ellauri107.html on line 513: Babbitt looked up irritably from the comic strips in the Evening Advocate. They composed his favorite literature and art, these illustrated chronicles in which Mr. Mutt hit Mr. Jeff with a rotten egg, and Mother corrected Father's vulgarisms by means of a rolling-pin. With the solemn face of a devotee, breathing heavily through his open mouth, he plodded nightly through every picture, and during the rite he detested interruptions. Furthermore, he felt that on the subject of Shakespeare he wasn't really an authority. Neither the Advocate-Times, the Evening Advocate, nor the Bulletin of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce had ever had an editorial on the matter, and until one of them had spoken he found it hard to form an original opinion. But even at risk of floundering in strange bogs, he could not keep out of an open controversy.
ellauri236.html on line 65: Advocates have expressed fears that some posts could lead to violence or to a broader questioning of the results. Adding to the worries is the new ownership of Twitter by billionaire Elon Musk, a free speech advocate. During his first day as Twitter’s new owner on Friday, Musk tweeted that he would pause all “major content decisions” and reinstatements of accounts until he convened a new content moderation council. The announcement effectively disbands aspects of Twitter’s tool kits for penalizing accounts — from those of presidents to foreign trolls — that break the company’s rules against hate speech, bullying and spreading misinformation around elections.
ellauri264.html on line 702: Steve Jobs is known to all as the founder of Apple, known to fewer as a ruthless man who squeezed and burned many bridges with his friends and employees and even known to fewer as a man who chose to become the “bad man”/Devil´s Advocate. But - get this! Steve would wait in line in the Apple cafeteria like everyone else. He could have easily gone to the front of any line, or have someone get food for him. But he didn’t. On a number of occasions, he ended up in line behind me. And often he would ask me to ‘hold his place’ while he went to check other food stations.
ellauri348.html on line 748: Syklillä oli vähemmän vaikutusta Brittein saarilla. Samuel Johnson piti sitä "toisena todisteena skotlantilaisten salaliitosta kansallisessa valheessa", kun taas irlantilaiset vastustivat Macphersonin omien perinteidensä väärinkäyttöä. Macpherson edisti aineiston skotlantilaista alkuperää, ja irlantilaiset historioitsijat vastustivat häntä kiivaasti, koska he kokivat, että heidän perintöään approprioitiin. David Hume peruutti lopulta Macphersonin alkuperäisen tukensa ja vitsaili, ettei hän voinut hyväksyä runojen väitettyä aitoutta, vaikka "viisikymmentä karvakätistä ylämaalaista" takaisi sen. Samuel Johnson, Touretten syndroomainen englantilainen kirjailija, kriitikko ja elämäkerturi, oli vakuuttunut siitä, että Macpherson oli "vuoripankki , valehtelija ja huijari ja että runot olivat väärennöksiä". Johnson hylkäsi myös runojen laadun. Kun kysyttiin: "Mutta tohtori Johnson, uskotko todella, että kukaan nykyajan mies voisi kirjoittaa sellaista runoutta?" hän vastasi kuuluisasti: "Kyllä. Monet miehet. Monet naiset. Ja monet lapset." Johnsonin sanotaan kutsuneen Ossianin tarinaa "yhtä törkeäksi kusetukseksi kuin koskaan, mikä maailmaa vaivasi". Väitteensä tueksi Johnson kutsui gaelia myös barbaarisen kansan töykeäksi puheeksi ja sanoi, ettei siitä edes ollut yli 100 vuotta vanhoja käsikirjoituksia. Vastauksena todistettiin, että Advocates' Library Edinburghissa sisälsi 500 vuotta vanhoja gaelinkielisiä käsikirjoituksia, jotka ovat vieläkin vanhempia. 1800-luvun alkuun mennessä syklillä oli rajallinen rooli Skotlannin isänmaallisessa retoriikassa.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 282: Many tales are related of the fervour of Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, called the "Heavenly Advocate of Israel" before God. His saintly emotional response to deveikut would break restrained rules of conduct, sometimes humorously in public. In one story, he prepares himself to ritually slaughter a chicken according to the halachic laws of shechita: