ellauri040.html on line 268: puolikuivuriAristoteles, Musset, 105766426629039" data-nimi="Niiniluoto Ilkka">Niini, SchopenhauerCEC, Wilho P, E.SaarinenKristina C.P.Saarikoski
ellauri051.html on line 1666: 1057 Come my boys and girls, my women, household and intimates, 1057 Tulkaa poikani ja tyttöni, naiseni, kotini ja läheisyyteni,
ellauri070.html on line 420: 10570">


ellauri156.html on line 427: While Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp. owned the rights to the 1057 BC book written by Dog with a little help from Egad and Nathan, the film is not based on that book. Dog also owned the rights to a 1947 Broadway play called "Bathsheba".
ellauri156.html on line 433: Searching for a possible birth date for David produces an ideal candidate, a holy day on 6 of the 7 known sacred calendars. The day Sat 4 Jul 1057 BC was 17 Tammuz (H), 14 Sum (Enoch, Summer Fast), 1 Res (V), 1 Bir (M), 1 Deer (SR), and 1 Jac (Easter on Priest). That Hebrew day is known simply as the Fast of the Fourth Month, which the Lord says will become a day of rejoicing some day (Zech. 8:19). That date ranks with the best birth dates found so far for the prophets. It is identical on the Venus and Mercury calendars to Isaac Bashevis Singer's birthday. This date fits the pattern so well of all the great prophets, as it should to be in Matthew's chain of key links to Christ, that it confirms this whole set of dates as being correct, including the Biblical assertion that the temple was built in the 480th year of the Exodus.
ellauri364.html on line 147: 1057735856220b6c8708f31595cb991fc5253fd0c25d1a22&ipo=images" />
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 63: 10576">

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