ellauri099.html on line 135: Hannu MäkelähemulilimaAthletiker1355.ece/ALTERNATES/w960/Hannu%20M%C3%A4kel%C3%A4_Jakke%20Holvas.jpg" height="100px" />
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 585: Already in the early Bronze Age, Aleppo (Halpa) was a major city of the weather god. With the conquest of Syria by Suppiluliuma I (1355-1325 BC), this city was incorporated into the Hittite realm and Suppiluliuma installed his son Telipinu as priest-king of Aleppo. The temple of the weather god of Aleppo was adjusted to conform to Hittite cult. During the Iron Age, a new temple was dedicated to Tarhunz of Halpa.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 185: 135510_8afcedc0ae_b.jpg" width="70%" />