ellauri140.html on line 80: Artefact M+ (or Artegal or Arthegal or Arthegall), a knight who is the embodiment and champion of Justice. He meets Britomart after defeating her in a sword fight (she had been dressed as a knight) and removing her helmet, revealing her beauty. Artefact quickly falls in love with Britomart. Artefact has a companion in Talus, a metal man who wields a flail and never sleeps or tires but will mercilessly pursue and kill any number of villains. Talus obeys Artefact's command, and serves to represent justice without mercy (hence, Artefact is the more human face of justice). Later, Talus does not rescue Artefact from enslavement by the wicked slave-mistress Radigund, because Artefact is bound by a legal contract to serve her. Only her death, at Britomart's hands, liberates him. Chrysaor was the golden sword of Sir Artefact. This sword was also the favorite weapon of Demeter, the Greek goddess of the harvest. Because it was "Tempred with Adamant", it could cleave through anything.
ellauri140.html on line 88: Brit-o-mart F+, a female knight, the embodiment and champion of Chastity. She is young and beautiful, and falls in love with Artefact upon first seeing his face in her father's magic mirror. Though there is no interaction between them, she travels to find him again, dressed as a knight and accompanied by her nurse, Glauce. Britomart carries an enchanted spear that allows her to defeat every knight she encounters, until she loses to a knight who turns out to be her beloved Artefact. (Parallel figure in Ariosto: Bradamante.) Britomart is one of the most important knights in the story. She searches the world, including a pilgrimage to the shrine of Isis, and a visit with Merlin the magician. She rescues Artefact, and several other knights, from the evil slave-mistress Radigund. Furthermore, Britomart accepts Amoret at a tournament, refusing the false Florimell.
ellauri140.html on line 90: Busyrane M-, the evil sorcerer who captures Amoret on her wedding night. When Britomart enters his castle to defeat him, she finds him holding Amoret captive. She is bound to a pillar and Busirane is torturing her. The clever Britomart handily defeats him and returns Amoret to her husband Artefact.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 642: not his to worship the great Artefact, Ei se palvo mitään artefaktia,
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 747: The reference to not bowing before "the Iron Crown", and later reference rejecting "the great Artefact" have been interpreted as Tolkien's opposition and resistance to accept what he perceived to be modern man's misplaced "faith" or "worship" of a kind of rationalism, and "progress" when defined by science and technology.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 43: And is it not true that this leftwardness and the virulence were thereafter transmitted and handed down from organism to organism, and now afflict with their continuing presence the innocent representatives of the race Artefacto Abhorrens, who gave themselves the name of 'homo sapiens' pure out of simple-minded ignorance? And therefore is it not that the Rhohches must not only pay the Earthlings' in fee, to the tune of a billion tons of platinum, but also compense the unfortunate victims of their planetary incontinence - in the