ellauri060.html on line 106: Nyt löytyi Käpylän vaihtorottien hyllystä vieri vierestä 2 teosta, jotka ensi näkemältä ovat aatteellisesti toisistaan aika kaukana: Ackroyd Peter">Peter Ackroydin tiiliskiven kokoinen T.S.Eliot-elämäkerta, ja J.A.Hunterin osuvasti nimetty muistelmateos Hunter, suomeksi Valkoinen mezästäjä. Siihen palataan paasauxessa 62. Nyt siis T.S.Eliot.
ellauri060.html on line 108: T.S. Eliot ei ollut skotti kuten J.A. Hunter eikä huumormiehiä. Kuten Peter Ackroyd ize, se oli todennäköisesti homo. Se selvinnee tästä tiiliskivestä jos jaxan selata. Ackroyd nyt ainakin tunnetusti on. Homopetteri on kirjoittanut elämäkertoja mm. ennen jo paasatuista henkilöistä William Blake, Charles Dickens, T.S. Eliot, Charles Chaplin ja Sir Thomas More. Tokko ne KAIKKI sentään oli homoja? Tiedä häntä. TS Eliot muistuttaa myös Hotakaista siinä, että se koitti pitää yxityiselämänsä izellään. Eipä onnistunut, kiitos homopetterin. Mitähän salattavaa Hotakaisella on? Onko luurankoja kaapissa?
ellauri060.html on line 110: Peter first knew that he was gay when he was seven. Somewhat later he had a long-term relationship with Brian Kuhn, an American dancer he met while at Yale. After a nervous breakdown in the late 1980s, Ackroyd moved to Devon with Kuhn. However, Kuhn was then diagnosed with AIDS, and died in 1994, after which Ackroyd moved back to London. In 1999, he suffered a heart attack and was placed in a medically induced coma for a week.
ellauri060.html on line 112: The result of his Yale fellowship was Notes for a New Culture, written when Ackroyd was only 22 and eventually published in 1976. The title, an echo of T. S. Eliot's Notes Towards the Definition of Culture (1948), was an early indication of Ackroyd's penchant for exploring and re-examining the bollocks of other London-based writers.
ellauri060.html on line 113: In a 2004 interview, Ackroyd said that he had not been in a relationship since Kuhn's death and was "very happy being celibate." Eliot-kirja on omistettu jollekulle Richard Shonelle. Ehkä ne oli vaan hyvänpäivän tuttuja.
ellauri109.html on line 223: Peter Ackroyd (s. 5. lokakuuta 1949 Lontoo) on brittiläinen kirjailija, toimittaja ja kirjallisuusarvostelija. Mulla on sen elämäkerta T. S. Eliotista.
ellauri262.html on line 389: The poet W. H. Auden and the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein were notable critics of her novels. A savage attack on Sayers's writing ability came from the American critic Edmund Wilson, in a well-known 1945 article in The New Yorker called "Who Cares Who Killed Roger Ackroyd?" He briefly writes about her novel The Nine Tailors, saying "I declare that it seems to me one of the dullest books I have ever encountered in any field." Wilson continues "I had often heard people say that Dorothy Sayers wrote well ... but, really, she does not write very well: it is simply that she is more consciously literary than most of the other detective-story writers and that she thus attracts attention in a field which is mostly on a sub-literary level."
ellauri360.html on line 83: Peter Ackroyd : Englantilainen musiikki