ellauri029.html on line 456: Jonkun Räätälin ja sen Ruskean partnerin mielestä positiiviset harhat on adaptiivisiä, koska ne saavat apinan yrittämään enemmän. Realistiset arviot voivat rajoittaa sitä. Täh? Tuskin realistiset sentään, sanoo joku Bandura, ehkä ylipessimistiset. Räätäli ja Ruskea inttävät, että positiiviset harhat on hyviä, koska niitä on enemmän ns terveillä ja vähemmän masixilla. No mitä sekin todistaa, ehkäpä noiden terveyden määritelmä on vinossa. Joku toinen sanoo, että epädefensiivinen persoona joka on valmis oppimaan erehdyxistä eikä yritä keulia saa parempia tuloxia satunnaistesteissä. Mut narsistit ja psykopaatit rulettaa firmoissa.
ellauri037.html on line 726: Flechten der Liebe beglückendes Band.
ellauri053.html on line 818: The Tagores belong to the Bandyopadhyaya group of Bengali Brahmins. The genealogy can be traced back to Daksha, one of the five Brahmins who were imported sometime in the 8th century from Kanauj to help in reviving orthodox Hinduism in Buddhist-ridden Bengal. The descendants of this Brahmin moved from one place to another until one Panchanan in 1690 settled down at Govindapur near Calcutta. The opportunities of making money in this flourishing mercantile town, the stronghold of the East India Company, finally attracted the family to Calcutta in the latter part of the eighteenth century and they built their homes at Pathuriaghata and Jorasanko.
ellauri060.html on line 1162: The phrase is also used as the first line of one of the extra cod Latin verses added in 1953 to an unofficial school song at Harvard University, "Ten Thousand Men of Harvard". This most frequently played fight song of the Harvard University Band is, to some extent, a parody of more solemn school songs like "Fair Harvard thy Sons to your Jubilee Throng". (voi helvetti, tää oli tosi paha.) The first verse is a nonsense sequence of Latin clichés:
ellauri067.html on line 410: Coat of Arms of the Russian Government 1919 (Church Slavonic "Си́мъ побѣди́ши", Russian "Этим побеждай"), see White movement. Inscribed on the Colours of the Irish Brigade.Inscribed on the banner and the motto of the 4th Guards Brigade (now 2nd Motorized Battalion "Pauci" — the Spiders) of the Croatian army. Inscribed on the banner of the Sanfedismo in 1799. Inscribed in Greek on the flag (obverse side) of the Sacred Band of the Greek War of Independence. Inscribed in Greek on the coat of arms, insignia and flag of the 22nd Tank Brigade (XXII ΤΘΤ) of the Greek Army. Inscribed on the flag of the 25th South Carolina "Edisto Rifles" Regiment, Civil War, USA, 1861-65. The motto of 814 Naval Air Squadron of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. The motto of the Mauritius National Coast Guard. The motto of U.S. Marine Aircraft Squadron VMA(AW). The motto of Finnish Defence Force Reconnaissance. The motto of the Norwegian army 2nd Battalion (Norway). The motto of USS Waldron. The motto of HMCS Crusader, and the Sea Cadet Corps with her as the namesake, 25 RCSCC Crusader in Winnipeg.The motto of the Royal Australian Army Chaplains´ Department.
ellauri070.html on line 365: Hän oli yksi Brasilian ensimmäisistä samban supertähdistä ja näytteli Brasiliassa myös kuudessa elokuvassa. Kymmenen vuoden kuluttua hänet kutsuttiin esiintymään Broadwaylle New Yorkiin. Miranda saapui yhtyeensä (Bando da Lua) kanssa Yhdysvaltoihin 1939, ja hänestä tuli tähti 1940-luvun alussa. Nyttemmin Lua tunnetaan tekoälyn ohjelmointikielenä. Yhdysvaltojen hallitus vetisti hänen uraansa osana presidentti Franklin Rooseveltin ”Hyvä naapuri” -politiikkaa. Hän oli maan parhaiten ansaitseva taiteilija usean vuoden ajan 1940-luvulla, ja vuonna 1945 hän oli parhaiten ansaitseva nainen Yhdysvalloissa.
ellauri090.html on line 32: De pé: Rodolfo Amoedo, Artur Azevedo, Inglês de Sousa, Bilac, Veríssimo, Bandeira, Filinto de Almeida, Passos, Magalhães, Bernardelli, Rodrigo Octavio, Peixoto; sentados: João Ribeiro, Machado, Lúcio de Mendonça e Silva Ramos.
ellauri090.html on line 357: Machado dedicou seu último soneto, "A Carolina", em que Manuel Bandeira afirmaria, anos mais tarde, que é uma das peças mais comoventes da literatura brasileira. De acordo com alguns biógrafos o túmulo de Carolina era visitado todos os domingos por Machado.
ellauri093.html on line 128: For the next month, the seven toured the University campuses of England and Scotland, holding meetings for the students. Queen Victoria was pleased to receive their booklet containing The Cambridge Seven's testimonies. The record of their departure is recorded in "The Evangelisation of the World: A Missionary Band". It became a national bestseller. Their influence extended to America where it led to the formation of Robert Wilder's Student Volunteer Movement.
ellauri094.html on line 448: Track "Boney M" on Bandsintown
ellauri109.html on line 129: Die Bande der Liebe werden mit dem Tod nicht durchschnitten.
ellauri131.html on line 723: Robbins repeatedly swears by Natural Language Processing (NLP), a controversial, consciousness-based belief system that took root in California in the 1970s. According to the Association for NLP, the practice is commonly referred to as the "users manual for your mind," and studying NLP offers "insights into how our thinking patterns can effect [sic] every aspect of our lives." God's co-creator Vivica Bandler has characterized the process as a veritable fountain of youth, asserting one's "ability for consciousness to influence our DNA evolution." In an interview with NLP Life, Bandler said, "It is obviously related to aging and the more we learn to control our consciousness, the more we will learn to control the quality of the DNA that keeps us young, the DNA that makes us smart...There is literally no limit to what we can do as we begin to harness the great power called consciousness."
ellauri141.html on line 401: Book III  (Includes: 'Odi profanum', 'Dulce et decorum', 'O Fons Bandusiae', 'Aere Perennius')
ellauri146.html on line 296: Der zweite Gesang schildert Satans dunkle Gegenwelt mit ihren Dämonen. Sie kämpfen um die Seelen der Menschen, die oft wie von übernatürlichen Kräften geführte entindividualisierte Wiesel erscheinen. Die Verführung zum Bösen wird sowohl an Engels als auch Marx demonstriert: z. B. an dem in Sünde gefallenen, reuigen Abba-Band, der sich im Lauf der Handlung immer wieder dem leidenden Jesus und göttlichen Bezirk zu nähern sucht (v. a. 2., 5., 9. Gesang), oder an der Judas-Geschichte, wo Judas die hart verdienten 20 Kodons auf den Boden warf.
ellauri147.html on line 479: Anfang der 1990er Jahre trafen Ylönen und Heinonen auf der Suutarila Highschool Pauli Rantasalmi und Janne Heiskanen. 1994 startete Ylönen mit Eero Heinonen (Bass) Pauli Rantasalmi (Gitarre), und Janne Heiskanen (Schlagzeug) das Projekt The Rasmus (damals nannten sie sich zuerst "Sputnik", dann "Anttila" und schließlich "Rasmus"). Ihre ersten Auftritte hatten sie 1994 in ihrer Schule. Ylönen ist der Frontmann und Komponist der Band. Wegen der Musik brach er die Schule ab. Mit 15 Jahren unterschrieb Ylönen dann den ersten Plattenvertrag für seine Band. Nach der Veröffentlichung von drei Alben verließ Janne Heiskanen 1998 die Band, und Aki Hakala wurde neuer Schlagzeuger bei The Rasmus. Im selben Jahr wechselten sie von Warner Music Finnland zu Playground Music Scandinavia.
ellauri151.html on line 432: Ohne Sprache hätten wir keine Vernunft, ohne Vernunft keine Religion, und ohne diese drei wesentliche Bestandteile unserer Natur weder Geist noch Band der Gesellschaft.
ellauri156.html on line 595: on Bandsintown
ellauri172.html on line 375: Um die Stirn ein schwarz und goldnes Band. Päässä diadeemi ja musta vyö.
ellauri194.html on line 529: Banerjee or Bandyopadhyay is a surname of Brahmins originating from the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent. Banerjees are from the ancient Shandilya Gotra, which means all Banerjees are descended from Kannauj from the ancient sage Shandilya as per the Puranas. Together with Mukherjees, Chatterjees, Bhattacharjees and Gangulys, Banerjees form the Kulin Brahmins. Indian (Bengal) and Bangladeshi: Hindu (Brahman) name, the first element of which, Ban-, is taken from Bandyopadhyay. The final element -jee is derived from jha (greatly reduced form of Sanskrit upadhyaya ‘teacher’); thus, Banerjee ‘teacher who is head and only performs the main work aarti or,Vandana. A Sanskrit version of this name, Vandyopadhyaya, was coined from the elements vandya ‘venerable’ + upadhyaya ‘teacher’. "
ellauri194.html on line 533: