä, arkisempia ja tavallisempia piirteitä tähän hyvin kiillotettuun tähtikuvaan. Koska hän on ollut suuren ihailun vallassa (sic) vuosikymmeniä, niin kyllä siihen liittyy vähän muutakin. Ajattelin, että teen palveluksen tuleville elämäkerran kirjoittajille antamalla tällaista läheltä nähtyä aineistoa, Rajala kertoi.

    Lavalla nähtiin rajuja riitoja, joissa kummatkin käyttivät kovaa kieltä toisistaan. Katri syytti Proffaa julkisuudenkipeäksi ja kaksinaamaiseksi liehittelijäksi, Proffa puolestaan haukkui Katria henkien kanssa seurustelevaksi haahuilijaksi. Kaikki repliikit oli poimittu naistenlehdistä. Ranua esittänyt hemmo tuntee esittämänsä henkilön myös todellisuudessa, he ovat tehneet yhteistyötä. Toivon, että Panu Rajala suhtautuu tähän huumorilla, Katri sanoi. Ranu on tollanen Suomen Bellow, Roth tai Knasu, kaunainen narsisti. Panu Rajala harmistui syksyllä 2010 ensi-iltansa saaneesta Katri Helena -musikaalista, koska hänet esitettiin siinä epämieluisassa valossa. Rajala oli musikaalissa Proffa, joka esitettiin suorastaan pellenä, lukeneisuudellaan pröystäilevänä hienostelijana. Panu alkoi panna Marjaa Katrin selän takana. Panu Rajala ja Marja Norha vihittiin Sastamalan vanhassa kirkossa 2007. Panu Rajalan ei tarvitse piilotella sivistyneisyyttään nykyisen vaimovainajansa kanssa. Hän on opettaja! Tai siis oli, ei sekään kestänyt kovaa käyttöä.
    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri219.html on line 113:

  • Larry Bell (artist)
    ellauri219.html on line 384: Designed by George Petty, like the Vargas Girls (No.11), Petty Girls were pin-up paintings that appeared in Esquire, between 1933 and 1956, and also found a home on the front of World War II fighter planes – notably on the B-17 fighter jet nicknamed Memphis Belle.
    ellauri219.html on line 406:
    43: Larry Bell

    ellauri219.html on line 409: An American artist known for large sculptures that play with light and space, Larry Bell first made his mark with a series of “shadowboxes” constructed in the 60s, and has since gone on to receive acclaim for his wide-ranging work, including the Vapor Drawings of the 80s and a subsequent range of Mirage Drawings.
    ellauri220.html on line 187: The Zapruder film is a silent 8mm color motion picture sequence shot by Abraham Zapruder with a Bell & Howell home-movie camera, as United States President John F. Kennedy's motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. The film captures the moment of the President's assassination. Abraham Zapruder (May 15, 1905 – August 30, 1970) was a Ukrainian-born American clothing manufacturer.
    ellauri220.html on line 580: Takas Löllöön kesken albumia 221. Wilt Whatman, Dos Passos, John Sinclair, Saul Bellow, Don deLillo, Foster Wallace, ketä vielä olis näitä Amerikan eepoxen väsääjiä? Pynchon olisi paizi että sateenkaarikirja kertoo Euroopasta. Mua ei vois vähempää kiinnostaa Lillon tyhmän pesäpallon kohtalot. Portugalilaissyntyiseltä Dos Passosilta olen muistaaxeni lukenut jonkun New York aiheisen buchleinin joka oli mielestäni silloin aika hyvä.
    ellauri221.html on line 93: Issue d'une famille modeste (son père Louis Betenfeld, violent et alcoolique, est ouvrier brasseur et sa mère Marie Lartisant domestique), Marthe Betenfeld a un frère et une sœur aînés, Camille et Jeanne. Elle est envoyée quelques années dans une institution catholique et son destin semble tout tracé : couturière, comme sa sœur aîné. Puis elle devient à Nancy apprentie culottière, à quatorze ans. Le métier ne l'enchantant guère, elle fugue de chez ses parents. Elle est interpellée pour racolage en mai 1905 par la Police des mœurs et ramenée chez ses parents. Elle fugue à nouveau à 16 ans et se retrouve à Nancy, ville avec une importante garnison militaire, où elle tombe amoureuse d'un Italien se disant sculpteur mais qui se révèle être un proxénète. Il l'envoie sur le trottoir, puis elle devient prostituée dans les « bordels à soldats » de Nancy. Devant effectuer plus de 50 passes par jour, elle tombe rapidement malade et contracte la syphilis. Renvoyée du bordel, dénoncée par un soldat pour lui avoir transmis la syphilis et fichée par la police (où elle est inscrite comme prostituée mineure le 21 août 1905), elle est contrainte de s'enfuir à Paris. Elle rentre dans un « établissement de bains » rue Godot-de-Mauroy (maison close d'un standing supérieur à ses anciennes maisons d'abattage) où elle rencontre, un soir de septembre 1907, Henri Richer, mandataire aux Halles. Le riche industriel l'épouse le 13 avril 1915. Elle fait alors table rase de son passé et devient une respectable bourgeoise de la Belle Époque dans son hôtel particulier de l'Odéon. Elle demande à être rayée du fichier national de la prostitution, ce qui lui est refusé.
    ellauri222.html on line 34:

    Les Aventures de Saul Bellow

    Finnin puristelua

    ellauri222.html on line 59: Saul Bellowin Einhorn on vielä 1 maailmankirjallisuuden saita luihu koukkunokka juutalainen. Ei savua ilman tulta, sanon hitlerwiixet wäpättäen.
    ellauri222.html on line 68: In Leader's Bellow biography Vol 2, “Love and Strife,” the novel “Herzog” is published on the very first page and reaches No. 1 on the best-seller list, supplanting John le Carré’s ‘The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.’ Never again would Bellow, about to turn 50 years old, lack for wealth, power, awards or flunkies to stand by him, ready to take his coat and do his bidding. The temptation for someone in his position was to become an insufferable, spoiled monster. And Bellow quickly gave in to temptation.
    ellauri222.html on line 70: Bellow’s bad temper in the late ’60s was by no means directed exclusively at would-be biographers, radical students and aggrieved wives. Bellow had so many targets to attack, whether insulting them face to face or in blistering letters or put-downs circulated through intermediaries. One of his favorite one-liners ran: “Let’s you and him fight.” The most salient recipients of Bellow’s bad temper in this biography were his three sons, each from a different mother — the oldest 21 when this volume starts, the youngest just 1 year old and about to be abandoned after yet another divorce.
    ellauri222.html on line 74: Bellow didn’t just model some main characters on famous friends, but all characters were taken from life. He was in many ways a very thoughtful and kind person, but I think his need to be the top dog, the best, was very deep.
    ellauri222.html on line 76: The irony in Bellow’s soul was that he craved love and experience, and learned to view people coldly and clinically. The writer Amos Oz recalled most vividly from his friendship with Bellow an exchange that they shared privately about death. “I said I was hoping to die in my sleep, but Saul responded by saying that, on the contrary, he would like to die wide awake and fully conscious, because his death is such a crucial experience he wouldn’t want to miss it.”
    ellauri222.html on line 78: As previous biographers have discovered, it’s difficult to write an endearing biography of Bellow. “Was I a man or was I a jerk?” Bellow inquired on his deathbed. The answer should be obvious.
    ellauri222.html on line 81:

    Observant Jews badmouth Bellow

    ellauri222.html on line 83: Observant Jews see Bellow as an apostate. He sure was a shifty fellow. Two cases in point below.
    ellauri222.html on line 85:
    Jewish News Syndicate badmouthing Bellow 2013

    ellauri222.html on line 87: How Saul Bellow ‘Blew It’ With the Holocaust, Changed His Tune After Six Day War
    ellauri222.html on line 92: LOS ANGELES—Born in Canada into an immigrant Jewish family in 1915, Nobel Prize-winning author Saul Bellow had a traditional Jewish upbringing, which included Torah study, Talmud, and Hebrew. Yet Rabbi David Wolpe observes that Bellow had an ambivalent relationship with Judaism.
    ellauri222.html on line 96: Wolpe, the leader of Sinai Temple of Los Angeles, recently sat down with Dr. Greg Bellow, 69, the oldest of Saul Bellow’s four children, to discuss the topic of Greg’s new book, Saul Bellow’s Heart: A Son’s Memoir, before an audience of some 200 mature koprophiles at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, Calif.
    ellauri222.html on line 98: Saul Bellow is the only American Jewish author to have won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and has also won three Pulitzer Prizes. In his new book, Greg Bellow, who holds a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Social Work and was a practicing psychotherapist for many years, divides his father’s life into “Young Saul” and “Old Saul.” He describes Young Saul as a sociable and funny man, full of questions. During the 1930s and ’40s, Saul was a Marxist and a “genuine believer” in radical philosophy. He believed that World War II was a war between communism and capitalism, and he was convinced that “come the Revolution there will be a flowering of society,” according to Greg’s book.
    ellauri222.html on line 102: “He became irascible and angry, anti-black and anti-women’s lib,” Greg Bellow told the audience.

    Saul Bellow’s attitude towards Judaism was changed completely by the Six Day War in June 1967. It transformed him from a socialist to a conservative. He had a need to get involved and, much to the surprise of his family, he left for Israel to cover the war as a correspondent for Newsday. “I had to go,” Saul explained at the time.
    ellauri222.html on line 110: Asked whether they believe there is a possibility that our world might once experience the kind of upheaval it did during World War II and the Holocaust, much as the world of Mr. Sammle r collapsed in Saul Bellow’s novel, both Wolpe and Greg Bellow told JNS.org that Mr. Sammler’s Planet is recommended reading not just for Jews, but for everyone. They strongly believe that the history and lessons of the Holocaust must continue to be taught, with Rabbi Wolpe saying "Gaza shows the ease with which a civilization, such as Israel, can slip into barbarism.”

    Wolpe wondered how many young people today even know Saul Bellow or read his work, but mused how wonderful it would be if more children of famous authors wrote about their parents, as Greg Bellow has.
    ellauri222.html on line 112: Greg, asked to speculate on how his father might view today’s social values as compared to those of the ’60s, which Sammler criticized so strongly, told JNS.org that Saul Bellow probably would not have changed his opinion since “ours is a society with shallow moral values.”

    “We’re not done with genocide on the basis of race and ethnicity, and we live at a time when death can come out of the sky at any moment,” Greg said. "We fear nothing except that the sky might crash on us one day."
    ellauri222.html on line 115:

    New Yorker badmouthing Bellow 2015

    ellauri222.html on line 117: “I am an American, Chicago born” begins the famous first sentence of “The Adventures of Augie March.” The author of that sentence was actually an illegal immigrant, Canada born, and the words were written in Paris. Bellow’s father, Abraham Belo, was born in a shtetl inside the Pale of Settlement. He began his career in St. Petersburg as a produce broker, specializing in Egyptian onions and Spanish fruit. The family seems to have been quite well off. Abraham had used a forged document to work in St. Petersburg, and, when this was discovered, he was arrested and convicted. He may have gone to prison. But he managed to escape and, in 1913, to get his family to Canada.
    ellauri222.html on line 123: But Chicago was a city of immigrants. It also had a large Jewish population—by 1931, according to Leader, nearly three hundred thousand in a city of 3.3 million. All the Bellow children assimilated happily and all became well off. Saul is often associated with the University of Chicago, where he taught for many years as a member of the legendary Committee on Social Thought. He was a student there, but for less than two years. He had to withdraw for financial reasons (a truck driver was killed in an accident at his father’s coal yard and the insurance had lapsed), and he transferred to Northwestern, from which he graduated in 1937.
    ellauri222.html on line 125: In his Op-Ed about the Zulu Tolstoy, Bellow made much of his academic training in anthropology. After leaving Northwestern, he did become a graduate student in anthropology at the University of Wisconsin. But he completed just one course before dropping out and returning to Chicago, where he married a woman, Anita Goshkin, who was studying for a master’s degree in social work, and began his career as a fiction writer and itinerant college teacher. His first job was at Pestalozzi-Froebel Teachers College, on South Michigan Avenue, in downtown Chicago.
    ellauri222.html on line 129: He also worked for a time at the Encyclopædia Britannica, on the fifty-two-volume “Great Books of the Western World,” under the editorship of Mortimer J. Adler. Bellow was in charge of editing part of the “Syntopicon,” a two-volume digest of the Great Ideas composed by Adler. He had taken one of Adler’s courses at the University of Chicago and had concluded that it was “tomfoolery,” but he seems to have liked the job.
    ellauri222.html on line 131: “In college I behaved as though my career was to be a writer, and that guided me,” Bellow later said. There was also the fact that his principal interest was literature, and, until after the war, Jews were rarely hired by English departments. “You weren’t born to it” is the way the chairman of the department at Northwestern clarified the matter when Bellow inquired about graduate school. Leader thinks that this encounter “produced a lifelong antipathy, mild but real, to English departments.” It’s true that there was antipathy. But Bellow would have been interested in a university career only as a means to support his writing. Fiction was his calling. “He was focused, he was dedicated to becoming what he was, from the beginning,” David Peltz, Bellow’s oldest friend, told Leader. “I mean, he never veered.”
    ellauri222.html on line 133: Bellow published his first short story in 1941. It came out in Partisan Review—marking the start of a relationship that was key to establishing Bellow’s reputation as the intellectuals’ chosen novelist. Bellow visited New York frequently, and lived there at various points, but he was never comfortable in the city. “I congratulated myself with being able to deal with New York,” he told Philip Roth near the end of his life, “but I never won any of my struggles there, and I never responded with full human warmth to anything that happened there.”
    ellauri222.html on line 135: Still, in New York and at Princeton, where he spent a year teaching creative writing, Bellow made friends with many of the critics who dominated literary life in the nineteen-fifties. They found him bright, congenial, and sufficiently bookish, and especially admired what they took to be his poise and real-world savvy. Irving Howe thought Bellow “very strong-willed and shrewd in the arts of self-conservation.” “Even his egocentricity added to his charms,” said William Phillips, the co-editor, with Philip Rahv, of Partisan Review. “Stunning—the ultimate beautiful young Jewish intellectual incarnate,” Alfred Kazin’s wife, Ann Birstein, remembered. Bellow maintained the allure by cultivating just the right amount of aloofness. “I was the cat who walked by himself,” as he put it.
    ellauri222.html on line 137: In the culture of little magazines, friendship is the last thing to prevent one writer from reviewing the work of another. As a novelist happy to have well-disposed reviewers, Bellow had an obvious stake in these friendships. But the friends had a stake in Bellow, too. As Mark Greif points out in his important new study of mid-century intellectual life, “The Age of the Crisis of Man,” Bellow came on the scene at a time when many people imagined the fate of modern man to be somehow tied to the fate of the novel. Was the novel dead or was it not? Much was thought to depend on the answer. And for people who worried about this Bellow was the great hope. Atlas quotes Norman Podhoretz: “There was a sense in which the validity of a whole phase of American experience was felt to hang on the question of whether or not he would turn out to be a great novelist.”
    ellauri222.html on line 139: So even “Dangling Man,” an awkwardly written book about which Bellow later said, “I can’t read a page of it without feeling embarrassed,” was received as a sign that the novel might after all be up to its historic task. “Here, for the first time I think, the experience of a new generation has been seized,” Delmore Schwartz wrote, in Partisan Review. In The New Yorker, Edmund Wilson called “Dangling Man” a “testimony on the psychology of a whole generation.” When Bellow’s second novel, “The Victim,” came out, in 1947, Martin Greenberg, in Commentary, explained that Bellow had succeeded in making Jewishness “a quality that informs all of modern life . . . the quality of modernity itself.” In Partisan Review, Elizabeth Hardwick suggested that Bellow might become “the redeeming novelist of the period.”
    ellauri222.html on line 141: This notion that Bellow’s achievement as a novelist was redemptive of the form was a consistent theme in the reviews up through “Herzog.” So was the notion that his protagonists were representatives of the modern condition. After “Herzog,” those reactions largely disappeared. People stopped fretting about the death of the novel, and Bellow’s protagonists started being treated as what they always were, oddballs and cranks. But the critical reception of Bellow’s books in the first half of his career funded his reputation. It cashed out, ultimately, in the Nobel Prize. Nobels are awarded to writers who are judged to have universalized the marginal.
    ellauri222.html on line 143: As everyone has said, Bellow not least, “Augie March” was the breakthrough book. Bellow ascribed its origin to a visionary moment. In 1948, he had gone with Anita to Paris for two years, supported by a Guggenheim fellowship. (Bellow hated Paris.) He was at work on a novel called “The Crab and the Butterfly,” which apparently concerned two men arguing in a hospital room. In the version of the epiphany he told to Roth, he was walking to his writing studio one morning when he was distracted by the routine Parisian sight of the street gutters being flushed:
    ellauri222.html on line 149: The subject of “Augie March” is the same as the subject of “Dangling Man” and “The Victim”: the danger of becoming trapped in other people’s definition of you. In the case of “Augie March,” the person in danger of being trapped was Saul Bellow. “This was not what being a novelist was supposed to have meant”: he is referring to the expectations of his intellectual backers. He realized that he didn’t want to be the great hope of the novel or to give voice to a generation’s angst. He wanted to write up the life he knew in the way James Joyce had written up the life he knew, and to transform it into a fantastic verbal artifact, a book that broke all the rules.
    ellauri222.html on line 151: The first two hundred pages of “Augie March” are the best writing Bellow ever did. He created an idiolect that had no model. “I am an American, Chicago born . . . and go at things as I have taught myself, free-style, and will make the record in my own way: first to knock, first admitted; sometimes an innocent knock, sometimes a not so innocent.” Nobody speaks or writes that way—which is exactly what the sentence is telling us.
    ellauri222.html on line 153: Augie is a street-urchin autodidact. Never taught how to write a proper sentence, he invents a style of his own. He is an epigrammist and a raconteur, La Rochefoucauld in the body of a precocious twelve-year-old, a Huck Finn who has taken too many Great Books courses. With this strange mélange of ornate locutions, Chicago patois, Joycean portmanteaus, and Yiddish cadences, Bellow found himself able to produce page after page of acrobatic verbal stunts:
    ellauri222.html on line 157: That’s only an aside, and there are hundreds of them. Jack Kerouac is not the first or even the tenth writer you would normally put in a sentence with Saul Bellow, but “The Adventures of Augie March” is a lot like “On the Road,” a book written at the same time. Stylistically, they both stretch syntax to make the perspective zoom from ground level to fifty thousand feet and back again. Augie is walking with a character called Grandma Lausch into an old-age home:
    ellauri222.html on line 163: Bellow must have guessed that “Augie March” would distress some of his admirers. It did. He showed a hundred pages of the manuscript to Lionel Trilling. “It’s very curious, it’s very interesting,” Trilling told him, “but somehow it’s wrong.” When the book came out, Trilling wrote a positive notice in the newsletter of the book club he directed but registered concern about a dangerous notion he detected in the novel, the notion that one could have a meaningful life independent of one’s social function. Bellow wrote to Trilling to say (disingenuously) that he had written the novel without much of a moral purpose in mind. Trilling wrote back. “You mustn’t ignore the doctrinal intention of your book,” he said.
    ellauri222.html on line 165: In Commentary, Podhoretz complained that the novel lacked development and that its exuberance was forced. He called it a failure. Podhoretz was one of Trilling’s protégés, and Bellow always believed that Trilling was behind the review, although Podhoretz denied it. But Atlas says that the art critic Clement Greenberg, then an editor at Commentary, having recently come over from Partisan Review, claimed that the editors had put Podhoretz up to it. It was felt in New York circles, Greenberg said, that Bellow had gone a little too far.
    ellauri222.html on line 167: Most reviews were enthusiastic, though. “Augie March” was not a best-seller, but it sold well and won a major award. The year it came out, Bellow took a job at Bard College. He and Anita were separated, and he had a new girlfriend, Sondra Tschacbasov, called Sasha. She was sixteen years younger and strikingly attractive. They met at Partisan Review, where she worked as a secretary.
    ellauri222.html on line 169: At Bard, Bellow became close friends with a literature professor named Jack Ludwig. As Leader describes him, Ludwig was an oversized personality, a big man, extravagant, a shameless purveyor of bad Yiddish, and an operator. Ludwig idolized Bellow; people who knew them said that Ludwig wanted to be Bellow. He flattered Bellow, went for long walks with him, started up a literary journal with him, and generally insinuated himself into Bellow’s life. Bellow accepted the proffer of adulatory attentiveness. The couples (Ludwig was married) socialized together. This was the period when Bellow wrote “Seize the Day,” which Partisan Review published in a single issue, in 1956, after The New Yorker turned it down, and “Henderson the Rain King,” published in 1959, a novel whose hero was based on a neighbor of the Bellows in upstate New York.
    ellauri222.html on line 171: Saul and Sasha got married in 1956, after Bellow had obtained a Nevada divorce. Sasha accepted the domestic role that Bellow insisted on without demur. She says that when they had a son, Adam, Bellow told her that the baby was her responsibility—he was too old to raise another kid. In 1958, Bellow was offered a one-year position at the University of Minnesota. He insisted that Ludwig receive an appointment as well; the university obliged, and the families moved to Minneapolis together.
    ellauri222.html on line 173: Saul and Sasha fought. Some of the strains were apparently due to sexual dissatisfaction. Bellow began seeing a psychologist, a man named Paul Meehl; Meehl suggested that Sasha see him as well (a suggestion that Leader charitably calls “unorthodox”). Ludwig served as a sympathetic confidant to both parties. Then, one day in the fall of 1959, Sasha told Bellow that she was leaving him. There was no third party in the picture, she said. She just did not love him.
    ellauri222.html on line 175: Devastated, Bellow went to Europe on a cultural-diplomacy junket for the State Department. While abroad, he engaged assiduously in what Leader calls “womanizing.” He returned to Bard, in the summer of 1960, and took up with a visiting French professor named Rosette Lamont. The divorce from Sasha went through in June. For a while, Bellow and Sasha had the same lawyer, who was pleased to be representing both parties in the hottest divorce in town, but eventually Bellow was persuaded to retain his own attorney.
    ellauri222.html on line 177: In November, Bellow learned from a possibly overly conscientious babysitter that Sasha and Ludwig were sleeping together. It turned out that the affair had been going on for two and a half years, since the summer of 1958. And although Ludwig was still married, it continued. Adam was living with Sasha while it was going on. Given Bellow’s vulnerabilities, the double betrayal was his worst nightmare come to life. According to Atlas, he talked about getting a gun.
    ellauri222.html on line 179: I have just given you the back story and the dramatis personae of “Herzog.” “Herzog” is a novel about a forty-seven-year-old man having a nervous breakdown after learning that his much younger wife, who has left him abruptly, had been cheating on him with his closest friend. The man seeks succor in the arms of a loving, patient, and understanding woman. There is at least one respect in which the novel is not based on real life: Bellow didn’t have a nervous breakdown. He wrote “Herzog” instead.
    ellauri222.html on line 181: He also got married again, in 1961, to Susan Glassman, another celebrated beauty, this time eighteen years younger. (Glassman was a former girlfriend of Philip Roth, who said that the transfer of affections “turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me and the worst thing that ever happened to Saul.” The marriage lasted five years; she was still taking Bellow to court in 1981.)
    ellauri222.html on line 183: “Herzog” is a revenge novel. The ex-wife, Madeleine, is a stone-cold man-killer. Her lover, Valentine Gersbach, is described as a “loud, flamboyant, ass-clutching brute.” Ludwig had a Ph.D. and a damaged foot; Bellow makes Gersbach a radio announcer with a wooden leg. The Herzog character is passive, loving, an innocent soul who cannot make sense of a world in which people like his estranged wife and her lover can exist. He is an ex-university professor, the author of a distinguished tome called “Romanticism and Christianity.” The Rosette Lamont character, called Ramona, is a sexpot with a heart of gold; she specializes in intimate candlelight dinners and lacy lingerie. She is a professor of love, not French.
    ellauri222.html on line 185: “Herzog” was nevertheless received the way all Bellow’s novels had been received: as a report on the modern condition. Many of the critics who reviewed it—Irving Howe, Philip Rahv, Stanley Edgar Hyman, Richard Ellmann, Richard Poirier—knew Bellow personally and knew all about the divorce. (Poirier was an old friend of Ludwig’s; the review he published, in Partisan Review, was a hatchet job.) None of these reviewers mentioned the autobiographical basis of the book, and several of them warned against reading it autobiographically, without ever explaining why anyone might want to. The world had no way of knowing that the story was not completely made up.
    ellauri222.html on line 189: Bellow must have been tickled to death. The inventive feature of “Herzog” is a series of letters that the protagonist, in his misery, composes not only to Madeleine and Gersbach but to famous people (like President Eisenhower) and philosophers (like Heidegger and Nietzsche). These long letters, unfinished and unmailed, are sendups of an intellectual’s effort to understand human behavior by means of the conceptual apparatus of Mortimer Adler’s Great Books. Herzog is a comic figure, a holy fool, a schlimazel with a Ph.D. The whole point of his story is that when you are completely screwed the best you can hope for is a little sex and sympathy. The Western canon isn’t going to be much help.
    ellauri222.html on line 193: And it got even better. Jack Ludwig reviewed the novel. He informed readers of Holiday that “the book is a major breakthrough.” By no means should it be read as autobiography—“as if an artist with Bellow’s enormous gifts were simply playing at second-guessing reality, settling scores.” No, in this book, Ludwig wrote, “Bellow is after something greater.” The greater something turns out to be “man’s contradiction, his absurdity, his alienation,” and so on. It was pretty chutzpadik, as even Bellow had to admit. But by then he was laughing all the way to the bank.
    ellauri222.html on line 195: You can see the biographical problem. From the beginning, Bellow drew on people he knew, including his wives and girlfriends and the members of his own family, for his characters. In “Augie March,” almost every character—and there are dozens—was directly based on some real-life counterpart. Most of “Herzog” is a roman à clef. Leader therefore decided to treat the novels as authoritative sources of information about the people in Bellow’s life. When Leader tells us about Jack Ludwig and Sondra Tschacbasov, he quotes the descriptions of Gersbach and Madeleine in “Herzog.” In the case of the many relatives with counterparts in “Augie March,” this can get confusing. You’re not always sure whether you’re reading about a person or a fictional version of that person.
    ellauri222.html on line 197: One reason for reading biographies of writers like Bellow, who draw from people in their own lives, is to learn what those people were really like, or at least what they were like to someone who is not Bellow. You often can’t do that with Leader’s biography. Leader also wants to assess Bellow’s accomplishment as a novelist. He has to keep three balls in the air at once: the biographical story, an interpretation of the fiction as autobiography, and a consideration of the fiction as fiction. That’s why his book is so long.
    ellauri222.html on line 199: Structure was always Bellow’s weak point. One of his first editors at Partisan Review, Dwight Macdonald, worried about what he called a “centerless facility.” Podhoretz was not wrong about the problem of shapelessness in “Augie March.” The novel’s antic style is like a mechanical bull. For a few hundred pages, Bellow is having the time of his life, letting his invention take him where it will. By the end, he is just hanging on, waiting for the music to stop. It takes the story five hundred and thirty-six pages to get there.
    ellauri222.html on line 201: Leader thinks that Bellow plunged into his books and wrote on sheer enthusiasm, then surfaced after a hundred pages or so and wondered how to get back to shore. There is very little moral logic to his stories. Things just happen. (A major exception is “Seize the Day,” which is formally perfectly realized. But that book is a novella, a day in the life. It doesn’t require a plot.)
    ellauri222.html on line 203: “Herzog,” too, sags in the middle, a long episode in which Herzog reconnects with Ramona. But Bellow came up with a brilliant solution for the second half. Waiting in a courthouse to see his lawyer, Herzog sits in on a trial. A woman and her boyfriend are being tried for murdering her small child, whom they have tortured and beaten to death. The woman is mentally unfit; Herzog hears evidence that she has been diagnosed with a lesion on her brain. (A diabolical touch: Sasha had been diagnosed with a brain lesion.)
    ellauri222.html on line 207: Actually, these episodes were not entirely invented. Bellow lifted them straight out of “The Brothers Karamazov.” A child tortured by its parents is Ivan Karamazov’s illustration of the problem of evil: what kind of God would allow that to happen? And Herzog with his gun at the window is a reënactment of Dmitri Karamazov, the murder weapon in his hand, spying through the window on his father. Dmitri is caught and convicted of a murder he desired but did not commit. “Herzog,” though, is a comedy. The next day, Herzog gets in a minor traffic accident and the cops discover the loaded gun in his car. But, after some hairy moments in the police station, he is let go. Desperately searching the Great Books for wisdom, Herzog briefly finds himself living in one. He can’t wait to get out.
    ellauri222.html on line 209: The decorum in Bellow criticism is to acknowledge the original of the fictional character when the person is famous, and otherwise to insist on treating it all as fiction. Thus everyone knows that, in “Humboldt’s Gift,” Von Humboldt Fleisher “is” Delmore Schwartz, and that, in “Ravelstein,” Abe Ravelstein “is” Allan Bloom, the Chicago professor who wrote “The Closing of the American Mind” and was a good friend of Bellow’s.
    ellauri222.html on line 211: But “Ravelstein” is a revenge novel, too. It’s not really about Ravelstein/Bloom. It’s about the narrator, a writer named Chick, who has been treated cruelly by his wife, Vela, a beautiful and brilliant physicist—a wicked caricature of Bellow’s fourth wife, the mathematician Alexandra Ionescu Tulcea. There are also a couple of drive-by take-downs along the way—of Mircea Eliade, a historian of religion at Chicago rumored to have been involved in the fascist Romanian Iron Guard, and of the owner of a restaurant on St. Martin, in the Caribbean, where Bellow contracted a case of food poisoning that nearly killed him. He brings them into the story just to skewer them.
    ellauri222.html on line 213: Podhoretz told Leader that he considered all of Bellow’s characters puppets. And there is something animatronic about them. This is especially true in “Augie March,” where the extended procession of too vivid personalities is like a Wes Anderson movie. Bellow tended to make his characters look the way a child sees grownups, unalterable cartoons, weirdly unself-conscious in their one-dimensionality.
    ellauri222.html on line 215: But there is usually one fully imagined character in Bellow’s books, one character whose impulses the author understands and sympathizes with, whose sufferings elicit his compassion, and whose virtues and defects, egotism and self-doubt, honorable intentions and less than honorable expediencies are examined with surgical precision and unflinching honesty. That character is the protagonist—Augie, Herzog, Chick, even Tommy Wilhelm, in “Seize the Day,” who tries to leverage his pain to win respect. Their real-life counterpart is, of course, Saul Bellow, whose greatest subject was himself.
    ellauri222.html on line 220: Also Known As: "Shlomo" Bellows

    ellauri222.html on line 234: Father: Abraham Bellows

    ellauri222.html on line 236: Siblings: Maurice Bellows, George?

    ellauri222.html on line 237: Children: Greg Bellow, Adam Bellow, Daniel Bellow, Rosie?
    ellauri222.html on line 239: Adam Bellow is executive editor at Bombardier Books, a politically conservative imprint at Post Hill Press. He previously founded and led the conservative imprints All Points Books at St Martin's Press and Broadside Books at HarperCollins, served as executive editor-at-large at Doubleday, and as editorial director at Free Press, publishing several controversial conservative books such as Illiberal Education, The Real Anita Hill, The Bell Curve, and Clinton Cash.
    ellauri222.html on line 243: Greg's mother was Anita Goshkin, Saul's first wife, whose family had emigrated to the US from the Crimea after the pogroms, as Bellow's own antecedents had left Lithuania for Canada. They ended up in Chicago, where Saul would become one of the city's most famous sons and where, in 1935, he met Anita at summer school. Anita oli niin tavis ettei siitä ole edes nettikuvia. Tollanen Liisa Karhunen.
    ellauri222.html on line 255: Bellow was born Solomon Bellow in Lachine, Quebec, in 1915, two years after his parents had arrived there from St Petersburg. When he was nine, the family moved to the Humboldt Park neighbourhood of Chicago. His mother, Liza, died when Saul was 17, but not before she had passed on to him her love of the Jewish Bible (he learned Hebrew at four). His first serious critical success was The Adventures of Augie March (1953), but it was not until his 1964 novel, Herzog, became a bestseller that he earned any real money. His elder brothers, both businessmen, were by this time making serious cash, and regarded him, he once said, as "some schmuck with a pen". Mary Cheever, the wife of John Cheever, believed the two got on so well because "they were both women-haters". He has nothing good to say about feminism. Bellow has a go at Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy (the one is "rash", the other "stupid"). In 1994, however, he ate a poisonous fish in the Caribbean, and fell into a coma that lasted five weeks. He dreaded a loss of virility.
    ellauri222.html on line 259: Jänisrouva sanoi jälkikäteen: He did not want to hurt the people he loved. (Lucky they were so few of them. At 17, he said he hated himself more than melodrama or even spinach.) There wasn't a single part of my being that wasn't able to open up to him (Yeah, I bet). Jänis Bellow was born in Canada. Bellow was one of her professors. She came from a small place, but not too small for Saul to enter. He wasn't exactly tall, but he had this broad upper body, these giant arms, like a sloth."
    ellauri222.html on line 735: Augie on tyyten kirjoitettu ulkomailla, enimmäxeen Ranskassa. Se kyllä näkyy siitä. Samanlaista expatriaattifiilistä kuin Ernestolla. Bellow traveled widely throughout his life, mainly to Europe, which he sometimes visited twice a year. As a young man, Bellow went to Mexico City to meet Leon Trotsky, but the expatriate Russian revolutionary was assassinated the day before they were to meet.
    ellauri222.html on line 757: Saul Bellow is widely recognized as America's preeminent living novelist. His fiction, which is as intellectually demanding as it is imaginatively appealing, steadfastly affirms the value of the human soul while simultaneously recognizing the claims of community and the demoralizing inauthenticity of daily life. Refusing to give in to the pessimism and despair that threaten to overwhelm American experience, Bellow offers a persistently optimistic, though often tentative and ambiguous, alternative to postmodern alienation. In their struggle to understand their past and reorder their present, his protagonists chart a course of possibility for all who would live meaningfully in urban American society and make loads of money.
    ellauri222.html on line 759: Bellow's first two novels, Dangling Man and The Victim, are brief and disciplined works, darker in mood and less intellectually complex than the later fiction but featuring protagonists who anticipate later Bellovian heroes both in their introspection and in their resistance to urban apathy. In Paris, Saul realized he need not copycat Flaubert and that instead he could write as he spoke. The result was Augie.
    ellauri222.html on line 761: The first novel to display Bellow's characteristic expansiveness and optimism, The Adventures of Augie March presents a dazzling panorama of comically eccentric characters in a picaresque tale narrated by the irrepressible title character, who defends human possibility by embracing the hope that "There may gods turn up anywhere." Subsequent novels vary in tone from the intensity of Seize the Day to the exuberance of Henderson the Rain King to the ironic ambiguity of Herzog, but all explore the nature of human male freedom and the tensions between the individual's need for self and the needs of society. Augie March, Tommy Wilhelm, Eugene Henderson, and Moses Herzog all yearn to please themselves by finding the beauty in life. By creating these highly individualistic characters and the milieu in which they move, Bellow reveals the flashes of the extraordinary in the ordinary that make such fun possible and rejects the attitude that everyday life must be trivial and ignoble. It is like that just for the losers.
    ellauri222.html on line 767: In their quest to find the beaver that gives meaning to life, Bellow's protagonists must also come to terms with death. The message Bellow conveys in almost all of his novels is that one must fear death to know the meaning of life and what it means to be human. Henderson overcomes his fear of death when he is buried and symbolically resurrected in the African king Dahfu's experiment. Similarly, in Seize the Day, Tommy Wilhelm confronts death in a symbolic drowning. Charlie Citrine in Humboldt's Gift echoes Whitman in viewing death as the essential question, pointing out that it is only through death that Sauls can complete the cycle of life by liberating self from the body. Bellow's meditations on death darken in Mr. Sammler's Planet and The Dean's December. While the title character in Mr. Sammler's Planet eagerly awaits the death of the person he most values in the world, Bellow contemplates the approaching death of Western culture at the hands of those who have abandoned humanistic values. The Dean's December presents an apocalyptic vision of urban decay in a Chicago totally lacking the comic touches that soften Charlie Citrone's portrait of this same city as a "moronic inferno" in Humboldt's Gift. An uncharacteristically bleak yarn from he old standup comic. With More Die of Heartbreak and the recent novellas, however, Bellow returns to his more characteristic blend of pathos and farce in contemplating the relationship between life and death. In the recent Ravelstein, Bellow once again charts this essential confrontation when Saul recounts not only his best friend's death from AIDS but also his own near-death experience from food poisoning. Through this foreground, in a fictionalized memoir to his own gay friend Allan Bloom, Bellow reveals the resilient love and tenderness that offer the modern world its saving grace.
    ellauri222.html on line 773: Some common synonyms of gay are animated, lively, sprightly, and vivacious. While all these words mean "keenly alive and spirited," gay stresses complete freedom from care and overflowing spirits. the gay spirit of Paris in the 1920s. Bellow and his gay chummies in Chicago.
    ellauri222.html on line 791: Because Bellow refuses to devalue human potential in even his bleakest scenarios, his novels often come under attack for their affirmative endings. Augie hails himself as a new Columbus, the rediscoverer of America; Henderson, while triumphantly returning home with his new charges, dances with glee, "leaping, leaping, pounding, and tingling over the pure white lining of the grey Arctic silence." Herzog inexplicably evades his fate, emerging from the flux of his tortured mind to reclaim his sanity and his confidence in the future. Yet, the victories of Bellow's heroes are not unqualified, but rather as ambiguous and tenuous as is the human condition itself. As a new Columbus, Augie speaks from exile in Europe; in holding the orphan child, Henderson recalls the pain of his separation from his own father; by renouncing his self-pity and his murderous rage at his ex-wife Madeleine, Herzog reduces but does not expiate his guilt. Nonetheless, these characters earn whatever spiritual victory they reap through their penes and their refusal to succumb to doubt and cynicism. Through their perseverance in seeking the truth of human existence, they ultimately renew themselves by transcending to an intuitive spiritual awareness that is no less real because it must be taken on faith.
    ellauri222.html on line 793: In all of Bellow's works, an appreciation of the cultural context in which his protagonists struggle is essential to understanding these characters and their search for renewal. Bellow's vision centers almost exclusively on Jewish male experience in contemporary urban America. Proud of their heritage, his heroes are usually second-generation Jewish immigrants who seek to discover how they can live meaningfully in their American present while honoring their skinless knobs. Much of their ability to maintain their belief in humanity despite their knowledge of the world can be attributed to the affirmative nature of the Jewish culture. Bellovian heroes live in a WASP society in which they are only partially assimilated. However, as Jews have done historically, they maintain their concern for morality and community despite their cultural displacement.
    ellauri222.html on line 795: Though in some ways separated from American society, Bellow's protagonists also strongly connect their identity with America. Augie begins his adventures by claiming, "I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city." Almost all of Bellow's novels take place in an American city, most often Chicago or New York. Through his depiction of urban reality, Bellow anchors his novels in the actual world, and he uses the city as his central metaphor for contemporary materialism. Although recognizing the importance of history and memory, Bellow's novels maintain a constant engagement with the present moment. His characters move in the real world, confronting sensuous images of urban chaos and clutter that often threaten to overwhelm them. Looking down on the Hudson River, Tommy Wilhelm sees "tugs with matted beards of cordage" and "the red bones of new apartments rising on the bluffs." Sammler denounces contemporary New Yorkers for the "free ways of barbarism" that they practice beneath the guise of "civilized order, property rights [and] refined technological organization." In Humboldt's Gift, which is replete with images of cannibalism and vampirism, Charlie Citrone sees Von Trenck, the source of his material success, as "the blood-scent that attracted the sharks of Chicago." Acknowledging the influence of the city on his fiction, Bellow himself has remarked, "I don't know how I could possibly separate my knowledge of life such as it is, from the city. I could no more tell you how deeply it's gotten into my bones than the lady who paints radium dials in the clock factory can tell you." However, although the city serves to identify the deterministic social pressures that threaten to destroy civilization, Bellow's heroes refuse to become its victims and instead draw on their latent nondeterministic resources of vitality to reassert their uniquely American belief in individual freedom, as well as their faith in the possibility of community.
    ellauri222.html on line 797: Except for Clara Velde in A Theft, the protagonists in Bellow's novels and novellas are all male. The Bellovian hero typically seeks erotic pleasure, emotional security, and egoistic confirmation from the women in his life. In marriage, his relationships with women are conflicted, and he often retreats from his role as husband to a sensuous but selfish and demanding wife who paradoxically represents both his yearning for freewheeling sex happiness and society's pressure to relinquish the freedom so essential to his self-realization. Like his male characters who all are Saul lookalikes, Bellow's females are often interchangeable and serve roles of little dramatic import. However, although the author has come under increasing criticism for his superficial treatment of women, his depiction of women and male-female relationships serves to reinforce the psychological crisis that each male protagonist must negotiate to empty their scrotums so as to achieve peace and fulfillment.
    ellauri222.html on line 799: Stylistically, Bellow's fiction reflects some of the same tensions that his protagonists seek to balance. His concern with social and personal destruction has been traced to the common run of European writers such as Flaubert, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Sartre, and Camus. But Bellow's fiction also has many ties to the American literary tradition. His neotranscendentalism (what? Emersonian tomfoolery I guess), his identification with America, and the loose form of his most acclaimed novels link him most obviously to Emerson and Whitman.
    ellauri222.html on line 819: An intensely intellectual writer who peppers his novels with allusions, Bellow draws on many cultural traditions in his analysis of both the sources of American experience and its present manifestations. His fiction fully documents the decline of Western civilization without conceding its obvious demise, and the ambiguity and tenuousness of even his most positive endings balance sadness and comic skepticism with the steadfast faith that he the artist can effect coherence and order, or failing that a lot of cash, out of the chaos of modern experience. His tip for success: kusettakaa minkä jaxatte! For his achievement in confronting the modern existential dilemma with compassion and humor, Bellow's place in twentieth-century American literary history seems assured by drooling groupies like myself.
    ellauri222.html on line 837: British critics tend to regard the American predilection for Big Novels as a vulgar neurosis — like the American predilection for big cars or big hamburgers. Oh God, we think: here comes another sweating, free-dreaming maniac with another thousand-pager; here comes another Big Mac. First, Dos Passos produced the Great American Novel; now they all want one. Yet in a sense every ambitious American novelist is genuinely trying to write a novel called USA. Perhaps this isn’t just a foible; perhaps it is an inescapable response to America – twentieth-century America, racially mixed and mobile, twenty-four hour, endless, extreme, superabundantly various. American novels are big all right, but partly because America is big too. You need plenty of nerve, ink and energy to do justice to the place, and no one has made greater efforts than Saul Bellow. In 1976 Bellow was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, praised by the Swedes ‘for human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture’. Many times in Bellow’s novels we are reminded that ‘being human’ isn’t the automatic condition of every human being. Like freedom or sanity, it is not a given but a gift, a talent, an accomplishment, an objective. The busiest sections of the Chicago bookstores, I noticed, were those marked ‘Personal Growth’.
    ellauri222.html on line 915: "Ehkäpä sinua kuitenkin kiinnostaa kuulla mitä eräs älykäs kaveri kerran sanoi minulle rakkauden ja aviorikoksen yhteydestä. Minä tahansa päivänä tunnet itsesi onnelliseksi tiedät ettei se voi kestää, vaan sää muuttuu, terveys vaihtuu sairaudeksi, vuosi päättyy ja myös elämä loppuu. Jossakin muualla jonakin toisena päivänä kohtaat toisen rakastetun. Kasvot joita suutelet ovat toiset ja myös sinun kasvosi vaihtuvat toisiksi. Sille ei voi mitään, tuo kaveri sanoi. Tietenkin hän oli itse emälurjus ja mitään tekemätön nilviäinen, istui aina välillä Bellevuessa ja naiset elättivät häntä koko hänen elämänsä ajan ja hän hylkäsi lapsensa eikä kukaan koskaan luottaa häneen. Mutta rakkaus on huorimista, hän sanoi, ja ilmentää muutosta. Muutokseen tottuu. Toinen kaupunki, toinen nainen, en vuode, mutta mies on sama ja hänen täytyy olla joustava. Hän suutelee naista ja näyttää miten tyytyy kohtaloonsa, ihailee ja palvoo elämän muutoksia. Sellainen on hänen lakinsa. Oli tuo roikale oikeassa tai ei, Herra paratkoon, älä luulekaan ettei sinun täytyisi totella elämän lakeja." Joopa joo, juuri tuollainen roikale oli Sale. Varmaan se miettii nyt tekosiaan jossain tulijärvessä.
    ellauri238.html on line 583: Pena suomensi Bellowilta pari nidettä, Tuula2n aikana Herzogin. Aihe sopi sille hyvin, vaikkei se osannutkaan englantia kunnolla. Siinä ylpistynyt juho suomensi toista samanlaista. Varmaan se lunttasi jostain ruozinnoxesta. Ei se ollut oikein hyvä oikein missään.
    ellauri243.html on line 327: interesting as you, and I don't know what I'm doing.'" And Bell still
    ellauri243.html on line 611: His father, David Mahoney Sr., was an Irish immigrant construction crane operator in Bronx. Mahoney´s mother, Loretta Cahill, was a telephone operator with New York Bell.
    ellauri245.html on line 277: Auf Anweisung von Harrys ehemaligem Master-Chef Gunnar Hagen, dem Leiter des Internats für Gewaltverbrecher, holt Kaja Solness Harry mit Hinweis auf dessen sterbenden Vater nach Norwegen zurück, um zwei weitere Morde an jungen Frauen zu begehen. Doch die Ermittlungen zu dem Fall werden der Abteilung entzogen und das Kriminalamt unter der Führung von Carl Michael Bellmann übernimmt, wodurch Harry nur inoffiziell aus Liebe zur Kunst Nachforschungen betreiben kann.
    ellauri245.html on line 468: Nyt on pitemmälle lukematta selvä että sarjamurjoja ei ole kukaan muu kuin toi liian sievä kripopopopomo. Carl Micharl Bellman siis jonka leivissä on toikin norjansaamelainen sauna-apina. Harry ojentaa kolleegoita kuin äidinkielenopettaja. Olix Nääsnääsinkin vanhemmat opettajia? Jonne on ize hukkapätkä, 175-senttinen. Ei ihme eze laittaa hissikengät toimiessaan Harrynä.
    ellauri245.html on line 642:
    ellauri245.html on line 745: Tony C. Leike on karvakäsi, Jussi Kolkka en finne igen. Kurnu ja Loikka, hyvää konna-ainesta tiukkapipoiselle natomadolle. Rastatukkainen Holm, Beavis ja Butthead ovat myös pahoja. Jälkimmäinen on pahin kaikista, nimittäin Carl Michael Bellman, oikea rotta. Jussi hade vært politimann i Helsinki (ikke Helsingfors) under Jari Aarnio.
    ellauri247.html on line 201: John Bellairs referenced Smollett's works in his Johnny Dixon series, where Professor Roderick Random Childermass reveals that his late father Marcus, an English professor, had named all his sons after characters in Smollett's works: Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, Humphry Clinker, and even "Ferdinand Count Fathom", who usually signed his name F. C. F. Childermass.
    ellauri247.html on line 236: Veijariromaanit olivat tavallista suositumpia ensimmäisen ja toisen maailmansodan jälkeisinä vuosina. Nykyajan veijariromaaneissa on perinteiselle veijarihahmolle tuntemattomia moralistin ja anarkistin piirteitä. He ikään kuin edustavat viattomuutta ja kriittistä ajattelua turmeltuneen ja vieraannuttavan maailman keskellä. Moderneja veijariromaaneja ovat esimerkiksi tšekki Jaroslav Hasekin Osudy dobrého vojaka Svejka za svétové valky (1920–1923, Kunnon sotamies Svejkin seikkailut maailmansodassa), yhdysvaltalaisten John Steinbeckin Tortilla Flat (1935, Ystävyyden talo) ja Saul Bellow'n The Adventures of Augie March (1953, Augie Marchin kiemurat) sekä saksalaisten Thomas Mannin Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull (1954, Huijari Felix Krull), Günter Grassin Die Blechtrommel (1959, Peltirumpu) ja Heinrich Böllin Ansichten eines Clowns (1963). Mannin teoksessa – kuten veijariromaaneissa usein – korostetaan huijariuden ja taiteilijuuden yhteyttä. Peltirummun rumpali Oskar Matzerath on varsin perinteinen veijarityyppi: hän lopettaa kasvamisensa kolmivuotiaana ja tarkkailee yhteiskuntaa kääpiöperspektiivistä saattaen naurettaviksi kaikki ideologiat.
    ellauri262.html on line 74: Hänen kirjoituksiaan on mainittu merkittävänä kirjallisena vaikutuksena moniin merkittäviin kirjailijoihin, mukaan lukien Lewis Carroll, W. H. Auden, David Lindsay, JM Barrie, Lord Dunsany, Elizabeth Yates, Oswald Chambers, Mark Twain, Hope Mirrlees, Robert E. Howard, [ lainaus tarvitaan ] L. Frank Baum, TH White, Richard Adams, Lloyd Alexander, Hilaire Belloc, GK Chesterton, Robert Hugh Benson, Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Fulton Sheen, Flannery O'Connor, Louis Pasteur, Simone Weil, Charles Maurras, Jacques Maritain, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Ray Bradbury, C. H. Douglas, C. S. R. Lewis, Walter de la Mare, E. Nesbit, Peter S. Beagle, Elizabeth Goudge, Brian Jacques, MI McAllister, Neil Gaiman ja Madeleine L'Engle . [ tarvitaan lainaus varmistaakseni ]
    ellauri264.html on line 691: So this is what´s common between Graham Bell, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs , Mark Zuckerberg and Ray Kroc: All of them have managed to steal something very valuable from somebody and make it work for them. Steve Jobs brought the idea of mouse from Xerox and Bill Gates copied the entire idea from Steve Jobs Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea from Winklewoss brothers and published as his own.
    ellauri276.html on line 830: Varhaisena ympäristönsuojelijana Bottomleyn kirjoitus perustui aina tiiviisti maantieteelliseen sijaintiin. Skotlantilainen vaikutus (kaikuu Yeatsin irlantilaista herätystä) näkyy hänen myöhäisissä näytelmissään, kun taas suuri osa hänen aikaisemmista kirjoituksistaan ​​on juurtunut Lakelandiin. Siten esimerkiksi Claife Heightsin haamua tai boglea, Windemereä – niin kutsuttua Claife Crier – käytetään ratkaisemaan julman maanviljelijän vaimon ja palvelevan piian välistä konfliktia The Crier by Night -elokuvassa; kun taas yksi hänen rakastetuimmista runoistaan ​​tunnetaan nimellä Cartmel Bells:
    ellauri276.html on line 885: Hän kirjoitti runoja, kuten Beauty´s Burden, Death - Divination ja The Silent Folk. Hän käänsi Johan Olof Wallinin hymnin "We Worship You, Almighty Lord" ja joitain Carl Michael Bellmanin lauluja. Hänen tiedetään inhonneen modernistista kirjallisuutta.
    ellauri282.html on line 418: Ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana elokuussa 1915 Mertonin perhe lähti Ranskasta Yhdysvaltoihin. He asuivat ensin Ruthin vanhempien luona Queensissa, New Yorkissa, ja asettuivat sitten heidän lähellensä Douglastoniin. Vuonna 1917 perhe muutti vanhaan taloon Flushingissa, Queensissa, missä Tompan veli John Paul syntyi 2. marraskuuta 1918. Perhe harkitsi palaamista Ranskaan, kun Ruthilla diagnosoitiin mahasyöpä. Hän kuoli siihen kuitenkin rivakasti 21. lokakuuta 1921 Bellevuen sairaalassa. Merton oli kuusivuotias ja hänen veljensä ei vielä kolme.
    ellauri284.html on line 243: Sarja muistelee useita todellisia historiallisia sodan tapahtumia, kuten joulutauon vuonna 1914. Blackadder muistelee tapahtumaa: "Molemmat osapuolet etenivät yhden joulupisun aikana pidemmälle kuin kahden ja puolen seuraavan sodan vuoden aikana." Viitataan myös aikakauden populaarikulttuuriin sekä aiempaan sarjaan. Jaksossa "Private Plane" nähdään Lord Flashheartin ja Bobin hahmojen paluu toisesta sarjan "Bells" -jaksosta sekä myös saksalaisen lentävä ässä, Baron von Richthofen. Kolmannen jakson "Major Star" juonen lanka sisältää Blackadderin vastenmielisyyden mykkäelokuvatähteen Charlie Chapliniin, jota hän pitää "yhtä hauskana kuin saada nuoli kaulan läpi ja sitten huomata, että siihen on sidottu bensalasku". Totta Mooses Rowan, Charlie on täysin huumoriton kaatuilija. Toinen viittaus viitattiin Sudaniin, jonka sodan veteraani Blackadder oli. Toisin kuin brittien messinki, Blackadder näkee brittien liiallisen itseluottamuksen läpi: aikaisemmat voitot jotka tukahduttivat siirtomaakapinat olivat valmistautumista suureen siirtomaasotaan.
    ellauri294.html on line 450: Korintti sijaizee Peloponneesoxen peukalontyvessä. Vanha Korintti vehkeili Spartan kanssa peloponneesolaissodissa. Sen säkittivät roomalaiset 146 eKr ja rakensivat uuden 44 ekr. Uudestakin tuli paheiden pesä, jossa länsi ja itä vaihtoivat pornokuvia. Kaupunkiin liittyvät ainakin Sisyfoksen, Bellerofonin ja Pegasoksen sekä Medeian pornovideot. Bellerofon (m.kreik. Βελλεροφῶν, Bellerofōn; lat. Bellerophon) oli kreikkalaisen mytologian suurimpia sankareita ja hirviöiden lyöjiä ennen Heraklesta. Hänen suurin saavutuksensa oli Khimairan (pedon, jolla oli leijonan pää, vuohen ruumis ja käärmeen häntä eli cocktail), sekä velipojan paloittelu. Kuninkaan vaimo yritti maata hänet väkisin. Bellen ylpistyttyä suorituxistaan Zeus lähetti paarman puremaan Pegasosta, joka heitti hybridin selästään. Bellerofon eli loppuelämänsä raajarikkona. Kimaran ja Pegasoxen paloista tuli Hesekielin enkeli. Korintin Länsisatama oli Lekhaion ja Vuosaari Kenkhrea. Isoja maanjärjestyxiä mm. 1858, 1928 ja 1981. Korintit on hyviä mutta niissä on siemeniä. Niitä sai faffalla Maurinkadulla jouluna.
    ellauri309.html on line 511: Vuonna 1936 Graham jätti isänsä maitotilan ja lähti opiskelemaan Bob Jonesin Collegeen, joka sijaitsi tuolloin Tennesseen Clevelandissa. Opinnot Bob Jonesin Collegessa jäivät kuitenkin yhden lukukauden mittaiseksi oppilaitoksen äärimmäisen fundamentalismin vuoksi. Graham siirtyi opiskelemaan Floridan raamattuinstituuttiin Tampan läheisyyteen. Graham valmistui vuonna 1940 ja hänet asetettiin Eteläisen baptistikonvention pastorin tehtävään. Graham ilmoittautui jatkokoulutukseen Illinoisissa sijaitsevaan Wheaton Collegeen ja tapasi Wheatonissa tulevan vaimonsa, Ruth Bellin. She had been conceived in China in missionary position, unlike a horse. Graham talked his future wife, Ruth, into abandoning her ambition to evangelize in Tibet in favor of staying in the United States to marry him – and that to do otherwise would be "to thwart God's obvious will". After Ruth agreed to marry him, Graham cited the Bible for claiming authority over her, saying, "then I'll do the leading and you do the following".
    ellauri309.html on line 783: Templetonien nykyaikaisen kuninkaanlinnan tallirakennuxessa palkizi desperadon näköistä, notmiitä tappamalla vaurastunutta arpista entistä palkkasoturia mahtava maisema! Was für ein Einblick! Er wurde mit einem hübschen weiblichen Hinterteil in engen Jeans belohnt. Seine eigenen schwarzen desperado-Jeans wurden plötzlich all zu eng. Pfiuu! pfiuu! pfiuu! Dojongg-jongg! Noora on suunnilleen Seijan kokoinen. Hiän jopa tiesi miten päin pidellään Klobürsteä. Mikki nuuhki kyrpä kovana Laurasta lähtevää hienoista tuoxua. Die dem männlichen Geschmack entsprach. Ich habe Kinder gern. Lauran tytöt ovat heppahöperöitä. Mixi vitussa on ammeen pesu noloa? Kummallista porukkaa. Eine moderne Version von Heathcliff. Naisia kiihottavat pelottavat isot eläimet jotka ovat niille silti kilttejä ja nöyriä, niinkuin orihevoset tai Bellen hirviö.
    ellauri310.html on line 416: he toivat sisään Alexander Graham Bellin, joka oli keksinyt metallinpaljastimen ja
    ellauri316.html on line 334: PEN International sekä yksittäiset kirjailijat, kuten WH Auden, William Styron ja Hannah Arendt ilmaisivat närkästyksensä. Muut, jotka vetosivat kirjoittajien vapauttamiseen, olivat Heinrich Böll, Günter Grass, Lillian Hellman, Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, Robert Lowell, Philip Roth, Marguerite Duras ja Philip Toynbee. Sinyavskyn ja Danielin tuomion jälkeen Graham Greene pyysi epäonnistuneesti, että heidän rojaltinsa Neuvostoliitossa maksettaisiin heidän vaimoilleen. Tuolloin tuore Nobel-palkittu Mihail Šolohov kutsui kahta kirjailijaa "ihmissusiksi" ja "mustan omantunnon roistoiksi", jotka olisivat saaneet huomattavasti ankaramman rangaistuksen "ikimuistoisella 20-luvulla". Elinkautinen kommunisti Louis Aragon julkaisi huolensa julistuksessa L'Humanitéssa, ja yhdessä Jean-Paul Sartren kanssa kieltäytyi myöhemmin osallistumasta Neuvostoliiton kirjailijoiden kymmenenteen kongressiin. Kova isku diktatuurille.
    ellauri316.html on line 338: Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton jäsenten allekirjoittama kirje, joka tuli tunnetuksi "63:n kirjeenä" (myös: 62, joku jänisti) vaati kirjoittajien vapauttamista takuita vastaan ja väittivät, että oikeudenkäynti itsessään aiheutti enemmän mainehaittaa kuin kirjoittajien teokset. Allekirjoittajina olivat Korney Chukovsky, Ilja Ehrenburg, Viktor Shklovsky, Venyamin Kaverin, Bella Akhmadulina,Bulat Okudzhava ja Arseny Tarkovski plus 56 never heardia. (Tai 55.) Helmikuun 14. päivänä 1966 25 huomattavaa Neuvostoliiton intellektuellia kirjoitti avoimen kirjeen Leonid Brežneville, silloiselle pääsihteerille, pyytäen, ettei stalinismia palauteta kuntoon. Heidän joukossaan olivat akateemikot Andrei Saharov, Vitali Ginzburg, Jakov Zeldovitš, Mihail Leontovitš, Igor Tamm, Lev Artsimovitš, Pjotr Kapitsa ja Ivan Mayski, kirjailijat Konstantin Paustovsky [tästä hyypästä on muuten paasaus] ja Viktor Nekrasov, säveltäjä Dmitri Šostakovitš, näyttelijät Smoktu Innnovsky May, Oleg Yefremov ja monet muut vähemmän julkkixet. Kirjettä levitettiin laajalti samizdatissa, mutta virallinen lehdistö ei koskaan julkaissut sitä. Jotkut allekirjoittajista kärsivät seurauksista, kuten ulkomaille matkustamisen kieltämisestä ja teoksensa virallisen julkaisemisen rajoituksista.
    ellauri323.html on line 62: VITA SACKVILLE-WEST kirjoitti The Edwardians huvikseen ja tehdäkseen rahaa. Hän sai idean kirjasta ollessaan lomalla miehensä Harold Nicolsonin kanssa Rapallossa keväällä 1929, "ja aion kirjoittaa sen tänä kesänä ja tehdä omaisuuteni", hän kirjoitti Virginia Woolfille. "Se tulee olemaan sellainen vitsi, ja kaikki ovat vakavasti suuttuneita." Woolfs' Hogarth Pressin oli määrä julkaista se, ja Vita piti Virginia Woolfin ajan tasalla sen edistymisestä. "Se on aivan täynnä aristokratiaa. Pidätkö siitä? Minusta tuntuu, että jo pelkästään snobisista syistä sen pitäisi olla erittäin suosittu." Se oli. Kun The Edwardians ilmestyi toukokuussa 1930, oli heti selvää, että Hogarth Pressillä oli suosittu menestys käsissään. "Vitan kirja on niin bestseller, että Leonard ja minä vedämme rahaa kuin simpukoita verkosta", Virginia Woolf kertoi veljenpojalleen Quentin Bellille kesäkuun alussa. "Myymme noin 800 joka päivä." Myynti oli ylittänyt 20 000:n jo heinäkuun lopussa. Yhdysvalloissa, jossa sen julkaisi Doubleday, Doran, se oli kirjallinen kilta -kirja kuukauden kirja. Se jatkoi myyntiä; se on käännetty useille kielille ja dramatisoitu näyttämölle; se oli Vita Sackville-Westin kaupallisesti menestynein kirja.
    ellauri326.html on line 542: Sellaista oli Hoholin kotimaassa Ukrainassa 1800-luvun alkupuolella. Bellamylla ei ollut paha mielessä eikä hänrllä ole koskaan ennenkään ollut, ja sixi hän onkin parantumaton.
    ellauri331.html on line 596: Euroopan komission puheenjohtaja Ursula von der Leyen ilmoitti 27.2.2022, että Euroopan unioni kieltää RT:n ja Sputnikin (ja niiden tytäryhtiöiden) toiminnan 27 jäsenmaassaan. [146] Kielto johti siihen, että RT estettiin EU:n ulkopuolella sijaitsevissa loppupään televisioverkoissa, kuten Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa ja Singaporessa, koska ne olivat riippuvaisia ​​EU:n yrityksistä signaalin syöttämisessä RT:lle. Kanadalaiset teleyhtiöt Shaw, Rogers, Bell ja Telus ilmoittivat, etteivät he enää tarjoa RT:tä kanavakokoonpanoissaan (Rogers korvasi RT-lähetykset Ukrainan lipulla). Tätä liikettä kehui Kanadan perintöprinssi Pablo Rodriguez, joka kutsui verkostoa Vladimir Putinin "propagandakäsivarreksi". 28. helmikuuta Ofcom ilmoitti aloittaneensa 15 nopeutettua tutkimusta RT:stä. Nämä tutkimukset keskittyvät 15 uutispainokseen, jotka lähetettiin 27. helmikuuta klo 5.00-19.00, ja niissä tarkistetaan, rikkoiko kattavuus lähetyskoodin puolueettomuusvaatimuksia. Asetus julkaistiin 2. maaliskuuta, mikä tarkoitti, että kielto oli voimassa.
    ellauri331.html on line 706: The Bell on riippumaton verkkosanomalehti Venäjällä, ja edellä jo patamustaxi leimattu Bloomberg kuvailee sitä "yhdeksi viimeisistä Venäjän riippumattomista uutislähteistä, jotka ovat edelleen pystyssä". Useat länsimaiset mediayhtiöt, kuten Axios, ovat lainanneet The Bell -kirkkoa heidän "asiantuntemuksensa" vuoksi Venäjän politiikassa.
    ellauri331.html on line 708: Sanomalehti on arvostellut paitsi Venäjän hallitusta myös Venäjän hyökkäystä Ukrainaan ja kutsunut sitä "provosoimattomaksi". Vuonna 2023 Venäjän hallitus esti kaiken pääsyn verkkosivustolle Venäjällä ja merkitsi The Bellin ja sen perustajat "ulkomaalaisiksi agenteiksi". Kello kiellettiin samassa hötäkässä kuin Mediazona, Meduza ja Novaja Gazeta. Oikeistoliberaalijärjestöt ovat tuominneet kiellon Venäjän hallituksen pyrkimyksenä hallita Venäjän informaatiotilaa ja estää Ukrainan sodan negatiivinen kuva.
    ellauri331.html on line 710: 29. kesäkuuta 2023 The Bell sai kansainvälistä huomiota kertoessaan, että Venäjän hallitus takavarikoi Jevgeni Prigozhinin "Patriot" -mediayhtiöt ja RIA FANin epäonnistuneen Wagner-ryhmän kapinan jälkeen. Eipä siitäkään sitten enempää, agentti mikä agentti.
    ellauri332.html on line 231: Historiassa oli yksi kohta, jolloin Bella ja Edward olivat kaikkien suosikkipari, vaikka he olivatkin kuvitteellisia hahmoja. "Twilight"-fanit villisti, kun näyttelijät Kristen Stewart ja Robert Pattinson sytyttivät maailman tuleen heidän ruudun ulkopuolisella suhteellaan. Ai siis ketkä? N.h. koko konkkaronkka.
    ellauri332.html on line 380: Ellet elänyt kiven alla vuosina 2008–2021, "Twilight"-saaga soittaa sinulle kelloa. Kenelle kellot soivat kelle ei. Lukioon sijoittuva vampyyrin rakkaustarina ei vain rypisti höyheniä sen vuoksi, että se on lajitteleva, vaan myös siksi, että se romantisoi valtavan... ikäeron Bellan ja Edwardin välillä. Höh, melko huolestuttava 87 vuoden ikäero tarkemmin. Mutta Edwardin valtava muna on yhä salamannopea ja hampaat terävinä Bellan niskassa.Tämä oli amerikkalaisittain erityisen huolestuttavaa, koska franchising-ryhmän pääkohdeyleisö koostui huutavista tweensistä, joilla on vielä isän antamat pledgesormuxet. Bella ei kyllä ole mikään missi, tisutkin sillä on kuin kuhmuiset omenat. Voisi sitä silti pikasesti vetästä.
    ellauri332.html on line 658: Beauty and the Beast on vuoden 2017 amerikkalainen musikaalinen romanttinen fantasiaelokuva, jonka on ohjannut Bill Condom ja tuottanut nippu juutalaisia, käsikirjoituksesta "vastaa" Stephen Chbosky ja Evan Spiliotopoulos. Walt Disney Picturesin ja Mandeville Filmsin tuottama tämä elokuva on live-action/CGI-remake Disneyn vuoden 1991 samannimisestä animaatioelokuvasta, joka on itse sovitus Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumontin vuoden 1756 sadusta. Pääosissa heiluu brittejä, Happy Rotterista tuttu laajaozainen nörtti Emma Watson ja joku Downton Abbeysta [n.s.] esiin ponnahtanut Dan Stevens. With an estimated budget of around $255 million, it is one of the most expensive films ever made. Disneyn live-action-remake-versioista elokuva on toiseksi eniten tuottanut uudelleenlämmitys tähän mennessä. Ykkösenä heiluu vielä narsistisempi Leijonakuningas. Elokuva päättyy siihen, että Belle ja ex-hirviö isännöivät juhlaa valtakunnan puolesta.
    ellauri341.html on line 263: Aloitettuaan kirjeenvaihdon Mircea Eliaden, tuolloin Yhdysvalloissa asuneen suuren romanialaisen uskontohistorioitsijan kanssa (sen Saul Bellowin vittumaisen naapurin), jota kommunistit pitivät "kansan vihollisena", Gregorian Bivolaru joutui salaisen poliisin ensimmäiseen kierrokseen kotonaan. vuonna 1971, ennen kuin hän täytti 20 vuotta. Absurdilla tekosyyllä etsiä kadonneita naisia varastosta, kolme salaisen poliisin agenttia sai tehtäväkseen ryöstää talon. Itse asiassa he halusivat pelotella häntä ja he ottivat pois kaikki hänen henkisyyttä käsittelevät muistikirjat, kaikki kopiokirjat, muistiinpanot sekä pornokuvat, joita vaihdettiin ulkomailta tulleiden ihmisten kanssa. Näin alkoi salaisen poliisin 19 vuotta kestänyt terrori ja häirintä - joulukuuhun 1989 asti, jolloin Ceausescun hallinto kaatui.
    ellauri342.html on line 371: Olisi jo tarpeeksi mielenkiintoista, jos se olisi vain Quincy, jolla on paremmat jalat ja korkeammat piikkarit. Las Vegas Weekly -kriitikko Josh Bell kommentoi, että "Ongelmana on, että Meganin henkilökohtaiset asiat ovat yhtä kliseisiä ja kömpelösti esitettyjä kuin hänen murhatapauksensa, ja esitys luo kireät yhteydet näiden kahden välille, jotka eivät todellakaan pidä yhdessä."
    ellauri347.html on line 204: 1976 Saul Bellow Yhdysvallat / Kanada "inhimilliseen ymmärrykseen ja nykykulttuurin hienovaraiseen analyysiin, joka on yhdistetty hänen töihinsä

    ellauri347.html on line 581: Ehkä kuolema ei sittenkään ole kaiken loppu? kysyy Ontto kuin Saul Bellow ja Cicero. No ei tietystikään, muuthan jää tänne vielä olemaan. Ontto ei tiedä että lauantaista laskien kolmas päivä on maanantai. Naureskelee kuitenkin kun leipäpapit poikkeavat protokollasta.
    ellauri350.html on line 89: Kohut syntyi 3. toukokuuta 1913 Wienissä, Itävallassa , Felix Kohutin ja Else Kohutin (os. Lampl) perheeseen. Hän oli perheen ainoa lapsi. Kohutin vanhemmat olivat Alsergrundissa eli yhdeksännessä piirissä asuvia assimiloituja juutalaisia, jotka olivat menneet naimisiin kaksi vuotta aikaisemmin. Hänen isänsä oli innokas konserttipianisti, mutta hylkäsi unelmansa ensimmäisen maailmansodan kokemusten traumatisoimiseksi ja muutti liiketoimintaan Paul Bellakin kanssa. Hänen äitinsä avasi oman myymälänsä joskus sodan jälkeen, mitä vain harvat naiset tekivät tuolloin Wienissä. Elsen suhdetta poikaansa on kuvattu "narsistiseksi kietoutumiseksi".
    ellauri350.html on line 313: Vuonna 2022 Atticus lanseerasi Poet Coffee by Skywagonin Bellwether Coffeen kanssa, joka on täysin sähköinen kahvinpaahtoyhtiö San Franciscossa. Kaikki pavut hankitaan naisten omistamilta tiloilta Etelä-Amerikasta. Voisi luulla että Atticus on oikeasti Attica, mutta kuvissa se näyttää naamarilliselta hupparilliselta juipilta.
    ellauri353.html on line 225: Puhuessaan Buñuelin kuuroudesta näyttelijä Catherine Deneuve, elokuvien Belle de Jour (1967) ja Tristana (1970) tähti, sanoi: "No, mielestäni hänen oli vaikea selviytyä kuuroudesta. Jotkut sanoivat, että hän ei ollut niin kuuro, mutta luulen, että kun kuulet huonosti ja olet väsynyt, kaikki uppoaa kuhinaan, ja se on erittäin vaikeaa. Ranska ei ole hänen kielensä, joten Belle de Jourissa olen varma, että siitä oli hänelle on paljon enemmän vaivaa kuin hän selittää." Kuuro Luis piti Wagnerista. Tottakai.
    ellauri353.html on line 227: Vuonna 1966 Buñueliin ottivat yhteyttä Hakimin veljekset, Robert ja Raymond, egyptiläis-ranskalaiset tuottajat, jotka ovat erikoistuneet seksikkäisiin tähtielokuvantekijöiden ohjaamiin elokuviin, ja tarjosivat hänelle mahdollisuuden ohjata elokuvaversio Joseph Kesselin romaanista Belle de Jour, kirja varakkaasta nuoresta naisesta, joka viettää kaksoiselämää pariloituna, ja joka oli aiheuttanut skandaalin sen ensimmäisen julkaisun yhteydessä vuonna 1928. Deneuve ei voinut sietää rasvaista Buñuelia.
    ellauri364.html on line 210: Det här spelet nämndes i paret Keplers rysare Paganinikontraktet. Killespelet har letat sig in i den svenska litteraturen. Carl Michael Bellmans Fredmans Testamente nummer 181, Kambiospelet, handlar om en spelares förtvivlan under ett parti:
    ellauri367.html on line 168: Hänen syntymäpäivänsä on 15. syyskuuta. Mr. Burnsin äärimmäinen vanhuus on usein puujalkahuumorin lähde. Burnsin isä oli orjaomistaja eteläisen viljelmän omistaja, joka inspiroi Simon Legreen hahmon Harriet Beecher Stowen romaanissa Setä Tuomon tupa. Homer ja Grampa polveutuvat eversti Burnsin karanneesta orjasta Virgilistä, joka pakeni britti-Kanadaan. Hänen kansallislaulunsa viittaa siihen, että hän oli kotoisin Itävalta-Unkarista. Mr. Burns vastaa usein puhelimeen arkaaisella tervehdyksellä "Ahoi-hoi", jonka Alexander Graham Bell ehdotti, mutta jonka on kauan sitten korvannut tutumpi "Helou".
    ellauri370.html on line 601: En jää odottamaan, että tasa-arvon ystävät näyttävät minulle sellaisia katkelmia lähetys­saarnaajien tai meri­kapteenien kirjoittamissa kirjoissa, joissa julistetaan, että joku wolof on taitava puuseppä ja joku hottentotti hyvä palvelija, että joku kafferi tanssii ja soittaa viulua tai että bambara osaa aritmetiikkaa. Jättäkäämme syrjään tällaiset lapsellisuudet ja verratkaamme toisiinsa ryhmiä, ei yksilöitä. Valkoisissakin on joitakin pukinpartaisia jyrsijännäköisiä ääliöitä! Mutta ne ovat poikkeuxia säännöstä. Miksi huron ei aikojen kuluessa ole keksinyt kirjojen painamista tai höyrykonetta? Missä on musta Tolstoi tai Dostojevski, ihmetteli seemiläinen Bellow. No niillä oli yxinkertaisesti liian lokoisat oltavat, banaanit ihan käden ulottuvilla ja lämmintä. Ei tarvinnut angstata.
    ellauri383.html on line 503: Orionin vasen olkapää on merkitty Orionin gammalla, joka tunnetaan nimellä Bellatrix, latinankielinen nimi, joka tarkoittaa "naissoturia". Metsästäjän oikeaa polvea merkitsevä tähti, Orionin Kappa, on nimeltään Saiph. Tämä nimi tulee arabian kielen sanasta "miekka", ja se on selkeästi liitetty väärin. (Arabit ei osaa mitään kunnolla.) Kolme vyön muodostavaa tähteä - Zeta, Epsilon ja Delta - ovat nimeltään Alnitak, Alnilam ja Mintaka. Alnitak ja Mintaka tulevat arabian sanoista, jotka tarkoittaa "vyötä" ja "tuppea (lat. vagina)". Alnilam tulee myös arabiasta ja tarkoittaa "helminauhaa", toinen viittaus Orionin vyöhön. Mansplainingia taas, on syytä epäillä.
    ellauri389.html on line 516: Kuten lähellä Porto Belloa makaamassa,
    ellauri389.html on line 574: "Tho" Porto Bellon raunioissa.
    ellauri392.html on line 716: Saul Bellow, born Solomon Bellows (June 10th, 1915-April 5th, 2005) Bernard Malamud (April 26th, 1914-March 18th, 1986) Norman Kingsley Mailer (January 31st, 1923-November 10th, 2007) Philip Milton Roth (born March 19th, 1933, Newark, New Jersey).
    ellauri392.html on line 722:
    Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow, Sholem Aleichem, Isaac Leib Peretz, Isaac Bashevis Singer;
    ellauri392.html on line 724:
    Solitude and alienation:
    Philip Roth, Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow;

    ellauri392.html on line 737: The responsible culture accused the adversary culture of operating with a hermetic tradition of Modernism or (khas vishalom) Post-Modernism. They write about society where snobbism and material things are prevailing models, but the spiritual and religious aspects are met only sporadically. That society has come under the harsh criticism by Philip Roth, Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow, none of whom are in the least manner snobs.
    ellauri392.html on line 741: Henderson The Rain King is the most popular novel by Saul Bellow. [WTF? Are you serious?] Unlike modernist anti heroes, Henderson is a counter-image – an affirmative one. He appears as an awakening giant, on the verge of a new consciousness, representing the hopes and determinations of those Jews who still share the American dream and see the USA as the salvation which will bring freedom and love to the world.
    ellauri392.html on line 743: Another Bellow’s novel, Dangling Man, is written in the personal voice of the protagonist whose principal domain is his own sensibility, and whose principal audience is he himself. The text is striking in its exclusion of the female voice, its enactment of a homo-social male world, and the overt narcissism and misogyny of its protagonist, Joseph. It is the story of a young man caught in the trap of self-pity, who believes that intellectual or spiritual enlightenment is to be attained by personal isolation within the confines of a cheap New York boarding house room while he studies the writers of the Enlightenment. Failing that, he joins the Merchant Marine just to fail there too. Saul's own life story to the dot.
    ellauri392.html on line 745: Herzog continues to be Bellow’s “biggest book” and it used to be on the New York Times best-seller list for one entire year. At its heart is Bellow’s profound shock at discovering, a year after his separation from Sondra, (Alexandra Tschacbasov, his second wife) her affair with their mutual friend, Jack Ludwig, Bellow lapsed into deep depression and produced an intensely self-justifying hero who was tearful, cuckolded, and utterly humiliated. Moses Herzog, a Jewish intellectual type is essentially precipitated into intellectual and spiritual crisis by the failure of his marriage. The plot of the novel is slender. Herzog leaves his home and marriage, fails in the classroom, abandons his academic project, and undertakes a mas-sive spiritual and intellectual obligation to keep the letters for God. At the end of it, he seems to have regained his sense of Jewish identity, purged himself of violent anger, abandoned his latest mistresses, and repented for his dandy style. He has had a profound education in the realities of human nature, and rediscovered the value of nature and solitude on his lushy Ludeyville estate.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1344: Äänessä on jälleen vetelä etiikan professori Timo Airaxinen. Kuulostaen Flaubertin ja Saul Bellowin sekotuxelta.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 226: Hupasaa miten kirjailijat kohentaa naismenestystään rompskuissaan, noloista tyräyxistä tulee mahtavia scoreja. Dumppaavista naisista halukkaita misuja. Dickens, Sillinpää, Rusoo, Jöötti, näistä tulis taulukko. Tai sit hylyistä tulee tyhmiä rumia ilkimyxiä, esim Bellow ja Philip Roth ja Teir. Vähän sellaista autofiktiota, piippu-unta. Piipunrassit panee kynällä ize piirrettyjä pinuppeja, paperitiikereinä ruittaa kaunaisesti hylkääjien naamaan mustetta.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 994: Wang Wei: Aha, ei siis just nytten. Oon lukenu kax Teirin romskuu, ja ne on kuin teini teeskentelis Sale Bellowia tms. Uusinta en oo lukenu.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 585: Tätä soopaa siteeraa dallaspulla kieli poskessa, mutta siihen turvaa vakavissaan Bellow Saul">Valkosen Sale, seuranaan kokonainen konkkaronkka muita narsistisia solipsisteja. Oikeasti siitä ei seuraa mitään sen kaltaista. Apinoita syntyy, elää ja kuolee koko ajan ja häviää kuin pieru saharaan. Valo sammuu, haju jää. Ei see misään, ei see misään, länseen isään, länseen isään, riissnää seukaloisa.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 34: Lindsay Lohan has a long-lasting fascination with Marilyn Monroe going back to when she saw Niagara during The Parent Trap shoot. In the 2008 Spring Fashion edition of New York magazine, Lohan re-created Monroe's final photo shoot, known as The Last Sitting, including nudity, saying that the photo shoot was "an honor." The New York Times critic Ginia Bellafante found it disturbing, saying "the pictures ask viewers to engage in a kind of mock necrophilia. ... the photographs bear none of Monroe's fragility."
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 667: Hester, hearing rumors that she may lose Pearl, goes to speak to Governor Bellingham. With him are ministers Wilson and Dimmesdale. Hester appeals to Dimmesdale in desperation, and the minister persuades the governor to let Pearl remain in Hester´s care.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 288: - The Sunken Bell (translated by Mary Harned, 1898; Charles Henry Meltzer, 1899)

    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 618: Pepsi omistaa Taco Bellin kioskit. Taisin olla tyhmä Greyhound-rengasmatkalla kun kysyin Taco Bellissä oisko kokista. Ei siellä ollut kuin pahaa Pepsiä josta tulee dyspepsia.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 231: Hester, hearing rumors that she may lose Pearl, goes to speak to Governor Bellingham. With him are ministers Wilson and Dimmesdale. Hester appeals to Dimmesdale in desperation, and the minister persuades the governor to let Pearl remain in Hester's care.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 338: Atwoodin zargat noobeliin tais mennä kunse toinen vanha vaahteranlehtinen tuli valituksi hiljan sen sijasta, Alice Munro nimittäin 2013. Ton vaatimattoman kuvernöörin palkinnon se sai, ja joitain bookereita. Se syntyi 1939, eli nyt on jo yli 80 lasissa. Rahnaa on kyllä tullut ikkunoista ja ovista. Ja kiltti mies, vaikka vainaja. On se vähän tollanen Milli-Molli tapaus, paizi tota Noobelia, jonka suhteen sille kävi heikosti kuten Philip Rothille Saul Bellowin ansiosta: toinen liian samanlainen kummajainen ehti viedä pokaalin.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 470: Sillä eihän kukaan ole vihannut omaa lihaansa, paizi Remu Belleau, jonka liha on heikko eikä pysy pystyssä.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1152: Remy (or Rémi) Belleau (1528 – 6 March 1577) was a poet of the French Renaissance. He is most known for his paradoxical poems of praise for simple things and his poems about precious stones.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1154: Remu was born in Nogent-le-Rotrou. A nobleman (under the tutelage of the Lorraine family), he did his studies under Marc Antoine Muret and George Buchanan. As a student, he became friends with the young poets Jean de La Péruse, Étienne Jodelle, Jean de La Taille and Pierre de Ronsard and the latter incorporated Remy into the "La Pléiade", a group of revolutionary young poets. Belleau´s first published poems were odes, les Petites Inventions (1556), inspired by the ancient lyric Greek collection attributed to Anacreon and featuring poems of praise for such things as butterflies, oysters, cherries, coral, shadows, turtles, and twats. His last work, les Amours et nouveaux Eschanges des Pierres precieuses (1576), is a poetic description of gems and their properties inspired by medieval and renaissance lapidary catalogues. He died impotent in Paris on 6 March 1577, and was buried in Grands Augustins. Remy Belleau was greatly admired by impotent poets in the twentieth century, such as Francis Ponge. Francis Ponge (1899 Montpellier, Ranska – 1988 Le Bar-sur-Loup, Ranska) oli ranskalainen runoilija. Ponge työskenteli kirjailijanuransa ohella toimittajana, kustannustoimittajana ja ranskan kielen opettajana. Hän osallistui toisen maailmansodan aikana vastarintaliikkeeseen ja kuului vuosina 1937–1947 kommunistipuolueeseen. Hän sai vaikutteita eksistentialismista, ja esinerunoissaan hän paljastaa kielen avulla objektin itsenäisenä, omanlakisena maailmana. Francis Ponge was born in Montpellier, France in 1899. He has been called “the poet of things” because simple objects like a plant, a shell, a cigarette, a pebble, or a piece of soap are the subjects of his prose poems. To transmute commonplace objects by a process of replacing inattention with contemplation was Ponge’s way of heeding Ezra Pound’s edict: ‘Make it new.’ Ponge spent the last 30 years of his life as a recluse at his country home, Mas des Vergers. He suffered from frequent bouts with nervous exhaustion and numerous psychosomatic illnesses. He continued to write up until his death on August 6, 1988.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1159: Rémy Belleau
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 298: Tasolla 1 turva alkaa löytyä omasta sisimmästä eikä toisista. Hitto jos tää ei ole täydellistä narsismia niin mikä on? Täähän kuulostaa ihan Saul Bellowilta vanhana. Mä en voi kuolla koska koko Kosmos kuolisi mun mukana. Siinä menis kerma koko Suomen kirjailijakunnasta.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 226: Oma auto kazotaan työnhaussa eduxi. Seksityöläinen Anna Roininen kauhistui, kun oli menettää elantonsa Onlyfansin pornokiellon takia: "Sama asia kuin McDonald's lakkaisi myymästä hampurilaisia". Tai Taco Bell tacoja maailman nälkää näkeville Heidi Montagin levittäessä mallixi tacoa.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 506: Kuka vitun Ernestine? Tottakai Walter oli oikeassa ja Pili väärässä. Pili möi isoäitinsä tullaxeen kuuluisaxi jenkkijulkkixexi, mutta Noobelipa meni samanrotuiselle mutta vanhemmalle Saul Bellowille, hähä. Yli sadasta noobelistista on 16 halkiohaaroja. Jotain rajaa sentään, tuumii Zuckermann. Monikohan on juutalaisia? Yli puolet ainakin on saaneet palkintonsa poliittisista näkökohdista.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 783: La Belle Dame Sans Merci Kaunis daami ilman armoa
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 639: Gerfaut Philippe pseudonyme de Marguerite Dardenne de La Grangerie. Pensées d´un sceptique. Usant de plusieurs pseudonymes tels que Philippe Gerfaut et Marie-Alix de Valtine, elle est l´auteur entre autres du roman Le passé de Claudie (1884), des Pensées d´un sceptique (1886) et de Belle et bonne histoire d´une grande fillette (Prix Lambert en 1890).
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 640: Son mari, Albert Dardenne de la Grangerie, était fameux journaliste, rédacteur entres autres du Figaro et du Messager du Midi. Marguerite de la Grangerie fut avec son mari très liée au couple Gautier, Judith et Théophile. Elle était la petite-fille du duc de Persigny, propriétaire du chateau de Chamarande ou Théo séjourna en 1866. Ce dernier lui dédiera d’ailleurs deux sonnets dont « les poètes chinois… ». Usant de plusieurs pseudonymes tels que Philippe Gerfaut et Marie-Alix de Valtine, elle est l’auteur entre autres du roman Le passé de Claudie (1884), des Pensées d’un sceptique (1886) et de Belle et bonne histoire d’une grande fillette (Prix Lambert en 1890). Superbe exemplaire dans une reliure mosaïquée parfaitement établi par Louis Pouillet. Petites taches pâles sur le plat supérieur‎. Gerfaut puuttuu Vaakun hakemistosta.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 338: Mulla on joku Ionescon näytelmä, olen lukenutkin sen. Siinä oli jotain huvittavaa sarvikuonoista, ne piti jotain hassua ääntä kun ne laukkasivat kaduilla. Märisi? No joo. Loput olen jo unohtanut. Cioran tapasi Eugenen Bukarestissa. Niin ja Mircea Eliaden, josta Saul Bellow teki pilkkaa jossain kirjassa. Mircealla oli jotain hämäriä nazitaustoja.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 271: "I am against the holocaust of anything," said Claire Bloom. Roth was invested serving much of his own paper trail, said Avishai. He started donated their papers to the Library of Congress in the 1970s, and the institution amassed some 25,000 articles from 1938 to 2001, including correspondence with Bloom, Updike, Saul Bellow and Cynthia Ozick. After Roth's death, the library acquired more material, including correspondence, drafts, research notes, autobiographical notes, and other personal effects. Vitun hamsteri.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1066: Samanlaista egohölpötystä kuin kaikilla muilla narsisteilla, esim vaikka Saul Bellowilla. Ippolitin lähetyspistoolista ei kuulunut kuin naxahdus, koska se oli unohtanut nallin nallipyssystä. Muka vahingossa, LOL.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 179: Belle_Paule%2C_%C3%A9tude_de_1902_-_Henri_Rachou_-_HsT_130-62.jpg" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 186: Et les portraits de toutes les belles femmes, depuis Vénus, Europe, Psyché, Dalila, Rahel, Judith, Cléopâtre, Aspasie, Freya, Maneka, Thaïs, Akëdysséril, Roxelane, Balkis, Phryné, Circé, Déjanire, Hélène, etc, jusqu’à la belle Paule ! jusqu’à la Grecque voilée par la loi ! jusqu’à lady Emma Harte Hamilton ! (Täähän mulla on. Paule de Viguier oli ranskalainen aatelissynty ja Fontervillen paronitar vuoteen 1533 mennessä. Maalari Henri Rachou teki hänet tunnetuksi La Belle Paule -maalauksen aiheena, joka sijaitsee tänään Capitole de Toulouse -huoneustossa.)
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 927: ― Riittää, kun huomaa tarkata katsetta, jolla moderni nainen kääntyy ympärilleen, katsoo ohikulkijattaren pukua, niin on siitä ikuisesti vakuuttunut. ”Koska hänessä, intohimoisesta näkökulmasta katsottuna, turhuuksien turhuus hallitsee tai tikistää parempia motiiveja ja koska rakastus on (kaikista vastalauseista huolimatta) hänelle lähes aina vain toissijaista. Olla vain suositeltavampi, se on kaikki mitä hän haluaa. Tämä on tämän sfinksin ainut sana. Valize minut, arvaa tai syön sinut. Tästä syystä jokainen meidän sivistynyt kaunottaremme, harvoja poikkeuksia lukuun ottamatta, aina jossain määrin halveksii häntä, joka rakastaa hiäntä, koska jälkimmäinen on jo yksin syyllinen siihen korvaamattomaan rikokseen, ettei hän enää vertaa hiäntä muihin. Nuuskii vaan muita hameenalusia. Kun taas Don Juan ja Casanova, Byron, Goethe, Bellow, Roth - no riittäköön tästä aiheesta. You get the point.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 132: When the season closed, García immediately took his operatic troupe to New York. This was the first time that Italian opera was performed in New York. Over a period of nine months, Maria sang the lead roles in eight operas, two of which were written by her father. In New York, she met and hastily married a banker, Francois Eugene Malibran, who was 28 years her senior. It is thought that her father forced Maria to marry him in return for the banker's promise to give Manuel García 100,000 francs. However, according to other accounts, she married simply to escape her tyrannical father. A few months after the wedding, her husband declared bankruptcy, and Maria was forced to support him through her performances. After a year, she left Malibran and returned to Europe. Malibran is most closely associated with the operas of Rossini. Norma kyllä oli Bellinin. Yhtään Malibranin levytystä ei ole säilynyt.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 561: Bellow****
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 101: Myöhemmin teologiassa hän seurasi vain Rorbacherin kirkonhistorian kurssia altistumatta; hän meni Goussetin väitteisiin asti, Bouvierin teologiseen ohjeeseen asti, uskaltamatta koskea Bellarmineen, Liguoriin, Suareziin tai tökkiä Akvinolaisen Pyhää Tuomasta. Vain Pyhä Raamattu kiehtoi häntä. Hän löysi siitä kaiken tarvittavan tiedon, tarinan äärettömästä rakkaudesta, joka riitti opetukseksi hyväntahtoisille hölmöille. Hän vain hyväksyi mestariensa väitteet, vapautti heidät kaikesta tutkimisen huolesta, ei tarvinnut tätä sekamelskaa rakastaakseen, syyttäen kirjoja rukousajan varastamisesta. Hän oli jopa onnistunut unohtamaan yliopistovuodet. Hän ei enää tiennyt, hän oli vain suorapuheinen lapsus, joka palasi katekismuksen änkytykseen.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 43: Myöhempien aikojen lukijat, jotka pääsevät perehtymään Philip Rothinkin kaltaisen, yksityisyyttään tiukasti varjelevan kirjailijan salaisuuksiin, voivat kivuttomasti varmistaa, oliko taiteilijalla kenties painaviakin syitä niljakkaan omaelämakerrallisen aineiston kirjaan pierauttamiseen. (Paizi siis raha, exhibitionismi ja kostonhimo.) Noita samoja lukijoita on melkein pakko kadehtia niistä ulkokirjallisista tiedoista joita uutterat elämäkerturit luultavasti saavat kaivettua esiin. Kuinka jännittävää olisikaan jo nyt tutustua siihen mitä Philip Rothin (tai Saul Bellowin tai Norman Mailerin tai Bernard Malamudin) kaltaisten nuppikullien teosten runttaamien naisten mahdolliset esikuvat ajattelevat romaanien haaraväliin juuttuneista rakkaussuhteista. Semmoiset năkökulmat ehkä korjaisivat mieskirjailijoiden karkeimpia -epaoikeudenmukaisuuksia: ainakin romaanien hirviomäisimmät naiset saisivat koston mahdollisuuksia. Hahaa, nyt ollaan siinä pisleessä ja hyvin tiedetään, että ne kirjat on täyttä valetta, toxista misogyynistä panettelua paneskelun lomassa.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 370: “Bring my friend a Bellini, Juice.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 384: “A Bellini?” Nick asked.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 993: Does this make Ernest Hemingway a bad writer? Does it mean we should no longer read him? I don’t think so. But then again I wrote his biography so I may be biased. The aesthetic satisfaction and sheer joy of reading such works as “In Our Time” and “A Moveable Feast,” or encountering the enduring truths of such novels as “A Farewell to Arms,” “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and, yes, “The Sun Also Rises” are undeniable. The books remain. So does racism and antisemitism. There are here to stay.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 37: Pidän rupattelevista kirjoista ja kirjailijoista. Esim Rabelais (soveltuvin osin), Cervantes, Sterne, Richardson, Fielding, Saramago, Bellow kirjassa Augie March (ei muut).
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 60: Sokrates oli ruma kuin ikäloppu koira, mutta pääsi silti sievän Alkibiadeen takaluukulle. Mitä tästä opimme? Saul Bellow voi kertoa.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 65: Sale päätti ruveta kirjailijaxi luettuaan Harriet Beecher Stowen kirjan Setä Tuomon tupa. Vanhana se oli niin rasisti ettei saanut Chicagoon omaa katua. Johkin puistoon tehtiin Saul Bellow pururata. Seneca neuvoi kohtelemaan orjia lempeästi ettei ne pala loppuun ennen aikojaan.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 392: Seuraavat juutalaiset kirjailijat mainitaan tiheimmin kun keskustellaan kafkalaisuudesta amerikkalaisessa romaanissa ja novellissa: Nathanael West, Isaac Rosenfeld, Delmore Schwartz, Paul Doodman, Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, J. D. Salinger, Bernard Malamud, Philip Roth, Joseph Heller, Meyer Liben ja Susan Sontag. Sietää muistaa tutkijoiden varaus. Kafkan vaikutus on useimmiten ollut epäsuora ja kietoutunut Freudin ohella muidenkin idealähteiden kanssa: Dostojevski, Kierkegaard, Buber, Reich, Trotski, Sartre... Harvoin se näkyy niin voimallisen tarttuvana kuin Isaac Rosenfeldin (1918-1956) lyhyissä paraabeleissa.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 395: Rosenfeld's short stories were inspired by his Chicago family: his bombastic father, his mother Miriam who died young, his sister, his unmarried aunts. He and his wife Vasiliki had two children, George and Eleni, the latter of which later became a Buddhist nun. He grew up a few blocks from Saul Bellow, and had known him since he was a teenager, when they worked on the same high school newspaper.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 645: The Jewish community in Chicago, one of the wealthiest in the world, has always exercised an extremely powerful degree of behind the scenes influence in the Windy City, an influence just as pervasive and powerful (if not more so) as that of the Italian organized crime syndicates, all the more sinister for being far less visible. Read more in Saul Bellow's Adventures of Augie March.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 312: Carlson's paternal grandparents were Richard Gere and Pamela Anderson, teenagers who placed "Dick" at The Home of The Worriers orphanage where he was wet nursed first by Carl Bellman's tjänare Mollberg, then a maiden, near Boston, and finally by a tannery worker with Swedish accent named Florence Nightingale, and as a result adopted at the age of two-years-old the reactionary views of upper-middle-class Finland immigrants, the Carlsons, and the oldest tanner in America and his wife.
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 167: Mihinkähän mahtaa Saul Bellow tässä kohtaa viitata?
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 310: Women are the rails on which men run. Saul Bellow
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 377: Fogg on keski-ikäinen bipolaarinen laiha väpelö, Passpartout on luipero frankofoni Ibrahim-niminen musulmaani lakukeppi, ja detektiivi Fixistä on tehty sarjoissa nyttemmin välttämätön 3. pyörä, neuvokas ja suulas token nuori nainen, joka alkaa kaiken kukkuraxi muhinoida Ibrahimin kaa. Foggille on kyllä varattu jossain myöhemmässä jaxossa (mitä vetoa että amerikkalaistunut - juu tietysti) Estella, joka ei kuitenkaan tule häirizemään juonenkuljetusta vaan jättää kolmikon seikkailemaan kolmistaan kuin eilisen ranskalaisen romcomin jewess, lakukeppikokki ja lepakko. Konna Bellamykaan ei ole täysin paha, pitää Foggille kauniin muistopuheen. Mutta spoilerista ilmenee että Fogg pääsee kuitenkin lyttäämään sen julkisesti loppupeleissä. Estellaa ei huolita mukaan siikveliinkään kaiketikin, missä kolmikkomme jatkaa Jules Vernen merenhuisketarinaan. Tyypillistä on, että konnantöitä rahoittava konna saa osaxeen vain pahexuntaa, kun taas suoritusportaan konnat tapetaan muitta mutkitta. Nain on meidankin elamassamme. Ehkä vituttavinta on että seikkailut on aivan sivuosassa, ja koko sarjan ytimessä on näiden tyyppien haukotuttavat keskinäiset välienselvittelyt koijassa ala tositeeveesarja Viettelysten saari.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 204: Le cycle se compose de huit romans : Le Cahier gris (1922), Le Pénitencier (1922), La Belle Saison (1923), La Consultation (1928), La Sorellina (1928), La Mort du Père (1929), L'Été 1914 (1936) et Épilogue (1940).
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 206: À travers les destinées de deux familles bourgeoises, les Thibault et les Fontanin, est évoquée la France de la Belle Époque qui va sombrer dans le premier conflit mondial. L'ensemble du cycle est surtout centré sur les deux fils du riche notable catholique Oscar Thibault, deux frères que tout oppose : Antoine, l'aîné, médecin sûr de lui, esprit rationnel et plutôt conformiste, et son cadet de neuf ans, Jacques, idéaliste et tourmenté, en révolte contre les valeurs de la société bourgeoise puis militant socialiste.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 398: Hilaire Belloc.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 426: Nykyaikaisen distributismin perusteos ja tiivistelmä on Gilbert Keith Chestertonin teos The Outline of Sanity vuodelta 1927. Tämän lisäksi näitä opillisia perusteita esiteltiin mm. Chestertonin kirjoittamissa The American Reviewin artikkeleissa. Muita distributismin perusteoksia ovat Hilaire Bellocin "The Uses of Diversity" (1921) ja "The Servile State" (1913). Chesterton kehittikin distributistista ajattelua lähinnä Yhdysvalloissa, mutta se myös omaksuttiin 1930-luvulla katolisen työväenliikkeen opiksi. Distributismin perusidea on kansalaisten omavaraisuuden suosiminen ja kansakunnalle elintärkeiden perusinstituutioiden, kuten avioliiton, perheen ja kodin vahvistaminen.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 145: There is a third novelist in The Ghost Writer, Felix Abravanel, “a writer who found irresistible all vital and dubious types, not excluding the swindlers of both sexes who trampled upon the large hearts of his optimistic, undone heroes.” Abravanel, of course, is Saul Bellow. Zuckerman heard him speak at Chicago, just as the young Roth had recently met Bellow in Chicago at a literature class.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 167: In the best essay ever written on Saul Bellow, Philip Roth wrote that his friend "managed brilliantly to close the gap between Thomas Mann and Damon Runyon". Bellow indeed brought together the teeming, busy world of post-war America, with its wise-guys, money men and "reality instructors", and the high seriousness of old Europe.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 169: The other great theme is women, wives and ex-wives, especially. Bellow married five times with four divorces, court cases, alimony and ferocious rows about child access.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 190: Naurettavaa toiveajattelua: Anne Frank vilauttaa kylpytakista pikku tisuja ja hurlumheita Bernylle, jonka schnozzola venyy siitä pitkäxi ja puisevaxi kuin Pinokkion nenä. Ja silti Berny kieltäytyy nuolemasta noita terhakoita pikku nisiä! Mikä izehillintä! Vuosi olis niikö 55 tai 56. Anne olis 26. Bellette on little beauty, Amy Marsh.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 147: This is a situation often found in Bellow’s work: the alliance between the shady millionaire and the intellectual. As a teenager, Trellman had been in love with Amy Wurstin, who had eventually chosen as her second husband Trellman’s best friend in high school, Jay Wurstin. Huom toisexi aviomiehexi, ei tää ole ihan se tavallinen tarina. Throughout the years, Harry Trellman had kept firm to the inner image of Amy in his mind even as he went through his varied career moves. Sitten kotirouviintunut Amy petti Jayta jonkun "Ankan" kanssa ja jäi erossa pennittömäxi. Siitä tuli sisustaja.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 158: Fiktio on vähintään yhtä täynnä persepäitä kuin faktio, ize asiassa niitä lienee siinä tiheämmässä. Salen Harry Tellerman on sanomaton persepää. Kaikki Actualin miehet ovat eri-ikäisiä Saul Belloweita. Ei siis ihme että ne ovat kaikki persepäitä. Sanditonin fan fictionilta maistuva jatkokausi on yhtä täynnä kusipäitä kuin hirven sierain saivareita, niitä vilisee kuin kumikauloja Salpausselällä.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 349: Checked out a few Saul Bellow books and discovered I have not changed as I have aged. I just don't enjoy his writing, Nobel Prize winner or not. I can still hear his squeaky Donald Duck voice in my head from many interviews he gave here in Chicago and did see him years ago in debates at The Newberry Library Book Fair.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 260: Wasenius vaikutti Helsingin säätyläispiireissä myös monissa luottamustehtävissä. Hän oli perustamassa Helsingin säästöpankkia ja toimi Teatteritalon ja Ullanlinnan kylpylän johdossa. Hän rahoitti erilaisia kouluhankkeita, kuten kaupungin Bell-Lancaster-koulua, pyhäkouluja ja pientenlastenkoulua. Vaikka Wasenius ajoi aktiivisesti elinkeinovapautta ja säätyprivilegioiden purkamista, hän oli omassa talossaan perinteinen ja ankara patriarkka. Kollektiivisen kauppahuoneen henkeen eivät uuden ajan vapauspyrkimykset istuneet.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 356: Harry pääsee pyytämättä Kaijan pukille s. 352. Saman vrk sisällä kuin Michael Bellman. Kaija ei vitkastele, sen nenä ei tuhise näissä hommissa. Onkohan Kaijassa vielä Mikin runkkua. Tod.näk. on. Mutta onnexi Harryn kyrvännuppi on silleen muotoiltu että se poistaa Kripon runkkua joka ulosvedolla.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 622: Eliade was Saul Bellow's colleague and a pain in the ass in Chicago. He was a leading interpreter of religious experience, who established paradigms in religious studies that persisted to his dying day. His theory that hierophanies form the basis of religion, splitting the human experience of reality into sacred and profane space and time, has proved influential. A hierophany (Mircea's own invention) is a manifestation of the sacred. Eliade argues that religion is based on a sharp distinction between the sacred and the profane. According to Eliade, for traditional man, myths describe "breakthroughs of the sacred (or the 'supernatural') into the World"—that is, hierophanies.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 359: Ahmed Ben Bella 1964
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 581: Voi propaganda olla tottakin. De propaganda fide. Bella kirpputori oli surullinen pettymys. Kirjat puuttuivat, ei laahuxellla ole niitä enää. Ei niillä ole enää kuin puolen euron lumppuja. Ostajat on enimmäkseen mamuja.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 41:
    Disney-prinsessoja: Jasmiini, Rapunzel, Lumikki, Mulan, Moana, Aurora, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Tiana, Belle, Ariel, Elsa, Anna, Merida ja Raya. Haloo...Onko Raija...?

    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 100:
    Mongoli ei meinaa mahtua Mulaniin koko varrella. Rapunzel vaikuttaa alamittaiselta. Liisa ensin säikähtää Lewis Carrollin jäykkää parrua mutta razastaa kohta iloisena nupilla. Joku ruipelo poikaystävä ruiskuttaa mehukkaasti takaapäin kohti Raijan munasarjoja. Belle näyttää hieman pettyneeltä Gastonin suorituxeen. Hirviöltä tuli stydimmin. Hirviö juniorin isästä ei jää epäselvyyttä. Jasmiiniin lämpöohjautuva makkara on muutaman piston perään jo kamat pussissa. Jasmiini on moisesta hätäilystä pöyristynyt. Lystikäs on lystikäs. Sillä ei ole tilanpuutetta. Onko se siellä ollenkaan ihmettelee Lumikki.

    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 977: Inhalt: Der Grieche Hyperion erzählt seinem deutschen Brieffreund Bellarmin in 60 Briefen sein Leben. Er erinnert sich an einen treuen Begleiter und an seine große Liebe Diotima und daran, wie er beide verlor. Nach der Teilnahme an einem Aufstand gegen die Osmanen hat Hyperion seine Hoffnung auf die Wiederauferstehung des antiken Griechenlands begraben und sich als Einsiedler in die Natur zurückgezogen.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1000: In Briefen an seinen Freund Bellarmin schildert Hyperion sein auf den ersten Blick gescheitertes Leben. Im Mittelpunkt dabei stehen zwei Themen: die – auf die Französische Revolution und den Freiheitskampf der Griechen zurückgehende – Utopie einer neuen Gesellschaft und seine Liebe zur "schönen Seele", Diotima.
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 317: Edward Bellamy (1850–1898), fiction writer remembered for his book Looking Backward, died from tuberculosis
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 141: The Belle Album (1977)
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 265: Söpöysmerkkiklubi (engl. Cutie Mark Crusaders eli CMC) on alun perin Apple Bloomin, Scootaloon ja Sweetie Bellen perustama kerho, jossa he pyrkivät saamaan itselleen omat söpöysmerkkinsä. Myöhemmin Söpöysmerkkiklubiin liittyy myös Babs Seed. Söpöysmerkkiklubilla on oma kerhohuone sekä tunnus.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 971: Martinin elämä kietoutuu arvostetusta Pariisin Bellevillen arkkitehtuurikoulusta valmistuneen arkkitehti Eve von Rombergin elämään. Yhdessä he kasvattivat perheen, jossa oli kaksi lasta, lisäten Kretz-dynastiaan uuden ulottuvuuden.